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Risks Digest 28.88

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:11:40 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Tuesday 18 August 2015  Volume 28 : Issue 88

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

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This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
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Supreme Court's Free-Speech Expansion Has Far-Reaching Consequences
  (Adam Liptak)
IRS `Get Transcript' hacked (PGN)
SPARK want to shut down the paging service (Richard A. O'Keefe)
The Google Search That Made the CIA Spy on the US Senate (Jason Leopold)
Sundar Pichai is now Google CEO, but Wikipedia is fighting over his
  school (Indian Express via Lauren Weinstein)
More thoughts on a Wikipedia alternative (Lauren Weinstein)
Re: Sundar Pichai is now Google CEO, but Wikipedia is fighting over his
  school (Ron Teitelbaum)
"Bug-free code: Another computer security lie" (Roger A. Grimes)
Re: Space Ship Two crash investigation results (Don Norman, Roderick A Rees)
Re: gmail policy on BCCs, related to Mass. pot dispensary (John Levine)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 08:13:28 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Supreme Court's Free-Speech Expansion Has Far-Reaching Consequences
  (Adam Liptak)

Adam Liptak, *The New York Times*, 18 Aug 2015 (PGN-ed)

A [unanimous, but with four concurring opinions] June 2015 Supreme Court
decision [reversing the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remanding the
case. relating to posted signs] is already being felt around the country,
and critics say it could endanger all sorts of laws intended to protect the

Robert Post, the dean of Yale Law School and an authority on free speech,
said the decision was so bold and so sweeping that the Supreme Court could
not have thought through its consequences. The decision's logic, he said,
endangered all sorts of laws, including ones that regulate misleading
advertising and professional malpractice.  ``Effectively, this would roll
consumer protection back to the 19th century.'' [...]

Whether viewed with disbelief, alarm, or triumph, there is little question
that the decision, Reed v. Town of Gilbert (Arizona), marks an important
shift toward treating countless laws that regulate speech with exceptional

  [The Court's opinion is here:
  Before anyone suggests that this item might have no bearing on
  computer-related risks, and thus that this item might not be relevant to
  RISKS because the signs in question might not be computerized, you might
  think what bearing this decision might have on imposing or not imposing
  restrictions on computer-based signs and indeed the entire Internet (and
  not just the Internet of Signs -- pretty soon we might even be regulating
  the Internet of Sighs).  PGN]


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 13:58:33 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: IRS `Get Transcript' hacked

The IRS announced today that an `extensive review' of the Get Transcript Web
application data breach found additional taxpayers might have been
affected. The IRS will be sending letters to the affected individuals this

``The IRS will begin mailing letters in the next few days to about 220,000
taxpayers where there were instances of possible or potential access to 'Get
Transcript' taxpayer account information. As an additional protective step,
the IRS will also be mailing letters to approximately 170,000 other
households alerting them that their personal information could be at risk
even though identity thieves failed in efforts to access the IRS system.''


  [Jada Smith has an article in *The New York Times* this morning:
  Cyberattack Exposes I.R.S. Tax Returns:

    Using Social Security numbers, birth dates, street addresses and other
    personal information obtained elsewhere, the criminals completed a
    multistep authentication process and requested the tax returns and other
    filings, the I.R.S. said.  Information from those forms was used to file
    fraudulent returns, the I.R.S. said, and the agency sent nearly $50
    million in refunds before it detected the scheme.

  ``Obtained elsewhere''?  That is mostly public information.  This stuff is
  not secret, and should not be assumed to be secret or used as
  authenticators.  PGN]

      [S(n)ide comment: The IRS's website uses `IRS', *not* `I.R.S.'.
      RISKS has always preferred ACRONYMS without P.E.R.I.O.D.S.  Period.


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 19:00:07 +1200
From: "Richard A. O'Keefe" <ok () cs otago ac nz>
Subject: SPARK want to shut down the paging service

Years ago the phone system in New Zealand used to be part of the Post
Office.  It was split off in 1987 and privatised in 1990, then broken into
three pieces in 2008, separating retail, wholesale, and network.  The lines
company is called Chorus.  Telecom renamed itself to SPARK a year ago.  (I'm
sure I don't want sparks in my phones; how about you?)

As well as landline phone services, mobile services, broadband, and so on,
SPARK operate a paging service.  Business users have largely abandoned
pagers for mobile phones, but
  - the Fire Service uses pagers
  - the St John Ambulance service use pagers
  - the Coastguard use pagers
  - most district health boards use pagers.
They use pagers to tell people in an emergency that they are needed and what
they are needed for.

Unfortunately, the loss of business users mean that the paging system is no
longer profitable, and the fact that SPARK is a privately-owned company
responsible to its foreign owners means that SPARK announced that they want
to shut down the paging service completely mid next year.  They say they are
happy to help pager customers move to mobile-based alternatives.

While mobile phones may be a *newer* technology than pagers, for the needs
of the emergency services they are not a *superior* technology.  The
following advantages have been claimed for pagers:

 - Much longer battery life

 - People can turn their phone off to get some sleep but leave their pager
   one (see "longer battery life") in case of emergency (my phone gets
   "spammed" by the network operator with text messages, so leaving one's
   phone on isn't that good an option)

 - Pagers operate on a lower frequency, so penetrate even quite large
   buildings better than mobiles

 - Pagers have much wider coverage than mobiles.  Again, this is due to the
   low frequency (155MHz).  I can drive 15 minutes from the centre of
   Dunedin and be in an area with no mobile phone coverage at all.  This
   point is *vital* for rural emergency services.  Most _people_ live in
   cities or large towns, so are covered, but if you explore for example
   http://www.vodafone.co.nz/network/coverage/ you will discover that large
   *areas* of New Zealand have no 4G, no 3G, and no 2G coverage.

 - Text messages experience much higher delays than pager messages.  (When
   you need emergency services, you need them fast.)  I personally have
   experienced text messages arriving over an hour "late".

 - When there is a disaster (as in the earthquakes we've had), the mobile
   phone network gets overloaded, but the pager service just keeps going.

Apparently anyone can intercept pager messages, but then in a rural town,
anyone can hear the emergency siren, so for _this_ application, big deal.
(Actually, sirens are being retired.)

According to http://www.geekzone.co.nz/sbiddle/8834
"for time critical messaging the reality is we just don't have a modern
solution that can replace the paging network."


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:49:07 -0700
From: Prashanth Mundkur <prashanth.mundkur () gmail com>
Subject: The Google Search That Made the CIA Spy on the US Senate
  (Jason Leopold)

A misconfigured Google search appliance may have been what helped make the
Senate torture report possible (allowing the Senate staffers to see the
Panetta review they weren't supposed to see).

Long article, based on FOIA documents.

Jason Leopold, VICE News, 14 Aug 2015
The Google Search That Made the CIA Spy on the US Senate

  Nicholas Weaver, a researcher with the International Computer Science
  Institute in Berkeley, reviewed some of the CIA documents for VICE
  News. He said the computer network the CIA set up was essentially a "big
  common fileserver, but with different roles and access controls, so a
  [Senate] person could only read [Senate] stuff, and CIA only CIA stuff,
  and there was a shared folder that both could read. So it wasn't really
  two separate networks connected by a firewall, but a common fileserver
  with separate roles."

  "It appears there are a bunch of workstations, printers, a shared
  database, a shared fileserver, and a shared Google search appliance,"
  Weaver said. "Otherwise, it's completely disconnected from the rest of the
  world." [...]

  What the Cyber Blue Team discovered is that the Google search tool was
  misconfigured when Centra Technology installed it in 2009. The OIG's
  report about the incident noted that it wasn't the first time the CIA had
  to address a vulnerability issue with the Google search tool.

  "In November 2012, the RDI team learned of a vulnerability with the Google
  appliance, related to configuration settings that had been in place since
  the initial installation in November 2009," the OIG's report says. "[The
  Office of Inspector General] reviewed an April 2013 email between members
  of the RDINet IT staff detailing the existing settings, which indicated an
  access control deficiency for search results. The RDI IT team updated the
  Google appliance in April 2013 to reflect this change. Prior to this
  update, the settings provided to the [Office of Inspector General] showed
  that the Google appliance was not configured to enforce access rights or
  search permissions within RDINet and its holdings."

  Weaver explained that the Cyber Blue Team concluded the Google appliance
  "wasn't enforcing permissions properly, and revealing accessible locations
  for the [CIA] files."


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 08:41:10 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Sundar Pichai is now Google CEO, but Wikipedia is fighting over his

NNSquad, *Indian Express*

  And yes the edits are continuing. So far Pichai's wikipedia page has seen
  over 354 edits in the last week alone, and the number of users who have
  edited Pichai's page stands at 406.  If you see the graph on the edit
  stats page for Pichai, you will notice how the graph spikes once August
  2015 starts, the month when he was announced as Google's new CEO.  While
  some of us might have a good laugh over this 'edit-war', the issue raises
  concerns over how 'collective wisdom' online is often guided by its
  inherent biases.  In this case, the desire to claim the new Google CEO as
  a member of one particular Chennai school has reduced the whole exercise
  of Wikipedia's democratic freedoms to a farcical exercise.

Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia, it's an anonymous brawl.  I'd like to see
Google help to sponsor a long-term project to create a new online
encyclopedia that would consist almost entirely of fully attributed entries
-- that means, showing the real names of the real people who wrote them --
and included peer review whenever possible and appropriate. It's time to
move beyond the Wikipedia "anybody can declare themselves to be an anonymous
expert about anything" model. The quality of Google's search results moving
forward would not only benefit if this proposal reached fruition, but the
entire Internet community would benefit as well.


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 09:43:50 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: More thoughts on a Wikipedia alternative


A bit more on this since my original comments earlier today seem to have
attracted considerable attention. I am of course aware of Google's
relatively brief "Knol" project, announced in 2007, opened in 2008, then
closed and deleted in 2012. Any dispassionate reading of Knol's history
strongly suggests that there was nothing inherently wrong with the concept,
but that it was rendered impractical at the time mainly due to rabid attacks
by Google haters and Wikipedia fanboys. But with the accelerating failure of
Wikipedia along a range of vectors, it's more clear than ever that a model
involving attributed, authoritative articles is absolutely necessary. And it
is my suspicion that the fundamental nature of Wikipedia will prevent it
from making the kinds of major course corrections that might help decelerate
its decline. Whether a new alternative -- learning from Knol rather than
jettisoning the concept -- might be best operated by Google or merely funded
by them (and others) is an open question. Personally, a model I prefer would
have Google operating this alternative -- leveraging already available
infrastructure -- in cooperation with an internal/external oversight board
to help defuse the haters. But one way or another, we need to start moving
beyond the Wikipedia model, and we need to do that now.


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:10:28 -0400
From: "Ron Teitelbaum" <ron () usmedrec com>
Subject: Re: Sundar Pichai is now Google CEO, but Wikipedia is fighting over
  his school (Lauren Weinstein)

What really gets me is the lack of expert review.  They have this philosophy
that if the media doesn't cover something it doesn't exist.  While I
understand the need to have reliable and verifiable sources for information
this leaves a huge amount of very valuable information out.  Information
that people in a particular field would easily verify.  Examples include
open source software and new language development.  While there is some
coverage about open source block busters, the smaller projects are mostly
used but not written about.  I tried to explain to editors that some of the
software they use to run Wikipedia wouldn't even qualify but got nowhere.
Developers use mailing lists, blogs, news aggregators (like /.) and social
media to discuss developments.  What media is left to cover software doesn't
cover it but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or is not important.  Some
very interesting software history was deleted recently and although I tried
to explain the Internet bit rot, that once interesting things hosted on old
computers are quickly disappearing from the Internet, but that didn't help

I completely agree with you that having a volunteer encyclopedia with real
users and names that includes real subject matter experts as moderators
would be far preferable to the current Wikipedia model.  Paying high level
people (experts in a field) to participate and write content would also be
extremely valuable.


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 10:16:35 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "Bug-free code: Another computer security lie" (Roger A. Grimes)

Roger A. Grimes, InfoWorld, 4 Aug 2015
The computer security industry has a dirty secret: If an 'independent' code
review says a product is totally secure, you aren't hearing the full story.

  [No surprise to RISKS readers, but apparently a great surprise to many
  others.  PGN]


Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:41:30 -0700
From: Don Norman <dnorman () ucsd edu>
Subject: Re: Space Ship Two crash investigation results (Wolff, R-28.87)

I disagree with Wolff's statement. Strenuously. The Spaceship was badly
designed, just as NTSB said.  Yes, pilots (or other operators of devices)
might have to perform an unsafe action.  But there are standard designs that
help mitigate accidental deployment.  Here are two simple examples:

1. A protective cover. Many installations have a safety cover. Thus, in
   military aircraft where a button might eject the pilot or ignite an
   explosive to destroy security information, (or where a single switch
   disconnects all power), the use of a simple cover that must be opened
   first helps reduce the chance of accidental activation.

2. A detent. Being aircraft have a throttle control which stops the forward
   motion of the throttle when it reaches a limit that might cause damage to
   the engine. But if the pilot would, for some reason, prefer to stay alive
   even if it destroys the engine, extra force allows the throttle to move
   beyond the setting.

There are several other ways i can think of that might have worked in the
SpaceShip2, but the solution should only be designed with full information
about the spaceship, its operating characteristics, and other constraints.

Wolff's statement that the pilots should understand the consequences of
their actions is very sensible and logical. And that's why we have so many
accidents: engineers think sensibly and logically and are completely unaware
of how people really behave. As I tell people over and over again, logic is
an artificial way of thinking, invented by philosophers and
mathematicians. if it were how we thought and behaved, it wouldn't have had
to be invented and it wouldn't be so difficult to learn.

The same problem happens with security issues. Onerous password requirements
imposed by security administrators are bypassed by people who write them
down. Sure, I use 1Password, but it only works on websites, and more and
more places want passwords in ways that are not recognized by 1Password.  As
I have pointed out at security conferences, it is the most dedicated
employee who violates the rules -- otherwise they couldn't get their job

Sigh, this lesson has to be repeated over and over and over again. (The good
side is that my books are always relevant.)

Don Norman, Prof. and Director, DesignLab, UC San Diego  http://www.jnd.org/
dnorman () ucsd edu  designlab.ucsd.edu/  www.jnd.org
https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=dnorman () ucsd edu>


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:02:05 -0700
From: Roderick A Rees <rarees () frontier com>
Subject: Re: Space Ship Two crash investigation results (Macintyre, R-28.83)

The comments on this, in various publications, have so far argued about
whether the faulty landing gear actuation should be held against the pilot
or the design.  I suggest that it should be against the design, because
unintended actuation can be largely eliminated by making the control a
guarded switch.  I recall a similar potential problem in a helicopter, when
both pilots and engineer officers argued that a switch controlling release
of underslung loads should be guarded because it was immediately next to a
switch that was routinely toggled during shutdown, so that a tired or
distracted pilot could easily toggle the wrong switch.  Headquarters said
nonsense, it had never happened and therefore would never happen; and then
it did happen, releasing a pyrotechnic on to the concrete.  fortunately it
was not armed, but it could have been, at great cost -- all to save a trivial
amount for safety.


Date: 18 Aug 2015 00:10:27 -0000
From: "John Levine" <johnl () iecc com>
Subject: Re: gmail policy on BCCs, related to Mass. pot dispensary (Sigut)

Aw, come on.  If you're sending to a list of 200 people, you need some way
to manage additions, drops, and bounces.  I can assure you from painful
experience that people who think they are doing it adequately by hand are

Setting up a Google email group that allows only the group owner to post takes
about two minutes.  Why is that "not a real alternative"?


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 28.88

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