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Risks Digest 31.61

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:15:53 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Sunday 15 March 2020  Volume 31 : Issue 61

Peter G. Neumann, founder and still moderator

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

  Contents:  [WAY BACKLOGGED!!!]
A lawsuit against ICE reveals the danger of government-by-algorithm
This Unpatchable Flaw Affects All Intel CPUs Released in Last 5 Years
How the Cloud Has Opened Doors for Hackers (WashPost)
Hackers Can Clone Millions of Toyota, Hyundai, and Kia Keys (WiReD)
Before Clearview Became a Police Tool, It Was a Secret Plaything of the Rich
  (The New York Times)
How Hackers and Spies Could Sabotage the Coronavirus Fight
  (Bruce Schneier and Margaret Bourdeaux, Foreign Policy)
Cybersecurity label for smart home devices (The Straits Times)
South Korea warns when potential virus carriers are near (BBC)
COVID-19, toilet paper, hoarding, and emergency preparedness (Rob Slade)
U.S. Treasury Sanctions Individuals Laundering Cryptocurrency for Lazarus
  Group (Treasury via geoff goodfellow)
Black Market White Washing- Why You Shouldn't Take Legal Advice From
  Criminals (Disruptive Labs)
Can YouTube Quiet Its Conspiracy Theorists? (NYTimes)
Risks of publishing web browser screenshots (MarketWatch)
China's Geely invests $326M to build satellites for autonomous cars
Congress Must Stop the Graham-Blumenthal Anti-Security Bill (Gabe Goldberg)
Empty Promises Won't Save the .ORG Takeover (EFF)
How to clean up the mess we've made that's orbiting the Earth (The Hill)
How fake audio, such as deepfakes, could plague business, politics
Ransomware Attacks Prompt Tough Question for Local Officials:: To Pay or
  Not to Pay? (Pew)
Through apps, not warrants, Locate X allows federal law enforcement to track
  phones (Protocol)
A hybrid AI model lets it reason about the world's physics like a child
  (MIT Tech Review)
This Satellite Startup Raised $110 Million To Make Your Cellphone Work
  Everywhere (Forbes)
Your smartphone is dirtier than a toilet seat. Here's how to disinfect it.
PCI Fireside Chat: Vint Cerf and Ian Bremmer (The Unstable Globe)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 15:07:46 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: A lawsuit against ICE reveals the danger of
  government-by-algorithm (The Washington Post)


``The immigration agency's New York office tweaked risk-evaluation software
to keep thousands in jail, watchdog groups say.''


Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 11:45:14 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: This Unpatchable Flaw Affects All Intel CPUs Released in Last 5 Years

All Intel processors released in the past 5 years contain an unpatchable
vulnerability that could allow hackers to compromise almost every
hardware-enabled security technology that are otherwise designed to shield
sensitive data of users even when a system gets compromised.

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2019-0090, resides in the hard-coded
firmware running on the ROM (read-only memory) of the Intel's Converged
Security and Management Engine (CSME), which can't be patched without
replacing the silicon.

Intel CSME is a separate security micro-controller incorporated into the
processors that provides an isolated execution environment protected from
the host opening system running on the main CPU.

It is responsible for the initial authentication of Intel-based systems by
loading and verifying firmware components, root of trust based secure boot,
and also cryptographically authenticates the BIOS, Microsoft System Guard,
BitLocker, and other security features.

Although this insufficient access control vulnerability is not new and was
previously patched by Intel last year when the company described it just as
a privilege escalation and arbitrary code execution in Intel CSME firmware
modules, the extent of the flaw remained undervalued.

Researchers at Positive Technologies have now found that the issue can also
be exploited to recover the Chipset Key, a root cryptographic key or sort of
a master password that could help unlock and compromise a chain of trust for
other security technologies, including digital rights management (DRM),
firmware Trusted Platform Module (TPM), and Identity Protection Technology

That means the flaw could be exploited to extract data from encrypted
hard-drives and to bypass DRM protections and access copyright-protected
digital content. [...]



Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 11:53:53 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: How the Cloud Has Opened Doors for Hackers (WashPost)

Craig S. Smith, *The Washington Post*, 2 Mar 2020
via ACM TechNews; Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Corporate transfers of operations to the cloud have elevated the threat of
hacking, as the cloud can be accessed remotely with ease. Manav Mital,
co-founder of cloud security startup Cryal, said cloud companies manage the
upkeep and security of physical servers, but client requirements for ease of
access have spawned new apps and databases, and increasingly complex
services that are difficult to manage and monitor. Although companies still
shield private data behind firewalls and other security measures, more
people and programs require access to data in the cloud, making it easier
for bad actors to find potential vulnerabilities. The Ponemon Institute
estimated that cloud breaches cost each individual company $3.92 million on


Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 11:19:24 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <ggoldberg () apcug org>
Subject: Hackers Can Clone Millions of Toyota, Hyundai, and Kia Keys (WiReD)

Encryption flaws in a common anti-theft feature expose vehicles from major

Even so, the researchers say that they decided to publish their findings to
reveal the real state of immobilizer security and allow car owners to decide
for themselves if it's enough. Protective car owners with hackable
immobilizers might decide, for instance, to use a steering wheel lock.
``It's better to be in a place where we know what kind of security we're
getting from our security devices.  Otherwise, only the criminals know.''
[Garcia quoted]


That paragraph -- last in article -- is ridiculous. I once put steering
wheel lock on a borrowed car, then realized owner hadn't given me key for
it. Locksmith took about two minutes to pick the lock -- not needing to cut
it off -- saying that with practice anyone can do that.


Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 11:39:15 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <ggoldberg () apcug org>
Subject: Before Clearview Became a Police Tool, It Was a Secret
  Plaything of the Rich (The New York Times)

Investors and clients of the facial recognition start-up freely used the
app on dates and at parties ���� and to spy on the public.



Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2020 17:57:30 +0100
From: "Diego.Latella" <diego.latella () isti cnr it>
Subject: How Hackers and Spies Could Sabotage the Coronavirus Fight
  (Bruce Schneier and Margaret Bourdeaux, Foreign Policy)



Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 15:23:10 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Cybersecurity label for smart home devices (The Straits Times)


``Market research firm Gartner has estimated that the number of IoT devices
in use globally will grow from 8.4 billion in 2017 to 20.4 billion this
year, with twice as many consumer installations as industrial ones.  But the
rules surrounding how IoT devices are designed for cybersecurity are lax,
raising concerns about major privacy and security risks as such devices

The `cybersecurity' label might grow larger than the device package.  When,
or if, it does switch to an alternate rating indicator: 'Stars' or

There's always `human error' when testing for product release readiness
characteristics: performance, reliability, function, ease of use, or device
security/safety for example. Latent defect escape potential elevates
deployment exploitation risk.

What about correlating IoT software (or hardware) component integration
against CVEs (https://cve.mitre.org/), and using this outcome to establish a
`security' or `defect' escape risk rating? Given their perfect operational
record, a HAL-9000 would be ideal for this exercise.

Risk: Inaccurate `cybersecurity label' indicators misguide consumer IoT
product purchase decisions.


Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 11:42:24 -0800
From: Mark Thorson <eee () dialup4less com>
Subject: South Korea warns when potential virus carriers are near (BBC)

And where they've been, like bars, love motels, etc.  Deanonymization of the
data is sometimes a trivial exercise for social media users.


``He was at his work in Mapo district attending a sexual harassment class. He
contracted the virus from the instructor of the class.''


Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 11:55:31 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmslade () shaw ca>
Subject: COVID-19, toilet paper, hoarding, and emergency preparedness

Toilet paper?  *Really*?

Of course, I've seen the news stories showing streams of shoppers with carts
full of toilet paper. The news stories all showed Costco, so I was hoping
that maybe it was only Costco members who were that stupid. But, no. On my
way home last night I stopped for some groceries and the toilet paper aisle
in my local Save-On was pretty bare. (Not, fortunately, completely denuded,
so my neighbours aren't completely deluded.)  (And, if you're looking, the
Safeway had a decent stock, albeit with some bare sections.)

Hoarding is a particularly insidious threat.  It's hard to protect against.
Unless you're going to ration, how do you tell people what (and how much)
they can and cannot buy?  (Yes, I know.  Rationing smacks of socialism, or
some other type of non-or-anti-capitalist system.  But hoarding is the
inherent weakness of capitalism: unrestricted, capitalism tends to
concentrate capital, which then becomes useless.)  Now, we are not only
faced with the coronavirus, but with the COVID-19 toilet paper meme virus.
People see that there is a run on, or shortage of, toilet paper, so they run
out and drive around (wasting gas) trying to buy toilet paper.  Creating a
shortage of toilet paper.

(It's particularly galling here in BC.  We have trees.  We make toilet
paper.  By the ton.)

Why toilet paper?  I mean, I defer to no one in my admiration for the stuff.
It is one of the marvels of the modern age.  (Toilet paper, and the
Internet.)  It has lots of uses besides that originally intended.  But it
has no magical medicinal properties.

Yes, I know.  We, in the emergency management field, have been trying, for
years, to get people to build emergency prep kids.  Have enough supplies to
tide you over for three days.  Or seven days.  Or, in this case, two weeks.
Fine.  I get it.  But do you know how much toilet paper you use in two
weeks?  You don't need to clear out stores.

(I have noticed gaps in the canned beans section, and also in the soup
aisle.  Although, for some reason, Campbell's Chunky soups are completely
stocked.  Personally, I *like* chunky soups ...)

And, if you are going to build an emergency prep kit, *during* an emergency
is not the time to do it.  You have to put some thought into it.  How much
toilet paper do you use in a week?  How much soup do you eat in a week?
*Do* you eat soup?  Yes, I advise you to build an emergency prep kit.  But
*build* one.  Don't just rush out and buy toilet paper.

Besides, COVID-19 is not going to be the type of `stock up on water and
canned beans' type of regional disaster.  You will still be able to get
Amazon to deliver toilet paper to you if you get sick and have absolutely no
friends in all the world to take care of you.  (They may want to drop it and
run, and you may have to keep watch on your Ring-camera-that-is-insecure-
because-you-haven't-changed-the-default-password-have-you to prevent
doorstep thieves from stealing your toilet paper, but they will deliver.)
(So, by the way, will Save-On.)  Travel is going to be a problem, and stocks
may be a problem, and there may be lots of other problems.  But toilet paper
is not going to be a problem.  Unless people hoard it.


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:36:10 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: U.S. Treasury Sanctions Individuals Laundering Cryptocurrency for
  Lazarus Group


The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) today sanctioned two Chinese nationals involved in laundering stolen
cryptocurrency from a 2018 cyber-intrusion against a cryptocurrency
exchange. This cyber-intrusion is linked to Lazarus Group, a U.S.-designated
North Korean state-sponsored malicious cybergroup.  Specifically, OFAC is
designating Tian Yinyin (Tian) and Li Jiadong (Li), for having materially
assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological
support for, or goods or services to or in support of, a malicious
cyber-enabled activity. Tian and Li are also being designated for having
materially assisted, sponsored or provided financial, material, or
technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Lazarus

``The North Korean regime has continued its widespread campaign of extensive
cyber-attacks on financial institutions to steal funds.  The United States
will continue to protect the global financial system by holding accountable
those who help North Korea engage in cybercrime.'' (Secretary Steven
T. Mnuchin)

*Tian and Li's Activities*

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) trains cyber-actors to
target and launder stolen funds from financial institutions. Tian and Li
received from DPRK-controlled accounts approximately $91 million stolen in
an April 2018 hack of a cryptocurrency exchange (referred to hereinafter as
*the exchange*D), as well as an additional $9.5 million from a hack of
another exchange. Tian and Li transferred the currency among addresses they
held, obfuscating the origin of the funds.

In April 2018, an employee of the exchange unwittingly downloaded
DPRK-attributed malware through an email, which gave malicious cyber-actors
remote access to the exchange and unauthorized access to customers' personal
information, such as private keys used to access virtual currency wallets
stored on the exchange's servers. Lazarus Group cyber-actors used the
private keys to steal virtual currencies ($250 million dollar equivalent at
date of theft) from this exchange, accounting for nearly half of the DPRK's
estimated virtual currency heists that year.

Tian ultimately moved the equivalent of more than $34 million of these
illicit funds through a newly added bank account linked to his exchange
account.  Tian also transferred nearly $1.4 million dollars' worth of
Bitcoin into prepaid Apple iTunes gift cards, which at certain exchanges
can be used for the purchase of additional Bitcoin. [...]



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:35:36 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Black Market White Washing- Why You Shouldn't Take Legal
  Advice From Criminals (Disruptive Labs)

Fraudsters who operate shops in criminal marketplaces are constantly
massaging their marketing pitches to assure prospective customers (and
lurking law enforcement) that their service is legal. It's become clear
recently that some infosec professionals can't seem to identify these
services as bad, so these marketing efforts may have succeeded for one

That is what happened recently when WeLeakInfo was taken down and a number
of infosec people expressed shock and dismay that their favorite OSINT tool
was gone. This isn't the first time a password shop was taken down, but this
one was unusually successful at whitewashing its origins in fraud and,
disturbingly, some professionals seemed either unaware of this or did not
care. Some even recommended the site, or a competitor, to their industry
peers. Those professionals risk financing the same criminal gangs they are
paid to stop.

A number of other cybercrime tools have attempted to make their way into
mainstream use, with mixed success.


One example is *booter* AKA *network stresser* services. These services were
sold on criminal marketplaces as a way to knock video game opponents offline
with DDoS attacks. Despite a business model obviously centered around abuse
-- shown both in advertisements and target demographic, booter owners
believed they had an ace up their sleeve. Their ToS informed users that the
booter was ``for legal purposes only'', as a sort of legal figleaf.  Under
this speculative legal theory which was copied by nearly every vendor,
booter owners assured their customers that the service was entirely legal
and safe to use.

To quote the FBI in a 2018 indictment against a booter service named
*Downthem*. [...]



Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 11:53:53 -0500 (EST)
From: ACM TechNews <technews-editor () acm org>
Subject: Can YouTube Quiet Its Conspiracy Theorists? (NYTimes)

  Jack Nicas, *The New York Times*, 2 Mar 2020
  via ACM TechNews; Wednesday, March 4, 2020

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) researchers found that
while YouTube has reduced how often its algorithm recommends conspiracy
theory-related videos, its progress in dealing with conspiracy theories has
been uneven, and the service still promotes certain types of fictional
stories. The study examined 8 million recommendations by the video-sharing
platform over a 15-month period and found that while YouTube has almost
completely removed some conspiracy theories from its recommendations, other
falsehoods continue to flourish. Said UC Berkeley's Hany Farid, ``It is a
technological problem, but it is really at the end of the day also a policy
problem. ... If you have the ability to essentially drive some of the
particularly problematic content close to zero, well then you can do more on
lots of things.''


Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 13:39:53 -0500
From: David Tarabar <dtarabar () acm org>
Subject: Risks of publishing web browser screenshots (MarketWatch)

A Fox News analyst posted a web browser screenshot on Twitter. The
screenshot displayed the intended political info. It also displayed browser
tabs of websites that had been previously visited - including
*Sexy Vixen Vinyl*.



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:38:06 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: China's Geely invests $326M to build satellites for autonomous
  cars (Reuters)

China's Zhejiang Geely Holding Group said on Tuesday it was investing 2.27
billion yuan ($326 million) in a new satellite manufacturing plant, where it
plans to build low-orbit satellites to provide more accurate data for
self-driving cars.

Geely, one of China's most internationally-known companies due to its
investments in Daimler, Volvo and Proton, is building the facilities in
Taizhou, where it has car plants. *It aims to produce 500 satellites a year
by around 2025*, with around 300 highly-skilled staff, it said in a

Geely's technology development arm, Geely Technology Group, launched
Geespace to research, launch, and operate low-orbit satellites in 2018.



Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 04:58:21 +0000 (UTC)
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Congress Must Stop the Graham-Blumenthal Anti-Security Bill

There's a new and serious threat to both free speech and security
online. Under a draft bill that Bloomberg recently leaked, the Attorney
General could unilaterally dictate how online platforms and services must
operate. If those companies don't follow the Attorney General's rules, they
could be on the hook for millions of dollars in civil damages and even state
criminal penalties.

The bill, known as the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of
Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act, grants sweeping powers to the
Executive Branch. It opens the door for the government to require new
measures to screen users' speech and even backdoors to read your private
communications -- a stated goal of one of the bill's authors.

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) have been
quietly circulating a draft version of EARN IT. Congress must forcefully
reject this dangerous bill before it is introduced.



Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 04:57:29 +0000 (UTC)
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Empty Promises Won't Save the .ORG Takeover
  (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

The Internet Society's (ISOC) November announcement that it intended to sell
the Public Interest Registry (PIR, the organization that oversees the .ORG
domain name registry) to a private equity firm sent shockwaves through the
global NGO sector. The announcement came just after a change to the .ORG
registry agreement -- the agreement that outlines how the registry operator
must run the domain - that gives PIR significantly more power to raise
registration fees and implement new measures to censor organizations'

It didn't take long for the global NGO sector to put two and two together:
take a new agreement that gives the registry owner power to hurt NGOs;
combine it with a new owner whose primary obligation is to its investors,
not its users; and you have a recipe for danger for nonprofits and NGOs all
over the world that rely on .ORG. Since November, over 800 organizations and
24,000 individuals from all over the world have signed an open letter urging
ISOC to stop the sale of PIR. Members of Congress, UN Special Rapporteurs,
and US state charity regulators [pdf] have raised warning flags about the


Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:39:08 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: How to clean up the mess we've made that's orbiting the Earth
  (The Hill)

*One company is building a space garbage truck. But experts say it will take
more than that to rid our outer atmosphere of decades of floating debris.*

We've been shooting large metal objects into space since 1957. Satellites,
rockets, space stations, missiles. So it's no wonder that a garbage truck is
set to launch in 2025 to start cleaning up the mess.

The pioneering ClearSpace <https://clearspace.today/> device is designed to
locate, capture and remove large items that threaten to crash into the
satellites orbiting the planet. The problem, experts say, is that there's
probably more than 34,000 pieces of space junk larger that 10 centimeters --
and all of it is a hazard.

Orbiting at 17,000 miles per hour, these bits of metal can pierce anything
they hit with the velocity of a bullet.

Sure, there's a lot of space in space. Our atmosphere starts at about 62
miles above sea level and items can continue orbiting as high as 150 miles.
But experts agree that we must think ahead. Every year, countries and
private companies launch a steadily increasing number of satellites and
other equipment skyward on a collective arsenal of more than 100 rockets
every year. [...]


Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 10:21:58 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: How fake audio, such as deepfakes, could plague business, politics

Fake voices generated by artificial intelligence tools may be the next
frontier in scams that could trick companies into forking over cash or fool
voters into believing a politician said something he or she didn't.

Computer-synthesized voices are not new. Anyone familiar with Amazon's Echo
and Google's Home devices, or Apple's Siri, already knows the soothing
female voice that answers queries.

But that same technology can be adapted for devious means, said Vijay
Balasubramaniyan, co-founder and CEO of Pindrop, a technology company that
uses machine-learning techniques to identify voice fraud.

Criminals can use publicly available video and audio of top corporate
executives to analyze and create a fake voice of a CEO and use that in
combination with an email hack to trick the company's executives into
sending money. Or they can apply similar tactics to make politicians appear
to say something they never did.

At a brief demonstration during the RSA Conference in San Francisco,
Balasubramaniyan logged on to a secure company computer network that held
artificial intelligence algorithms able to analyze publicly available
YouTube video and audio of major political and business leaders and produce
a voice file of a person saying something they had never uttered.

Balasubramaniyan chose President Donald Trump from a drop-down menu and
typed in the words ``This morning American forces gave North Korea the
bloody nose they deserve.'' into a box and hit enter. [...]


Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 12:25:16 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Ransomware Attacks Prompt Tough Question for Local Officials: To
  Pay or Not to Pay? (Pew)

When cybercriminals struck Lake City, Florida, last June, city officials had
to make a tough choice: Pay the hackers or restore systems on their own.

A ransomware attack had hijacked the government's computer network and held
it hostage for several weeks. While the attack didn't affect the police,
fire or financial departments, it wreaked havoc on phone lines, email,
utility records and many other services.

The hackers first demanded about $750,000 in bitcoin, a cryptocurrency, from
the small, rural city to give it back control of its network.

The city tried to recover the data on its own, City Manager Joseph
Helfenberger recalled, but that failed. Its insurance company negotiated
with the hackers and got the ransom down to about $470,000. It recommended
paying, and officials figured that was the best option because the city
would have to cover only the $10,000 deductible.  ``This is not a rich
community. They can't afford to spend money they don't have. You have to
look at what is going to serve the community the best.''

There were at least 113 successful ransomware attacks on state and local
governments last year, according to global cybersecurity company Emsisoft,
and in each case, officials had to figure out how to respond.

Some states have passed laws to target cybercriminals who deploy ransomware,
but prosecutors have rarely used them. And local officials often are left

In Baltimore last May, hackers crippled thousands of computers, then
demanded a ransom of about $76,000 in bitcoin. Democratic Mayor Bernard C.
`Jack' Young refused to pay. Workers were unable to access online accounts
and payment systems for weeks.

The attack ended up costing the city at least $18 million -- a combination
of lost or delayed revenue and the expense of restoring systems. Young said
in a statement last June that the FBI advised the city not to pay, and that
it was ``just not the way we operate. ... We won't reward criminal
behavior.'' The mayor's office did not respond to *Stateline* requests for
comment.  <https://twitter.com/mayorbcyoung/status/1136377418325864448>

Baltimore and Lake City aren't alone. The majority of publicized ransomware
attacks in the United States last year targeted local governments, according
to a recent report by the National Governors Association and the National
Association of State Chief Information Officers.

Yet no one knows how many local and state governments have been hit by a
ransomware attack. There is no national clearinghouse that collects all that
information. Nor is every attack publicly reported. The FBI, which tracks
national crime data, couldn't be reached for comment before publication.



Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 12:26:12 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Through apps, not warrants, Locate X allows federal law enforcement
  to track phones (Protocol)

*Federal agencies have big contracts with Virginia-based Babel Street.
Depending on where you've traveled, your movements may be in the company's

U.S. law enforcement agencies signed millions of dollars worth of contracts
with a Virginia company after it rolled out a powerful tool that uses data
from popular mobile apps to track the movement of people's cell phones,
according to federal contracting records and six people familiar with the

The product, called Locate X and sold by Babel Street
<https://www.babelstreet.com/>, allows investigators to draw a digital
fence around an address or area, pinpoint mobile devices that were within
that area, and see where else those devices have traveled, going back
months, the sources told Protocol.

They said the tool tracks the location of devices anonymously, using data
that popular cell phone apps collect to enable features like mapping or
targeted ads, or simply to sell it on to data brokers.

Babel Street has kept Locate X a secret, not mentioning it in public-facing
marketing materials and stipulating in federal contracts that even the
existence of the data is *confidential information*.  Locate X must be
``used for internal research purposes only,'' according to terms of use
distributed to agencies, and law enforcement authorities are forbidden from
using the technology as evidence -- or mentioning it at all -- in legal

Federal records show that U.S. Customs and Border Protection purchased
Locate X, and the Secret Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement also use the location-tracking technology, according to a
former Babel Street employee. Numerous other government agencies have
active contracts with Reston-based Babel Street, records show, but publicly
available contract information does not specify whether other agencies
besides CBP bought Locate X or other products and services offered by the

None of the federal agencies, including CBP, would confirm whether they used
the location-tracking software when contacted by Protocol. Babel Street's
other products include an analytics tool it has widely marketed that sifts
through streams of social media to `chart sentiment' about topics and

A former government official familiar with Locate X provided an example of
how it could be used, referring to the aftermath of a car bombing or
kidnapping. Investigators could draw what is known as a geo-fence around
the site, identify mobile devices that were in the vicinity in the days
before the attack, and see where else those devices had traveled in the
days, weeks or months leading up to the attack, or where they traveled

``If you see a device that a month ago was in Saudi Arabia, then you know
maybe Saudis were involved.  It's a lead generator. You get a data point,
and from there you use your other resources to figure out if it's valid.''

A former Babel Street employee said the technology was deployed in a
crackdown on credit card skimming
in which thieves install illegal card readers on gas station pumps,
capturing customers' card data to use or sell online. The Secret Service was
the lead agency in those investigations, which, according to published
reports, led to arrests and the seizure of devices.

A spokesperson for the Secret Service declined to comment on its work with
Babel Street, saying the agency does not reveal methods used to carry out

While federal records show that CBP purchased Locate X and last year
upgraded, paying for *premium* licenses, the records neither describe what
Locate X does nor define the difference between a basic and premium
license. A CBP spokesperson would not comment in detail about the use of
the tool, but said the agency follows the law when deploying *open-source

Told of Protocol's reporting on Babel Street, Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat
from Oregon who has pushed for tougher privacy legislation, questioned
whether uses of the technology might violate the Fourth Amendment ban on
unreasonable searches.

The Supreme Court, in the landmark case Carpenter v. United States
<https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/16-402_h315.pdf>, ruled in June
2018 that the government must obtain a search warrant to access cell-tower
location data for individual phone accounts.  Wyden: The court ``recognized
that the government needs a warrant to get someone's location data.  Now the
government is using its checkbook to try to get around Carpenter. Americans
won't stand for that kind of loophole when it comes to our Fourth Amendment

A spokesperson for Babel Street, Lacy Talton, declined to answer specific
questions about the company's government sales or its Locate X technology,
but said the firm handles data carefully to comply with both the law and
Internet terms of service. There is no indication Babel Street is doing
anything illegal. [...]



Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 09:55:20 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: A hybrid AI model lets it reason about the world's physics
  like a child (MIT Tech Review)

A new data set reveals just how bad AI is at reasoning -- and suggests that
a new hybrid approach might be the best way forward.

*Questions, questions:* Known as CLEVRER, the data set
<http://clevrer.csail.mit.edu/#Dataset> consists of 20,000 short synthetic
video clips and more than 300,000 question and answer pairings that reason
about the events in the videos. Each video shows a simple world of toy
objects that collide with one another following simulated physics. In one,
a red rubber ball hits a blue rubber cylinder, which continues on to hit a
metal cylinder.

The questions fall into four categories: descriptive (e.g., What shape is
the object that collides with the cyan cylinder?), explanatory (What is
responsible for the gray cylinder's collision with the cube?), predictive
(Which event will happen next?), and counterfactual (Without the gray
object, which event will not happen?). The questions mirror many of the
concepts that children learn early on as they explore their surroundings.
But the latter three categories, which specifically require causal reasoning
to answer, often stump deep-learning systems.

*Fail:* The data set, created by researchers at Harvard, DeepMind, and
MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab is meant to help evaluate how well AI systems can
reason. When the researchers tested
<https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01442.pdf> several
state-of-the-art computer vision and natural language models with the data
set, they found that all of them did well on the descriptive questions but
poorly on the others.

*Mixing the old and the new:* The team then tried a new AI system that
combines both deep learning
<https://www.technologyreview.com/g/deep-learning/> and symbolic logic.
Symbolic systems used to be all the rage before they were eclipsed
<http://u/> by machine learning in the late 1980s. But both approaches have
their strengths: deep learning excels at scalability and pattern
recognition; symbolic systems are better at abstraction and reasoning.

The composite system, known as a neuro-symbolic model, leverages both: it
uses a neural network to recognize the colors, shapes, and materials of the
objects and a symbolic system to understand the physics of their movements
and the causal relationships between them. It outperformed existing models
across all categories of questions.

*Why it matters:* As children, we learn to observe the world around us,
infer why things happened and make predictions about what will happen next.
These predictions help us make better decisions, navigate our environments,
and stay safe. Replicating that kind of causal understanding in machines
will similarly equip them to interact with the world in a more intelligent



Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 13:37:05 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: This Satellite Startup Raised $110 Million To Make Your
  Cellphone Work Everywhere (Forbes)


Anyone who's been on a long hiking trip or had a car break down on a road
trip knows that the phone connectivity you take for granted in your daily
life can quickly disappear. Despite advances in technology, how far a voice
or data signal can travel is still limited to how far away you are from a
cellphone tower.

The Midland, Texas-based AST & Science aims to use satellites to overcome
those limitations. It's just raised $110 million in a series B round led by
U.K.-based mobile provider Vodafone and Japanese e-tailer Rakuten to launch
a mobile broadband network, called SpaceMobile, powered by satellites.
These can connect to phones anywhere on the planet, when you're flying on an
airplane, in a remote location, at sea -- 94anywhere, says the company's
founder and CEO Abel Avellan.

The company successfully tested its technology last year when it launched a
prototype satellite called BlueWalker 1 in April. The satellite was able to
successfully deliver signals to phones and demonstrate the company's
abilities. With the new round of capital, which brings its total fundraising
to $128 million, it will be able to ramp up production of the hundreds of
satellites it plans to put in orbit, using a modular manufacturing approach
to keep costs down.

AST is one of several companies that's aiming to put satellites in low Earth
orbit to provide data. SpaceX, OneWeb, Amazon and others are building large
mega-constellations to provide broadband Internet directly to
customers. Their target market is premium customers, taking advantage of the
lower lag times provided by satellites to entice users away from broadband
Internet providers such as Comcast or AT&T.

By contrast, AST is targeting a different market. Rather than try to provide
broadband Internet services, which requires building out bigger, higher-cost
satellites and expensive ground infrastructure, it's instead partnering with
mobile phone providers. For these providers, AST gives their customers the
ability to use their existing devices in places that are hard to connect
otherwise, such as in the mountains or on a cruise ship. It's a similar
model to existing satellite phone providers like Iridium, except it
doesn't require any proprietary hardware -- customers can use the phones
they already own. [...]



Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 09:37:13 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: Your smartphone is dirtier than a toilet seat. Here's how to
  disinfect it. (Mashable)

Yep, you read that right: There are 10 times more germs on our smartphones
than on a toilet seat. So unless you're regularly cleaning your lil'
portable germ box, you're not really doing *that *good a job of protecting
yourself from getting sick. In fact, we should *all *be making a habit out
of cleaning that damn thing, with or without the new coronavirus outbreak as
motivation.  <https://time.com/4908654/cell-phone-bacteria/>

Apple offers a very detailed cleaning guideline
<https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207123> for iPhones, as does Google
<https://support.google.com/pixelphone/answer/7533987?hlen> for Pixels.
Samsung, though, doesn't offer much for its Galaxy phones. But, it's safe to
assume that they all can be cleaned in the same way because their surfaces
share similar features: glass screens and/or casings with oil-repellent
(oleophobic) coating, and some degree of water resistance.

That means two things: It's okay to clean your phone with a damp cloth and
you should stick with mild cleaning solutions to avoid damaging the glass
coating. So, unless you have a fancy UV light
to sanitize your phone, here's how you can get it done the old-fashioned
way.  What you need...



Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 09:53:23 -1000
From: geoff goodfellow <geoff () iconia com>
Subject: PCI Fireside Chat: Vint Cerf and Ian Bremmer (The Unstable Globe)

*American political scientist, Ian Bremmer
<https://www.eurasiagroup.net/people/ibremmer>, joined Internet pioneer and
PCI co-founder, Vint Cerf <https://peoplecentered.net/people/vint-cerf/> for
an inaugural virtual fireside chat=9D to discussed today's evolving
geopolitical and technological landscape.*

The two explored how our increasingly interconnected world is changing
dynamics among countries, challenging international institutions, and (at
least temporarily) benefitting authoritarian regimes. The globe faces
challenges -- including shifts in the influence of superpowers, polarization
resulting from social media, and pandemics -- that require a new
technological, political, social and institutional coherence that has yet to

Some highlights, insights and soundbites from the conversation:


Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 31.61

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