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Risks Digest 31.01

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2019 14:52:46 PST

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Friday 4 January 2019  Volume 31 : Issue 01

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can also be found at

911 emergency services go down across the US after CenturyLink outage (ABC)
Pilots Kept Losing Oxygen and the Military Had No Idea Why.
  Now There's a Possible Fix.  (NYTimes)
Huawei gives the US & allies security nightmares (Henry Baker)
Wielding Rocks and Knives, Arizonans Attack Self-Driving Cars (NYTimes)
Oregon Unconstitutionally Fined a Man $500 for Saying 'I am an Engineer',
  Federal Judge Rules (Motherboard via PGN)
Computer Virus Disrupts Delivery Of San Diego Union-Tribune (LA Times)
Car Smarts: The Future of Vehicle Tech (CTA)
Drones Used to Find Toy-Like Butterfly Land Mines (Scientific American)
Instagram Update Brings Horizontal Scrolling to Horrified Users (NYTimes)
USA Wants to Restrict AI Exports: A Stupid and Dangerous Idea
  (Lauren Weinstein)
Hazing (Rob Slade)
Google sat on Chromecast bug for years, now hackers can wreak havoc
Google erases Kurdistan from maps in compliance with Turkish gov. (LW)
Re: New Zealand courts banned ...; Google just emailed it out. (Chris Drewe)
Re: IRS Linux move delayed (Dmitri Maziuk)
Re: Innovation and Immigration (John Levine)
Re: New Zealand courts banned ...; Google just emailed it out.
  (Steve Bacher)
Re: Rudy Giuliani Says Twitter Sabotaged His Tweet (Peter Houppermans,
  Amos Shapir)
Re: MTR East Rail disruption caused by failure of both primary
  (Richard Stein)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 10:10:30 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: 911 emergency services go down across the US after CenturyLink outage

via NNSquad

 CenturyLink, one of the largest telecommunications providers in the U.S.,
 provides Internet and phone backbone services to major cell carriers,
 including AT&T and Verizon. Datacenter or fiber issues can have a knock-on
 effect to other companies, cutting out service and causing cell site
 blackouts. In this case, the outage affected only cellular calls to 911,
 and not landline calls.


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 10:53:55 -0500
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Pilots Kept Losing Oxygen and the Military Had No Idea Why.
  Now There's a Possible Fix.  (NYTimes)


The Air Force and the Navy are rolling out new hardware and software for
their trainer aircraft to stop the oxygen-deprivation problems that have
plagued pilots for several years.


Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 07:21:10 -0800
From: Henry Baker <hbaker1 () pipeline com>
Subject: Huawei gives the US & allies security nightmares

I don't know if Huawei devices have "kill switches" or "backdoors", but if
they did, the big iron-y would be rich indeed.

For decades, the 5i's have pushed for "backdoors" in encryption and pseudo
RNG's, and the laughable number of "backdoors" in Cisco and Juniper routers
belie any plausible deniability; thar be NSL's, most likely.

Let's call a spade a spade; let's call them "blowbackdoors", because the
U.S. intelligence community is now reaping what it sowed.

The intel community's current freakout is raw jealousy -- if the 5G device
manufacturers in the 5i countries could be forced to insert "kill switches"
and "backdoors" into their own products and distribute them worldwide, it
would be done in a New York minute -- so they know full well whereof they

Also, ignoring its own history of winning wars through manufacturing
prowess, the U.S. has now ceded the vast majority of its manufacturing to
China, only to wake up just yesterday to the fact that it is now more
"taker" than "maker" ?



The 6 reasons why Huawei gives the US and its allies security nightmares

The biggest fear is that China could exploit the telecom giant's gear
to wreak havoc in a crisis.

Martin Giles and Elizabeth Woyke December 7, 2018

The detention in Canada of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's CFO and the daughter of
its founder, is further inflaming tensions between the US and China.  Her
arrest is linked to a US extradition request.  On December 7 a Canadian
court heard that the request relates to Huawei's alleged use of Skycom Tech,
a company that dealt with Iranian telecom firms, to sell equipment to Iran
between 2009 and 2014 in contravention of US sanctions on the country.
China says her detention is a human rights violation and is demanding her
swift release.

Behind this very public drama is a long-running, behind-the-scenes one
centered on Western intelligence agencies' fears that Huawei poses a
significant threat to global security.  Among the spooks' biggest concerns:

    There could be "kill switches" in Huawei equipment ...

The Chinese firm is the world's largest manufacturer of things like base
stations and antennas that mobile operators use to run wireless networks.
And those networks carry data that's used to help control power grids,
financial markets, transport systems, and other parts of countries' vital
infrastructure.  The fear is that China's military and intelligence services
could insert software or hardware "back doors" into Huawei's gear that they
could exploit to degrade or disable foreign wireless networks in the event
of a crisis.  This has led to moves in the US to block Chinese equipment
from being used.

     ... that even close inspections miss

Since 2010, the UK has been running a special center, whose staff includes
members of its GCHQ signal intelligence agency, to vet Huawei gear before
it's deployed.  But earlier this year, it warned that it had "only limited
assurance" that the company's equipment didn't pose a security threat.
According to press reports, the center had found that some of Huawei's code
behaved differently on actual networks from the way it did when it was
tested, and that some of its software suppliers weren't subject to rigorous

    Back doors could be used for data snooping

Huawei claims its equipment connects over a third of the world's population.
It's also handling vast amounts of data for businesses.  That's why there's
fear in Western intelligence circles that back doors could be used to tap
into sensitive information using the firm's equipment.  This would be tricky
to do undetected, but not impossible.  Huawei doesn't just build equipment;
it can also connect to it wirelessly to issue upgrades and patches to fix
bugs.  There's concern that this remote connectivity could be exploited by
Chinese cyber spies.

The company is also one of the world's biggest makers of smartphones and
other consumer devices, which has raised the prospect that China might
exploit these products for espionage.  In May, the US Department of Defense
ordered retail stores on US military bases to stop selling phones from
Huawei and ZTE, another big Chinese tech giant, because of fears they could
be hacked to reveal the locations and movements of military personnel.

    The rollout of 5G wireless networks will make everything worse

Telecom companies around the world are about to roll out the next generation
of cellular wireless, known as 5G.  As well as speeding up data transfers,
5G networks will enable self-driving cars to talk to each other and to
things like smart traffic lights.  They'll also connect and control a vast
number of robots in factories and other locations.  And the military will
use them for all kinds of applications, too.  This will dramatically expand
the number of connected devices--and the chaos that can be caused if the
networks supporting them are hacked.  It will also ramp up the amount of
corporate and other data that hackers can target.  Both Australia and New
Zealand have recently banned the use of Huawei equipment in new 5G wireless
infrastructure.  This week, the UK's BT followed suit.

    Chinese firms will ship tech to countries in defiance of a US trade embargo

The US has been investigating claims that Huawei shipped products with US
tech components to Iran and other countries subject to a US embargo.  In the
court hearing, a lawyer for the Canadian government said that Ms Meng is
accused of telling US bankers there was no connection between Skycom and
Huawei, when in fact there was.  The alleged fraud caused the banks to make
transactions that violated US sanctions against Iran.  Chinese officials
have repeatedly said they don't consider China's companies to be bound by
other nations' trade edicts.

    Huawei isn't as immune to Chinese government influence as it claims to be

Huawei has repeatedly stressed it's a private company that's owned by its
employees.  The implication is that it has no incentive to cause customers
to lose confidence in the integrity of its products.  On the other hand, its
governance structures are still something of a mystery, and its founder, Ren
Zhengfei, who was once an officer in the Chinese People's Liberation Army,
keeps a low profile.  Such things "make you question just how much
independence it really has," says Adam Segal, a cybersecurity expert at the
Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

In its defense, Huawei can point to the fact that no security researchers
have found back doors in its products.  "There's all this concern, but
there's never been a smoking gun," says Paul Triolo of the Eurasia Group.
While that's true, it won't change the view of the US, which is stepping up
its efforts to persuade its allies to keep Huawei out of all their networks.

This story was updated on December 7 to include details of a court hearing
in Canada about Ms Meng's detention.


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 12:50:31 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Wielding Rocks and Knives, Arizonans Attack Self-Driving Cars
  (New York Times)


While idled at a controlled stop without backup driver, can an AV passenger
issue a command to "rabbit through the intersection" and evade onslaught by
"stick and stone" wielding protesters?

Should an AV w/o backup driver, under hostile domestic operating conditions,
be required to satisfy a specific regulation? See
https://www.nhtsa.gov/laws-regulations for airbags, etc.

Certain individuals perceive AV technology as a threat. Their aggressive
behavior mirrors the 19th Century Luddites who damaged mechanized weaving
machinery in protest against job displacement.

Neo-Luddites will likely become more effective if and when they deploy WiFi
and Bluetooth disruption stacks and tools targeting AVs.


"According to a manifesto drawn up by the Second Luddite Congress (April
1996; Barnesville, Ohio), Neo-Luddism is 'a leaderless movement of passive
resistance to consumerism and the increasingly bizarre and frightening
technologies of the Computer Age.'"


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 16:27:57 PST
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Oregon Unconstitutionally Fined a Man $500 for Saying 'I am an
  Engineer', Federal Judge Rules (Motherboard)

Here's the other side of the Oregon Software Engineer story from 2014.  PGN


  A federal district court has ruled that the state of Oregon illegally
  infringed on a man's First Amendment rights for fining him $500 because he
  wrote "I am an engineer" in a 2014 email to the state's Engineering
  Board. The court ruled that the provision in the law he broke is
  unconstitutional, which opens the door for people in the state to legally
  call themselves "engineers."


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 17:24:05 -0500
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Computer Virus Disrupts Delivery Of San Diego Union-Tribune
  (LA Times)



Suspected malware attack causes major LA Times newspaper delivery


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 23:41:44 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Car Smarts: The Future of Vehicle Tech (CTA)

The computers, sensors and software in cars are getting so smart they may
eventually detect whether the driver and passengers are happy or sad,
comfortable or uncomfortable, alert or distracted. And as a result, driving
automobiles can be made safer and more enjoyable.

``Driver monitoring is extremely important for active safety systems as well
as automated systems,'' says Phil Magney, founder and principal at VSI Labs,
an automotive technology applied research firm-based in St.  Louis Park, MN.
``It may have been a nice-to-have feature beforehand. Now you can say it
definitely is a must-have feature.''

Nevertheless, he says, car occupant monitoring overall remains in a state of
flux -- particularly regarding user experience.  ...

For example, Shapiro says a camera inside the vehicle could determine a
driver's attentiveness by detecting their eye blink rate and sensing their
head pose. These checks could also determine if the driver is close to
falling asleep. This could be merged with input from outside sensors that
detect a pedestrian preparing to cross the car's path. And the car may then
determine if it needs to issue a collision warning and autobrake sooner than
it would otherwise, to give a tired or distracted driver extra time to
react, Shapiro says.

Emotion-sensing technology could lead the car to take actions proactively,
such as playing certain music or adjusting cabin temperature. Or it may make
suggestions and engage in a conversation with a passenger, for instance,
offering to lower a window if lip-reading software senses someone
complaining about being hot.


Didn't HAL read lips? That didn't end well.


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 19:21:11 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Drones Used to Find Toy-Like Butterfly Land Mines
  (Scientific American)


"In field trials conducted in September 2017 at a New York state park, the
team was able to pick up almost 78 percent of the mines during four
trials. That is not yet good enough to fully replace survey work by ground
teams. But it could help narrow down the locations and general layout of
[Russian-made] PFM-1 minefields, says Alex van Roy, deputy head of
operations at the Geneva-based Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD) -- and
a mine action specialist who formerly served in the Australian Army."

Risk: Over-reliance on image processing to resolve and detect a mine to
defuse, and eventually declare a "mine-free" zone when undetected residuals

Similar problems exist for other domains where image inspection is applied
(diagnostic x-rays, etc.).


Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2019 18:18:47 -0500
From: Gabe Goldberg <gabe () gabegold com>
Subject: Instagram Update Brings Horizontal Scrolling to Horrified Users

``Just a test that went to a few orders of magnitude more people than
intended... sorry about that,'' he wrote in one tweet.

The feature was intended as a test but was released widely by mistake, the
head of Instagram said. Closing and reopening the app turns it off.


The risk? Testing with live data and unsuspecting (live) users.

Also, causing hysteria with first-world problems:

Instagram briefly changed how users moved through their feeds Thursday
morning, forcing them to swipe left or tap through horizontally rather than
scroll vertically.

If it had been Apple, it would have been a six-finger dance on the screen.


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 08:25:57 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: USA Wants to Restrict AI Exports: A Stupid and Dangerous Idea


When small, closed minds tackle big issues, the results are rarely good, and
frequently are awful. This tends to be especially true when governments
attempt to restrict the development and evolution of technology. Not only do
those attempts routinely fail at their stated and ostensible purposes, but
they often do massive self-inflicted damage along the way, and end up
further empowering our adversaries.

Much as Trump's expensive fantasy wall ("Mexico will pay for it!")  would
have little ultimate impact on genuine immigration problems -- other than to
further exacerbate them -- his Commerce department's new plans for
restricting the export of technologies such as AI, speech recognition,
natural language understanding, and computer vision would be yet another
unforced error that could decimate the USA's leading role in these areas.

We've been down this kind of road before. Years ago, the USA federal
government placed draconian restrictions on the export of encryption
technologies, classifying them as a form of munitions. The result was that
the rest of the world zoomed ahead in crypto tech. This also triggered
famously bizarre situations like t-shirts with encryption source code
printed on them being restricted, and the co-inventor of the UNIX operating
system -- Ken Thompson -- battling to take his "Belle" chess-playing
computer outside the country, because the U.S.  government felt that various
of the chips inside fell into this restricted category. (At the time, Ken
was reportedly quoted as saying that the only way you could hurt someone
with Belle was by dropping it out of a plane -- you might kill someone if it
hit them!)

As is the case with AI and the other technologies that Commerce is talking
about restricting today, encryption R&D information is widely shared among
researchers, and likewise, any attempts to stop these new technologies from
being widely available, even attempts at restricting access to them by
specific countries on our designated blacklist of the moment, will
inevitably fail.

Even worse, the reaction of the global community to such ill-advised actions
by the U.S. will inevitably tend to put us at a disadvantage yet again, as
other countries with more intelligent and insightful leadership race ahead
leaving us behind in the dust of politically motivated export control

To restrict the export of AI and affiliated technologies is shortsighted,
dangerous, and will only accomplish damaging our own interests, by
restricting our ability to participate fully and openly in these crucial
areas.  It's the kind of self-destructive thinking that we've come to expect
from the anti-science, "build walls" Trump administration, but it must be
firmly and completely rejected nonetheless.

  [Geoff Goodfellow noted this item. PGN]

    [This is really short-sighted, and resembles efforts from the early
    crypto wars by attempting to put export controls on cryptography, or
    backdoors that only trusted entities can use.  PGN]


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 11:50:47 -0800
From: Rob Slade <rmslade () shaw ca>
Subject: Hazing

A while ago there were a number of stories about investigations into serious
assaults at a private school.  These assaults have gone way beyond hazing
and into sexual assault, and even, because the episodes were filmed,
possible child pornography charges.  The situation has been very disturbing.

Hazing, and hazing culture, are often "justified" by the assertion that
"mild" forms of hazing are harmless.  This statement ignores two important
facts.  One is that hazing inherently relies upon a culture of silence.  In
any such situation there can be no controls, and therefore no ability to
ensure that "mild" hazing does not escalate.  The second point is that
hazing is a form of bullying, and it has been amply demonstrated that any
form of bullying has long term negative impacts, both on the victims, and on
the perpetrators.

I've never understood hazing.  Not really.  It happens a lot in sports, and
I've never been into sports.  It happens in some professions, but not the
ones I've worked in.  As far as I can determine, hazing, and all the culture
that goes with it, indicates that your job is either a) not very important,
or b) doesn't require any skills.

I can't say I've experienced it in information security.  I started in
malware research, which has always been occupied by charter members of
"Egos-BackwardsR-Us."  Back when I started you had to be not just a systems
  programmer, but a specialist systems programmer to make a significant
contribution to the field, and those guys have always been the elite.  Even
so, if you studied and made even a modest contribution, you were in.  I
wasn't a systems programmer, and my contributions were very modest.  But I
was accepted.

It's probably because the job was so big, and the workers so small (or too
few).  Anybody who wanted to help was welcome.  Anybody who wanted to do
some research would be given some tips and starters.  Anybody who helped was
in the community.  Nobody had to jump through artificial hoops because the
real barriers to entry were already formidable enough.

(Actually, there were some in computer security, back then, who did try to
keep you out.  They were the ones who knew barely enough to charge for
computer security consulting.  Some of them claimed that computer viruses
were not a security issue -- mostly because they didn't know what computer
viruses were.)

Come to think of it, I've never really seen hazing in the tech field, as
such.  Oh, there are jerks, I grant you.  There are those who are so into
the technology that social skills, human communication, and even personal
hygiene take a very distant back seat to whatever they are working on right
now.  But, generally speaking, they don't try to keep you out.  They may
have given up trying to teach people what it is that they are doing but, if
you take the time to try and learn, they are generally delighted to have
someone to talk to.  (They may not show it very well.)

(The closest I've ever seen hazing in tech is the ITIL certification.  Since
ITIL is a library, it's hard to figure out how to certify that someone knows
it.  Since it's hard to assess that, you just drown the poor candidate in
work and hope that the ones who don't know it will give up before they get
to the end of the process.  I think PMP runs it a close second.)

I suppose I have to address the issue of women in tech.  Yes, women are
definitely underrepresented in tech.  And, yes, there is a lot of irrational
bias against women, as you find in any male-dominated field.  (Not just from
the techies: I've found it in management, too, where you'd think they should
know better.)  I do not want to minimize the issue: misogyny anywhere is
ridiculous and wasteful.  But sometimes it doesn't take much to make geeks
realize they've been sexist jerks, and make some (possibly modest) changes.
In one department I came in to manage, they regularly went to strip bars
after work, and had a signed poster from one of the "performers" up on the
wall.  As I was hiring the first (female) secretary for the office, I noted
that this wall decoration might be subject to less prominent placement.  I
never saw the poster again, and the team also removed the porn directory on
the development server (which I'd never mentioned).

I can't claim that all is sweetness and light in the security community.
There are in-fights: there are personality clashes.  And there are those who
are in it just to claim status.  The community usually sorts them out in
short order.  Status, in security, is most often achieved by helping others.
If you can answer newbie questions; if your answers are true and useful;
then you have status.  If you try and claim status, and try and hold others
back in order to hold onto it, you are the one who gets shunned.

In information security, we have too much work, and too few resources.  We
don't have time to waste on hazing.  We also aren't going to block anyone
who actually wants to help.  In any security community I've been part of,
newbies are welcome.  OK, dumb questions may get sarcastic responses, but
they have to be pretty seriously stupid to make the grade.  Otherwise, if
someone wants to get in and help, those of us who can answer questions do.
Ask, and a pointer will be given.  Seek, and ye shall be given a direction
to go find.  Knock, and the door will be opened, and you'll be hustled in,
and usually put to work right away.


Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 16:23:59 PST
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Google sat on Chromecast bug for years, now hackers can wreak havoc

[From Lauren Weinstein's Network Neutrality Squad]

  A hacker, known as Hacker Giraffe, has become the latest person to figure
  out how to trick Google's media streamer into playing any YouTube video
  they want -- including videos that are custom-made. This time around, the
  hacker hijacked thousands of Chromecasts, forcing them to display a pop-up
  notice that's viewable on the connected TV, warning the user that their
  misconfigured router is exposing their Chromecast and smart TV to hackers
  like himself.  Not one to waste an opportunity, the hacker also asks that
  you subscribe to PewDiePie, an awful Internet person with a popular
  YouTube following. (He's the same hacker who tricked thousands of exposed
  printers into printing support for PewDiePie.)

Google should have fixed this Chromecast bug years ago. On the other hand,
UPnP has always been a train wreck, and that's not Google's fault.


Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 08:56:47 -0800
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Google erases Kurdistan from maps in compliance with Turkish gov.

via NNSquad

  Google incorporation [sic] removed a map outlining the geographical extent
  of the Greater Kurdistan after the Turkish state asked it to do so, a
  simple inquiry on the Internet giant's search engine from Wednesday on can
  show.  "Unavailable.  This map is no longer available due to a violation
  of our Terms of Service and/or policies," a note on the page that the map
  was previously on read. Google did not provide further details on how the
  Kurdistan map violated its rules.  The map in question, available for
  years, used to be on Google's My Maps service, a feature of Google Maps
  that enables users to create custom maps for personal use or sharing
  through search.  Because the map was created and shared publicly by a user
  through their personal account, it remains unknown if their rights have
  been violated or if they will appeal.

If the Turkish government wants the map removed as shown to users
INSIDE TURKEY, fine. But Turkey should not have veto rights over maps
shown to the rest of planet, just like the EU should not have the
right to censor search results globally. Google's willingness to slide
down this lowest-common-denominator razor blade is dangerous to an


Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2019 22:25:02 +0000
From: Chris Drew <e767pmk () yahoo co uk>
Subject: Re: New Zealand courts banned ...; Google just emailed it out.

A problem that *I* have with this sort of thing is the idea that the answer
to any problem is legislation -- it can only fix things if it's enforceable
*and* enforced.  In the UK, a common response to the Gatwick drone incident
was "why was this allowed to happen?", as if tougher regulations would stop
illicit drones without further action.  For instance, we have very strict
firearms laws in the UK (to the extent that an Olympic sport is illegal),
but most gun crime involves the use of illegal guns, so even-stricter laws
won't help.

In the case of Google, in recent years there have been occasional incidents
like the following example in the UK: when one wants to obtain or renew a
passport, driver's licence, travel visa, or suchlike, or pay a road toll,
one normally contacts the appropriate authority and pays the fee directly.
What happens is that people Google for "passport/licence/visa/whatever" and
are presented with a choice of sites, then one of two things may happen:

(1) They actually get the site of an agency, who promise a prompt, efficient
service at a competitive price (the site may imply that this can only be
done through an agency, as I believe is the case in some countries), so they
get their new passport/licence/visa/whatever but unexpectedly pay an
unnecessary supplemental charge.  (As I understand it, this is cheeky but

(2) They get an impostor site which looks exactly like an official one, but
again they may either pay an unnecessary fee and/or personal details are
captured for identity theft.

The usual response of victims is to say "why is Google allowed to show links
to unofficial sites?", as if Google should have a legal obligation to verify
the bona fides of every site indexed, which sounds impractical to me,
especially considering different countries' legal systems which may be
encountered.  In the days of printed directories for land- line telephones,
there used to be a note in the small print that any professional or business
descriptions shown were as supplied by subscribers and not independently
verified, so for instance a guy listed as 'dentist' may not actually be
approved to practise dentistry, as it was not practical for a telephone
company to check details like this.

Incidentally, a commentator in a newspaper (don't have details to hand)
recently predicted that the World Wide Web would likely become the
'Splinternet', i.e., a series of walled gardens, in 5-10 years; I feel that
this will happen much sooner.


Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 11:02:22 -0600
From: Dmitri Maziuk <dmaziuk () bmrb wisc edu>
Subject: Re: IRS Linux move delayed (Goldberg, RISKS-30.98)

It's worth reading the one-page report and do a little
background check, e.g.

For those too lazy to follow the links, two of the applications involved are
at sixty years old "the oldest code in .gov" and are made of 20M lines of
assembly that IRS, IBM, Northrop Grumman, and a bunch of assorted
subcontractors been failing to port to The Big Iron since the turn of the

Back in 2000 it was COBOL and Java were going to show what they can do for
the American taxpayer. Now it's zLinux to the rescue.


Date: 28 Dec 2018 17:34:40 -0500
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: Innovation and Immigration (RISKS-30.98)

 * 33% of U.S. Nobel Laureates since 1901 have been immigrants.
 * 40% of American doctoral degrees were awarded to noncitizens.
 * More than 25% of American entrepeneurs were born overseas.

People in New York live longer than people elsewhere in the U.S.  Why?
Because 38% of New Yorkers are immigrants, and immigrants live longer than
people born in the US, per this 2014 paper:



Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2018 11:23:56 -0500
From: "Steve and Micki Bacher" <sebmb1 () verizon net>
Subject: Re: New Zealand courts banned ...; Google just emailed it out.

So, are we to conclude from this item that Google ought to be faithful to
the laws and regulations of the respective nations in which it operates?

If so, then what about Google's censored searches for China?  Oh, but that's
different, right?


Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2018 14:21:37 +0100
From: Peter Houppermans <d1312 () phx li>
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani Says Twitter Sabotaged His Tweet (Shapir, 30.98)

Umm, not using Gmail?  You agreed to Terms which give Google the right to
MODIFY contents too (the right persists in the new Terms that take effect on
22 January 2019).  The "limitations" on that right are woolly enough to
permit Google to even alter email, which may come in handy when people start
sending or receiving too much email critical of Google..

In the contexts of online agreements you may enjoy the Freefall cartoon at


Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2018 11:09:10 +0200
From: Amos Shapir <amos083 () gmail com>
Subject: Re: Rudy Giuliani Says Twitter Sabotaged His Tweet (Shapir, 30.96)

I know that sadly, anything Google does is perfectly legal; my post was
meant mainly to attract attention to their unfair conduct.


Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2018 15:39:37 +0800
From: Richard Stein <rmstein () ieee org>
Subject: Re: MTR East Rail disruption caused by failure of both primary
 and backup (Stein, RISKS-30.89)


Released on 19DEC2018, the incident investigation summary report found:

"The Panel concluded that the root cause was the different software counter
re-initialization arrangements of the two connected systems when the
re-initialization was activated at the incident time on 16 October
2018. Since the four lines are connected, the inconsistent re-initialization
situation led to repeated re-synchronization causing instability in sector
computers. The software counter re-initialization algorithm, the differences
in the counter re-initialization arrangements between the Alstom and Siemens
systems and the possible impact on the train service were not known to the
operators and maintainers, nor were they explicitly described in the
Operation and Maintenance Manuals."

RISK: Communication gap between multiple vendors governing train signaling
system journey counter re-initialization protocol alignment.

Appears that software engineers did not account for train journey counter
reset conditions as part of system integration test for signaling system
release qualification. Non-existent disclosure of counter re-initialization
state dependency by either vendor implies there was a common operational
assumption about, but not verification of, self-consistent signaling
platform state management.  No mention of counter word-length in the summary


Date: Tue, 5 May 2018 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

 The ACM RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest.  Its Usenet manifestation is
 comp.risks, the feed for which is donated by panix.com as of June 2011.
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 *** Contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines!

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    searchable html archive at newcastle:
  http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/VL.IS --> VoLume, ISsue.
  Also,  ftp://ftp.sri.com/risks for the current volume
     or ftp://ftp.sri.com/VL/risks-VL.IS for previous VoLume
  If none of those work for you, the most recent issue is always at
     http://www.csl.sri.com/users/risko/risks.txt, and index at /risks-31.00
  Lindsay has also added to the Newcastle catless site a palmtop version
  of the most recent RISKS issue and a WAP version that works for many but
  not all telephones: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/w/r
  ALTERNATIVE ARCHIVES: http://seclists.org/risks/ (only since mid-2001)
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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 31.01

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