RISKS Forum mailing list archives

Risks Digest 28.75

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2015 6:49:17 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Tuesday 7 July 2015  Volume 28 : Issue 75

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can be found at

Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government
  access to all data and communications (multiple authors)
David Cameron: Twitter and Facebook privacy is  unsustainable (Politics)
Cameron reaffirms there will be no "safe spaces" from UK snooping (Ars)
Kenya to require users of Wi-Fi to register with government (Ars Technica)
"Terrorism, the Internet, and Google" (Lauren Weinstein)
Hacking Team responds to data breach, issues public threats and denials
  (Steve Ragan)
'Digital amnesia' on the rise as we outsource our memory to the Web
  (Science Alert via Lauren Weinstein)
Mac OS Malware Exploits MacKeeper (BAE Systems via Werner U)
Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi key with your friends' friends
  (The Register)
DVD drive in PC fire hazard (mctaylor)
Embracing the Internet of Things Means Managing Privacy Risks With Care
Russian parliament adopts law forcing search engines to remove search
  results upon request (USNews)
Researcher Who Reported E-voting Vulnerability Targeted  by Police Raid
  in Argentina (Slashdot)
Harvard announces data breach (The Boston Globe)
Cisco leaves its Unified CDM software open to hackers (ComputerWorld)
New MOOC: MediaLIT: Overcoming Information Overload (Dan Gillmor)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 9:00:00 EDT
From: Danny Weitzner <djweitzner () csail mit edu>
Subject: Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government
  access to all data and communications

  Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access
  to all data and communications

  Harold Abelson, Ross Anderson, Steven M. Bellovin, Josh Benaloh,
  Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, John Gilmore, Matthew Green,
  Peter G. Neumann, Susan Landau, Ronald L. Rivest, Jeffrey I. Schiller,
  Bruce Schneier, Michael Specter, Daniel J. Weitzner



Twenty years ago, law enforcement organizations lobbied to require data and
communication services to engineer their products to guarantee law
enforcement access to all data. After lengthy debate and vigorous
predictions of enforcement channels going dark, these attempts to regulate
the emerging Internet were abandoned.  In the intervening years, innovation
on the Internet flourished, and law enforcement agencies found new and more
effective means of accessing vastly larger quantities of data.  Today we are
again hearing calls for regulation to mandate the provision of exceptional
access mechanisms.  In this report, a group of computer scientists and
security experts, many of whom participated in a 1997 study of these same
topics, has convened to explore the likely effects of imposing extraordinary
access mandates.  We have found that the damage that could be caused by law
enforcement exceptional access requirements would be even greater today than
it would have been 20 years ago.  In the wake of the growing economic and
social cost of the fundamental insecurity of today's Internet environment,
any proposals that alter the security dynamics online should be approached
with caution.  Exceptional access would force Internet system developers to
reverse forward secrecy design practices that seek to minimize the impact on
user privacy when systems are breached.  The complexity of today's Internet
environment, with millions of apps and globally connected services, means
that new law enforcement requirements are likely to introduce unanticipated,
hard to detect security flaws.  Beyond these and other technical
vulnerabilities, the prospect of globally deployed exceptional access
systems raises difficult problems about how such an environment would be
governed and how to ensure that such systems would respect human rights and
the rule of law.

Executive Summary

Political and law enforcement leaders in the United States and the United
Kingdom have called for Internet systems to be redesigned to ensure
government access to information -- even encrypted information.  They argue
that the growing use of encryption will neutralize their investigative
capabilities.  They propose that data storage and communications systems
must be designed for exceptional access by law enforcement agencies.  These
proposals are unworkable in practice, raise enormous legal and ethical
questions, and would undo progress on security at a time when Internet
vulnerabilities are causing extreme economic harm.

As computer scientists with extensive security and systems experience, we
believe that law enforcement has failed to account for the risks inherent in
exceptional access systems.  Based on our considerable expertise in
real-world applications, we know that such risks lurk in the technical
details.  In this report we examine whether it is technically and
operationally feasible to meet law enforcement's call for exceptional access
without causing large-scale security vulnerabilities.  We take no issue here
with law enforcement's desire to execute lawful surveillance orders when
they meet the requirements of human rights and the rule of law.  Our strong
recommendation is that anyone proposing regulations should first present
concrete technical requirements, which industry, academics, and the public
can analyze for technical weaknesses and for hidden costs.

Many of us worked together in 1997 in response to a similar but narrower and
better-defined proposal called the Clipper Chip [1].  The Clipper proposal
sought to have all strong encryption systems retain a copy of keys necessary
to decrypt information with a trusted third party who would turn over keys
to law enforcement upon proper legal authorization.  We found at that time
that it was beyond the technical state of the art to build key escrow
systems at scale.  Governments kept pressing for key escrow, but Internet
firms successfully resisted on the grounds of the enormous expense, the
governance issues, and the risk.  The Clipper Chip was eventually
abandoned. A much more narrow set of law enforcement access requirements
have been imposed, but only on regulated telecommunications systems.  Still,
in a small but troubling number of cases, weakness related to these
requirements have emerged and been exploited by state actors and others.
Those problems would have been worse had key escrow been widely deployed.
And if all information applications had had to be designed and certified for
exceptional access, it is doubtful that companies like Facebook and Twitter
would even exist.  Another important lesson from the 1990's is that the
decline in surveillance capacity predicted by law enforcement 20 years ago
did not happen.  Indeed, in 1992, the FBI's Advanced Telephony Unit warned
that within three years Title III wiretaps would be useless: no more than
40% would be intelligible and that in the worst case all might be rendered
useless [2].  The world did not "go dark."  On the contrary, law enforcement
has much better and more effective surveillance capabilities now than it did

The goal of this report is to similarly analyze the newly proposed
requirement of exceptional access to communications in today's more complex,
global information infrastructure.  We find that it would pose far more
grave security risks, imperil innovation, and raise thorny issues for human
rights and international relations.

There are three general problems.  First, providing exceptional access to
communications would force a U-turn from the best practices now being
deployed to make the Internet more secure.  These practices include forward
secrecy -- where decryption keys are deleted immediately after use, so that
stealing the encryption key used by a communications server would not
compromise earlier or later communications.  A related technique,
authenticated encryption, uses the same temporary key to guarantee
confidentiality and to verify that the message has not been forged or
tampered with.

Second, building in exceptional access would substantially increase system
complexity.  Security researchers inside and outside government agree that
complexity is the enemy of security -- every new feature can interact with
others to create vulnerabilities.  To achieve widespread exceptional
access, new technology features would have to be deployed and tested with
literally hundreds of thousands of developers all around the world.  This is
a far more complex environment than the electronic surveillance now deployed
in telecommunications and Internet access services, which tend to use
similar technologies and are more likely to have the resources to manage
vulnerabilities that may arise from new features.  Features to permit law
enforcement exceptional access across a wide range of Internet and mobile
computing applications could be particularly problematic because their
typical use would be surreptitious -- making security testing difficult and
less effective.

Third, exceptional access would create concentrated targets that could
attract bad actors.  Security credentials that unlock the data would have to
be retained by the platform provider, law enforcement agencies, or some
other trusted third party.  If law enforcement's keys guaranteed access to
everything, an attacker who gained access to these keys would enjoy the same
privilege.  Moreover, law enforcement's stated need for rapid access to data
would make it impractical to store keys offline or split keys among multiple
keyholders, as security engineers would normally do with extremely
high-value credentials.  Recent attacks on the United States Government
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) show how much harm can arise when many
organizations rely on a single institution that itself has security
vulnerabilities.  In the case of OPM, numerous federal agencies lost
sensitive data because OPM had insecure infrastructure.  If service
providers implement exceptional access requirements incorrectly, the
security of all of their users will be at risk.

Our analysis applies not just to systems providing access to encrypted data
but also to systems providing access directly to plaintext.  For example,
law enforcement has called for social networks to allow automated, rapid
access to their data.  A law enforcement backdoor into a social network is
also a vulnerability open to attack and abuse.  Indeed, Google's database of
surveillance targets was surveilled by Chinese agents who hacked into its
systems, presumably for counterintelligence purposes [3].

The greatest impediment to exceptional access may be jurisdiction.  Building
in exceptional access would be risky enough even if only one law enforcement
agency in the world had it.  But this is not only a US issue.  The UK
government promises legislation this fall to compel communications service
providers, including US-based corporations, to grant access to UK law
enforcement agencies, and other countries would certainly follow suit.
China has already intimated that it may require exceptional access.  If a
British-based developer deploys a messaging application used by citizens of
China, must it provide exceptional access to Chinese law enforcement?  Which
countries have sufficient respect for the rule of law to participate in an
international exceptional access framework?  How would such determinations
be made?  How would timely approvals be given for the millions of new
products with communications capabilities?  And how would this new
surveillance ecosystem be funded and supervised?  The US and UK governments
have fought long and hard to keep the governance of the Internet open, in
the face of demands from authoritarian countries that it be brought under
state control.  Does not the push for exceptional access represent a
breathtaking policy reversal?

The need to grapple with these legal and policy concerns could move the
Internet overnight from its current open and entrepreneurial model to
becoming a highly regulated industry.  Tackling these questions requires
more than our technical expertise as computer scientists, but they must be
answered before anyone can embark on the technical design of an exceptional
access system.

In the body of this report, we seek to set the basis for the needed debate by
presenting the historical background to exceptional access, summarizing law
enforcement demands as we understand them, and then discussing them in the
context of the two most popular and rapidly growing types of platform: a
messaging service and a personal electronic device such as a smartphone or
tablet.  Finally, we set out in detail the questions for which policymakers
should require answers if the demand for exceptional access is to be taken
seriously.  Absent a concrete technical proposal, and without adequate
answers to the questions raised in this report, legislators should reject
out of hand any proposal to return to the failed cryptography control policy
of the 1990s.

The full technical report  MIT-CSAIL-TR-2015-026  including the references
noted above  is available at

  [Please read the entire report.  It is very important.
  See also Nicole Perlroth's blog item on The New York Times website:


Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 14:33:23 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: David Cameron: Twitter and Facebook privacy is unsustainable

Politics via NNSquad, 30 Jun 2015

  The absolute privacy of Facebook and Twitter users can no longer be
  tolerated in the face of international terror, David Cameron suggested
  yesterday.  Tory MP Henry Bellingham asked the prime minister whether the
  attacks in Tunisia meant it was time "companies such as Google, Facebook
  and Twitter... understand that their current privacy policies are
  completely unsustainable?" Cameron agreed, saying that the security
  services must always be able to "get to the bottom" of online

  [Also, David Cameron wants to ban encryption in Britain, Business Insider


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 13:43:23 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Cameron reaffirms there will be no "safe spaces" from UK snooping

Ars Technica via NNSquad

  David Cameron was replying in the House of Commons on Monday to a question
  from the Conservative MP David Bellingham, who asked him whether he agreed
  that the "time has come for companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter
  to accept and understand that their current privacy policies are
  completely unsustainable?" To which Cameron replied: "we must look at all
  the new media being produced and ensure that, in every case, we are able,
  in extremis and on the signature of a warrant, to get to the bottom of
  what is going on."


Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 08:25:28 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Kenya to require users of Wi-Fi to register with government (Ars)

Ars Technica via NNSquad

  Yesterday, in a speech before the annual general meeting of the
  Association of Regulators of Information and Communications for Eastern
  and Southern Africa (ARICEA), Wangusi said, "We will license KENIC to
  register device owners using their national identity cards and telephone
  numbers. The identity of a device will be known when it connects to
  Wi-Fi." He also said that the Communications Authority would set up a
  forensics laboratory within three months to "proactively monitor impending
  cybersecurity attacks, detect reactive cybercrime, and link up with the
  judiciary in the fight," according to a report from Kenya's Daily Nation.
  The registry will enable Kenyan authorities to "be able to trace people
  using national identity cards that were registered and their phone numbers
  keyed in during registration" if the devices are associated with criminal
  activity on the Internet, Wangusi said.  The regulation would apply to
  anyone connecting to a public Wi-Fi network.  KENIC would maintain the
  database of devices; anyone connecting to a public network at a hotel,
  cafe, or other business would be required to register before accessing
  it. If businesses providing Wi-Fi fail to comply with the regulation, they
  could have their Internet services cut off.  Additionally, Wangusi
  announced that all Kenyan businesses will be required to host their
  websites within Kenya, purportedly to "avoid extra costs associated with
  sending data out to a different location and back again to the website
  owner," reported Daily Nation's Lilian Ochieng.  Kenya has just taken over
  the chair of ARICEA, which coordinates Internet and telecommunications
  policy across the members of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern
  Africa (COMESA). That puts Wangusi and the Communication Authority of
  Kenya in a position to press for similar Internet regulations in the other
  20 member states in Africa's free trade area, which spans from Libya to

Looks the real purpose is to try ensure political control to attack anyone
who disagrees with the current government.


Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 15:03:51 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Lauren's Blog: "Terrorism, the Internet, and Google"

                     Terrorism, the Internet, and Google

For those of us involved in the early days of the Internet's creation and
growth, it would at the time have seemed inconceivable that decades later
the topic of this post would need to be typed. I think it's fair to say that
none of us -- certainly not yours truly -- ever imagined that the fruits of
our labors would one day become a crucial tool for terrorists.

That day has nonetheless arrived, and it thrusts us directly into what
arguably is the single most critical issue facing the Internet and Web today
-- what to do about the commandeering of social media by the likes of ISIL
(aka ISIS, or IS, or Daesh) and other terrorist groups.

As we've discussed in the past, governments around the world are already
using the highly visible Internet presence of these criminal terrorist
organizations as excuses to call for broad Internet censorship powers,
and for "backdoors" into encryption systems that would be devastating
for both privacy and security worldwide.

Yet it's the horrific terrorist "recruitment" videos that have quite
understandably received the bulk of public attention, and they create a
complex dilemma for advocates of free speech such as myself.

We know that free speech is not without limits -- the "yelling fire in a
crowded theater" case being the canonical example.

How and where should we draw the lines on the Web?

Let's begin with a fundamental fact that is all too often ignored or
misrepresented. When a firm like Google -- or any other organization outside
of government -- decides it does not want to host or encourage any given
type of material, this is not censorship.

Just as book publishers are not obligated to distribute every manuscript
offered to them, and TV networks need not buy every series pilot that
comes their way, nongovernmental organizations and firms are free to
determine their own editorial standards and Terms of Service.

They need not participate in the dissemination of sexually-oriented videos,
kitten abuse compilations ... or beheading videos produced by medieval,
religious fanatic monsters.

Firms are free to determine for themselves the limits of what their content
and services will be.

Governments -- on the other hand -- can censor. That is, they determine what
private parties, firms, and other organizations are (at least in theory)
permitted to produce, disseminate, or hear and view. And governments can
back up these censorship orders with both criminal and civil penalties. They
can throw you in shackles into a dark cell for violating their orders. Last
time I checked, Google and other Internet firms didn't have such

So when Google's chief legal officer David Drummond, and policy director
Victoria Grand recently spoke of the need to fight back against ISIL and
other terrorist groups' propaganda and recruiting use of YouTube in
particular, and urged other firms to take similar social media stances, I
was very proud of their positions and those of Google's broader policy team.

Even for a vocal free speech advocate such as myself, I cannot ethically
condone the use of powerful platforms like YouTube as genocide-promoting
social media channels by technologically skilled savages.

This is not to suggest that drawing the lines in such cases is anything but
vastly complicated.

I have some significant insight into this thanks to my recent consulting to
Google, and I can state unequivocally that the amount of emotionally
draining, Solomonic soul-searching judgments that go into decisions
regarding abusive content removals at Google is absolutely
awe-inspiring. The motivated and dedicated individuals and teams involved
deserve our unending respect.

Even seemingly obvious cases -- like those involving ISIL -- turn out to be
decidedly difficult when you dig into the details.

Some governments would love to try cleanse the entire Net of all references
to these terror groups via broad censorship orders.

That would be doomed to failure of course, and in fact attempts to utterly
banish information about the utter brutality of these beasts would not at
all serve in making sure the world clearly understands the depth of horror
with which we're dealing.

Yet there is vanishingly little true probative value -- and there is vast
salacious propagandistic recruitment power -- in the display of actual
beheadings conducted by these groups, and Google is correct to ban these as
they have.

A particularly disquieting corollary to this situation is the manner in
which some of my colleagues seem unwilling or unable to appreciate the
complexities and nuances inherent in these situations.

Many of them have expressed anger at Google for drawing these content lines,
arguing that YouTube users should be permitted to post whatever they want
whenever they want, no matter the content -- even if the videos serve
purposely and directly as vile terrorist recruiting instruments.

Such arguments essentially attempt to equate all content and all speech as
equal -- an appealing academic concept perhaps, but a devastatingly
dangerous construct in the real world of today given the power and reach of
modern social media.

To be crystal clear about this, I'll emphasize again that decisions about
content availability and removal in these contexts are complex, difficult,
and not to be approached cavalierly.

But I'm convinced that Google is doing this right, and the Web at large
would do well to look toward Google as an example of best ethical practices
in managing this nightmarish situation in the best interests of the global
community at large.


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 9:53:04 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Hacking Team responds to data breach, issues public threats and
  denials (Steve Ragan)

Steve Ragan, CSO, 5-6 Jul 2015

On Sunday evening, someone hijacked the Hacking Team account on Twitter and
used it to announce that the company known for developing hacking tools was
itself a victim of a devastating hack. The hackers released a 400GB Torrent
file with internal documents, source code, and email communications to the
public at large. As researchers started to examine the leaked documents, the
story developed and the public got its first real look into the inner
workings of an exploit development firm.

Article, Part 2, July 6

Article, Part 1, July 5

  [See also a later take on this leak:
    Massive leak reveals Hacking Team's most private moments in messy detail
    Privacy and human rights advocates are having a field day picking
    through a massive leak purporting to show spyware developer Hacking
    Team's most candid moments, including documents that appear to
    contradict the company's carefully scripted PR campaign.
  PGN from LW]


Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 13:31:38 -0700
From: PRIVACY Forum mailing list <privacy () vortex com>
Subject: 'Digital amnesia' on the rise as we outsource our memory to the Web


  But all of the convenience afforded by digital technologies and their
  capability to instantaneously provide us with answers could be taking a
  terrible toll on our own natural abilities to memorise and recall things,
  according to a new study by software firm Kaspersky Lab.

An alternative point of view:

"As We Age, Smartphones Don't Make Us Stupid -- They're Our Saviors":



Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 14:18:54 +0200
From: Werner U <werneru () gmail com>
Subject: Mac OS Malware Exploits MacKeeper

BAE Systems Applied Intelligence blog, 4 Jun 2015

[ on May 6 it was reported on SlashDot ] MacKeeper May Have To Pay Millions
In Class-Action Suit you use a Mac, you probably recognize MacKeeper from
the omnipresent popup ads designed to look vaguely like system warnings
urging you to download the product and use it to keep your computer
safe. Now the Ukranian company behind the software and the ads may have to
pay millions in a class action suit that accuses them of exaggerating
security problems in order to convince customers to download the software*

[ it was an alert to what was reported on May 5 on ITworld ]

*Apple security program, MacKeeper, celebrates difficult birthday*

MacKeeper, a utility and security program for Apple computers, celebrated
its fifth birthday in April  But its gift to U.S. consumers who bought the
application may be a slice of a $2 million class-action settlement.

Since 2010, MacKeeper has been dogged by accusations that it exaggerates
security threats in order to convince customers to buy. Its aggressive
marketing has splashed MacKeeper pop-up ads all over the web. .....<snip>...

[ then, on June 4, BAE blog-announced ]

Mac OS Malware Exploits MacKeeper
(*Written by Sergei Shevchenko, Cyber Research)*
(BAE Systems Applied Intelligence blog @blogspot.ch)

Last month a new advisory <http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/36955/> was
published on a vulnerability discovered
<https://twitter.com/drspringfield/status/596316000385167361> in MacKeeper,
a controversial
software created by Ukrainian company ZeoBIT, now owned by Kromtech
Alliance Corp.

As discovered by Braden Thomas, the flaw in MacKeeper's URL handler
implementation allows arbitrary remote code execution when a user visits a
specially crafted webpage.

The first reports
<http://www.thesafemac.com/serious-mackeeper-vulnerability-found/> on this
vulnerability suggested that no malicious MacKeeper URLs had been spotted
in the wild yet. Well, not anymore.

Since the proof-of-concept was published, it took just days for the first
instances to be seen in the wild.

The attack this post discusses can be carried out via a phishing email
containing a malicious URL.

Once clicked, the users running MacKeeper will be presented with a dialog
that suggests they are infected with malware, prompting them for a password
to remove this. The actual reason is so that the malware could be executed
with the admin rights.

The webpage hosted by the attackers in this particular case has the
following format:

<!doctype html>

where [BASE_64_ENCODED_STUB], once decoded, contains..., and the prompt
message displayed to the user is:

*"Your computer has malware that needs to be removed"*

 As a result, once the unsuspecting user clicks the malicious link, the
following dialog box will pop up:


Once the password is specified, the malware will be downloaded and executed
(it is a 'dropper) which will dump an embedded executable and launch it.
The dropper will ... update the *LaunchAgents* in order to enable an
auto-start for the created executable.

 *Backdoor functionality*

 The embedded executable is a bot that allows remote access.

It can perform the following actions: ....

The bot collects system information such as: ...Availability of any VPN


 The bot keeps its execution parameters in a encoded configuration (config)
...it parses and distinguishes a number of configuration parameters...
...Config parameters...are used to randomise URL parameters (demonstrated

 *Network Communications*

 The bot checks if it's connected to the Internet by...
If not, it keeps checking in a loop until the computer goes online.

The data transferred over the network is encrypted with ..

The bot then constructs a blob that consists of...



It's quite interesting to see how little time it took the attackers to
weaponise a published proof-of-concept exploit code.

One might wonder how the attackers know if the targeted users are running

In its press release
<http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/03/prweb12579604.htm>, MacKeeper
claimed that is has surpassed 20 million downloads worldwide.

Hence, the attackers might simply be 'spraying' their targets with the
phishing emails hoping that some of them will have MacKeeper installed,
thus allowing the malware to be delivered to their computers and executed.


Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2015 17:03:00 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi key with your friends' friends

*The Register* via NNSquad

  In an attempt to address the security hole it has created, Microsoft
  offers a kludge of a workaround: you must add _optout to the SSID (the
  name of your network) to prevent it from working with Wi-Fi Sense.  (So if
  you want to opt out of Google Maps and Wi-Fi Sense at the same time, you
  must change your SSID of, say, myhouse to myhouse_optout_nomap.
  Technology is great.)  Microsoft enables Windows 10's Wi-Fi Sense by
  default, and access to password-protected networks are shared with
  contacts unless the user remembers to uncheck a box when they first
  connect. Choosing to switch it off may make it a lot less useful, but
  would make for a more secure IT environment.


Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2015 18:17:42 +0000
From: mctaylor <mctaylor () mctaylor com>
Subject: DVD drive in PC fire hazard

I was forwarded an internal advisory that discusses a potential fire hazard,
namely with HP 6005 small form factor (SFF) desktop computers.  Six cases
(out of a large number of units in use) within the organization were
identified where the users noticed smoke coming from inside the systems, and
upon investigation in each case it was due to the DVD power connector (12V)

I thought this might be slightly novel, as it is the first case I am
aware of, where an internal power connector posed a fire risk.


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 10:53:09 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Embracing the Internet of Things Means Managing Privacy Risks
  With Care (HuffPost)


  Someday, perhaps we'll be able to request our data from data brokers, just
  as we do credit reports, and log onto dashboards that empower consumers
  with better privacy tools, just as they do at Google. In the meantime,
  consumers have to hope that hardware and software makers are adopting FTC
  recommendations for "privacy by design and proceed with caution.


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2015 09:12:07 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Russian parliament adopts law forcing search engines to remove
  search results upon request (USNews)

USNews via NNSquad, 3 Jul 2015
Russian parliament adopts law forcing search engines to remove search results upon request

  Lawmakers in the Russian parliament on Friday voted for a bill forcing
  online search engines to remove search results about a specific person at
  that person's request.  The Russian State Duma voted overwhelmingly for
  the controversial law that critics say could be used to block information
  critical of the government or government officials. Though similar to one
  recently adopted by the European Union, the Russian law is more sweeping,
  extending the right of removal to public figures and information that is
  considered in the public interest.  Under the new law, a person can
  request that search engines like Google remove the search results of their
  name if the information about them is "no longer relevant" without
  specifying which links they want removed.

Yep, RTBF is the best friend of crooked politicians and tyrants. A vast
censorship regime, using search engines as the unwilling instruments of
its terror.


Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 14:57:25 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Researcher Who Reported E-voting Vulnerability Targeted
  by Police Raid in Argentina

Slashdot via NNSquad

  Police have raided the home of an Argentinian security professional who
  discovered and reported several vulnerabilities in the electronic ballot
  system (Google translation of Spanish original) to be used next week for
  elections in the city of Buenos Aires. The vulnerabilities (exposed SSL
  keys and ways to forge ballots with multiple votes) had been reported to
  the manufacturer of the voting machines, the media, and the public about a
  week ago. There has been no arrest, but his computers and electronics
  devices have been impounded (Spanish original).  Meanwhile, the
  information security community in Argentina is trying to get the media to
  report this notorious attempt to "kill the messenger."


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2015 23:02:12 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Harvard announces data breach



Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2015 23:20:05 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Cisco leaves its Unified CDM software open to hackers



Date: June 26, 2015 at 5:11:25 PM EDT
From: Dan Gillmor <dan () gillmor com>
Subject: New MOOC: MediaLIT: Overcoming Information Overload

We're about to launch a massive open online course (MOOC) on media/news
literacy in the digital age. The title is "MediaLIT: Overcoming Information
Overload". We do that by becoming active users, not passive consumers, of
media in a variety of ways.

The free course runs for seven weeks beginning July 6, and features a lot of
different material including video interviews with some of the most
interesting people I know in the media and digital worlds. Among them are
Jimmy Wales, Margaret Sullivan (NY Times public editor), Brian Stelter
(CNN), Len Downie (former executive editor of the Washington Post), Lawrence
Krauss (physicist), Baratunde Thurston (author, comedian, etc.), Amanda
Palmer (musician and author) and many others.

The course is a joint project of ASU Online and is running on the edX
platform, the MOOC initiative started by Harvard and MIT.

Here's a link to the registration page:


Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:11:11 -0800
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

 The ACM RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest. Its Usenet manifestation is
 comp.risks, the feed for which is donated by panix.com as of June 2011.
=> SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent)
 if possible and convenient for you.  The mailman Web interface can
 be used directly to subscribe and unsubscribe:
 Alternatively, to subscribe or unsubscribe via e-mail to mailman
 your FROM: address, send a message to
   risks-request () csl sri com
 containing only the one-word text subscribe or unsubscribe.  You may
 also specify a different receiving address: subscribe address= ... .
 You may short-circuit that process by sending directly to either
   risks-subscribe () csl sri com or risks-unsubscribe () csl sri com
 depending on which action is to be taken.

 Subscription and unsubscription requests require that you reply to a
 confirmation message sent to the subscribing mail address.  Instructions
 are included in the confirmation message.  Each issue of RISKS that you
 receive contains information on how to post, unsubscribe, etc.

=> The complete INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites,
 copyright policy, etc.) is online.
 *** Contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines.

=> .UK users may contact <Lindsay.Marshall () newcastle ac uk>.
=> SPAM challenge-responses will not be honored.  Instead, use an alternative
 address from which you NEVER send mail!
=> SUBMISSIONS: to risks () CSL sri com with meaningful SUBJECT: line.
 *** NOTE: Including the string `notsp' at the beginning or end of the subject
 *** line will be very helpful in separating real contributions from spam.
 *** This attention-string may change, so watch this space now and then.
=> ARCHIVES: ftp://ftp.sri.com/risks for current volume
     or ftp://ftp.sri.com/VL/risks for previous VoLume
 http://www.risks.org takes you to Lindsay Marshall's searchable archive at
 newcastle: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/VL.IS.html gets you VoLume, ISsue.
   Lindsay has also added to the Newcastle catless site a palmtop version
   of the most recent RISKS issue and a WAP version that works for many but
   not all telephones: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/w/r
 <http://the.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/risks-digest/> .
==> PGN's comprehensive historical Illustrative Risks summary of one liners:
    <http://www.csl.sri.com/illustrative.html> for browsing,
    <http://www.csl.sri.com/illustrative.pdf> or .ps for printing
  is no longer maintained up-to-date except for recent election problems.
 *** NOTE: If a cited URL fails, we do not try to update them.  Try
  browsing on the keywords in the subject line or cited article leads.
==> Special Offer to Join ACM for readers of the ACM RISKS Forum:


End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 28.75

Current thread: