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Risks Digest 27.30

From: RISKS List Owner <risko () csl sri com>
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 16:29:13 PDT

RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Wednesday 29 May 2013  Volume 27 : Issue 30

Peter G. Neumann, moderator, chmn ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy

***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
This issue is archived at <http://www.risks.org> as
The current issue can be found at

Resolved: The Internet is no place for Critical Infrastructure (Dan Geer)
Online Currency Exchange Accused of Laundering $6 Billion (Santora et al.
  via Monty Solomon)
The hazards of gambling (Stephen Unger)
Employees clueless on cyber security (Chris J Brady)
"Researchers find more versions of digitally signed Mac OS X spyware"
  (Lucian Constantin via Gene Wirchenko)
"U.S. power companies under frequent cyber attack" (Jeremy Kirk via
  Gene Wirchenko)
Disruptions: At Odds Over Privacy Challenges of Wearable Computing
  (Nick Bilton via Monty Solomon)
Risks of reporting a bug to the wrong place (Paul Robinson)
Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Fed. Appeals Court Says Police Need Warrant to Search Phone (Slashdot)
Anti-Risk? Google Maps updates bridge outage in map mode (Gene Wirchenko)
Reporters use Google, find breach, get branded as "hackers"
  (Lauren Weinstein)
Current disruptions of traffic to Google products and services (jidanni)
Google announces open access to its research publications, now that ACM
  will permit it (Lauren Weinstein)
Re: Curious press release (Peter Houppermans)
Risks of spreadsheets (Steve Loughran)
Re: spreadsheet errors (Dimitri Maziuk)
Re: "Economic policy decisions may be affected by spreadsheet errors"
  (Gene Wirchenko)
REVIEW: "The CERT Guide to Insider Threats" by Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore,
  and Randall Trzeciak (Richard Austin)
Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)


Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 19:33:56 PDT
From: "Peter G. Neumann" <neumann () csl sri com>
Subject: Resolved: The Internet is no place for Critical Infrastructure (Geer)

Dan Geer, who has a wonderful bent for things quantitative, has an article
in ACM Queue, 2 April 2013, that we somehow missed in RISKS.

  Dan Geer, Resolved: The Internet is no place for critical infrastructure

Buried in the middle of the article is this wonderfully pithy paragraph:

  Risk is a consequence of dependence. Because of shared dependence,
  aggregate societal dependence on the Internet is not estimable. If
  dependencies are not estimable, then they will be underestimated. If they
  are underestimated, then they will not be made secure over the long run,
  only over the short. As the risks become increasingly unlikely to appear,
  the interval between events will grow longer. As the latency between
  events grows, the assumption that safety has been achieved will also grow,
  thus fueling increased dependence in what is now a positive feedback
  loop. Accommodating rejectionists preserves alternative, less complex,
  more durable means and therefore bounds dependence. Bounding dependence is
  the core of rational risk management.


Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 01:36:30 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Online Currency Exchange Accused of Laundering $6 Billion

Marc Santora, William K. Rashbaum and Nicole Perlroth, *The New York Times*,
  28 May 2013

The operators of a global currency exchange ran a $6 billion
money-laundering operation online, a central hub for criminals trafficking
in everything from stolen identities to child pornography, federal
prosecutors in New York said on Tuesday.

The currency exchange, Liberty Reserve, operated beyond the traditional
confines of United States and international banking regulations in what
prosecutors called a shadowy netherworld of cyberfinance. It traded in
virtual currency and provided the kind of anonymous and easily accessible
banking infrastructure increasingly sought by criminal networks, law
enforcement officials said.

The charges announced at a news conference by Preet Bharara, the United
States attorney in Manhattan, and other law enforcement officials, mark what
officials said was believed to be the largest online money-laundering case
in history. Over seven years, Liberty Reserve was responsible for laundering
billions of dollars, conducting 55 million transactions that involved
millions of customers around the world, including about 200,000 in the
United States, according to prosecutors. ...



Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 21:02:19 -0400 (EDT)
From: Stephen Unger <unger () cs columbia edu>
Subject: The hazards of gambling

At a time when we are still in deep economic trouble, with huge numbers of
people unemployed, or under-employed, and with no serious effort to get
corporations and the super-rich to pay more taxes, many states and
municipalities are turning to gambling as a "painless" revenue source. We
are seeing more state lotteries, licensing of casinos, etc., and the use of
the internet to make it easier for people to gamble. Is this a good thing,
or is there a serious down side? Place your bets as to what my position is
on this. My analysis is accessible at:

Stephen H. Unger, Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Electrical
Engineering, Columbia University


Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 13:06:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris J Brady <chrisjbrady () yahoo com>
Subject: Employees clueless on cyber security

Half of employees never consider security when they upload or download data
to their office PC or company smartphone, according to a survey.  And 40 per
cent of employees said they did not know about their company's
security policy when using their phone.  Many never consider the threat of
cyber crime and are unfamiliar with company policies to protect their data,
the poll of 1,200 officer workers found.

Staffing provider Modis said its research showed that even business owners
did not think about the security of their organization's data when
downloading or uploading information.

Roy Dungworth, of IT staffing provider Modis, which carried out the survey,
said: ``The rise of flexible working and cloud computing has created a
multitude of points at which cyber criminals can access a company's data.''

Half of workers do not know if their company has a policy on cyber crime and
do not worry about security when they download data to their phone,
according to a new study.


Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 10:59:21 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "Researchers find more versions of digitally signed Mac OS X spyware"

Lucian Constantin, InfoWorld, 23 May 2013
The malware is connected to Indian cyberespioange operation and has
been active since at least December 2012, researchers say

selected text:

The newly discovered KitM variants are all signed with the same Rajinder
Kumar certificate. Apple revoked this Developer ID last week, after the
first samples were discovered, but this won't immediately help existing
victims, according to Bogdan Botezatu, a senior e-threat analyst at
antivirus vendor Bitdefender.

"Gatekeeper uses the File Quarantine system, which holds the file in
quarantine until it is first executed," Botezatu said Thursday via
email. "If it passes Gatekeeper on first run, it will continue to run and
never be queried by Gatekeeper again. So, malware samples that have been ran
once while the developer ID used for signing them was valid will continue to
run on the machines."


Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 10:14:15 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: "U.S. power companies under frequent cyber attack" (Jeremy Kirk)

Jeremy Kirk, InfoWorld, 22 May 2013
Legislation that would give the federal government power to oversee the
protection of utilities has stalled


Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 23:12:45 -0400
From: Monty Solomon <monty () roscom com>
Subject: Disruptions: At Odds Over Privacy Challenges of Wearable Computing
  (Nick Bilton)

Nick Bilton, *The New York Times, 26 May 2013

Perhaps the best way to predict how society will react to so-called wearable
computing devices is to read the Dr. Seuss children's story "The Butter
Battle Book."

The book, which was published in 1984, is about two cultures at odds.  On
one side are the Zooks, who eat their bread with the buttered side down. In
opposition are the Yooks, who eat their bread with the buttered side up. As
the story progresses, their different views lead to an arms race and
potentially an all-out war.

Well, the Zooks and the Yooks may have nothing on wearable computing fans,
who are starting to sport devices that can record everything going on around
them with a wink or subtle click, and the people who promise to confront
violently anyone wearing one of these devices.

I've experienced both sides of this debate with Google's Internet-connected
glasses, Google Glass. Last year, after Google unveiled its wearable
computer, I had a brief opportunity to test it and was awe-struck by the
potential of this technology.

A few months later, at a work-related party, I saw several people wearing
Glass, their cameras hovering above their eyes as we talked.  I was startled
by how much Glass invades people's privacy, leaving them two choices: stare
at a camera that is constantly staring back at them, or leave the room. ...



Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 13:25:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Robinson <rfc1394 () yahoo com>
Subject: Risks of reporting a bug to the wrong place

Today's software is layered. Your computer has a bios. Your operating system
uses that bios. Your apps use the operating system. Any website's you
connect to is a machine that uses a web server -- an app or "application
program" -- to provide pages to you (the web server is usually Apache or
IIS). The web server you connect to uses pages written using probably PHP,
Perl or ASP to dynamically create pages. Those pages depend on PHP, Perl, or
Visual Basic in Microsoft IIS to provide the underlying interpreter to
render them. And then some websites (like Wikipedia) are scriptable, so the
web pages running on PHP, which are running on Apache, which are running on
Linux (or Windows), all provide interesting places to potentially have bugs.
"Pick a card, any card." Now, when something is wrong, where is it? I'm
doing a calendar test on Wikipedia, and I wrote a small piece of Wikimedia
code (the macro syntax used by the software that runs Wikipedia). And it
comes up wrong. You can see it in a sample template I did at

It discovered that the dates rendered before January 1, 1600 are wrong. So
if you place in a Wikipedia page the following macro to display the day of
the week: {#time:l|1600-01-01}} It is correct, Saturday. Also, this macro
call for today: Today: 2013-05-28 is {{#time:l|2013-05-28}} Which says
Today: 2013-05-28 is Tuesday.  But this: Year 1599 is {{#time:l|1599-01-01}}
Says: Year 1599 is Saturday.  What's the problem? 1599 started on a Friday.
I reported it to the Wikipedia Foundation on their bug tracker, but it
occurred to me it might be an error in PHP, the underlying software that
Wikimedia is written in. So I wrote a small program, which, since I have
hosting -- I run my own blog -- I can question is why this bug exists in the
first place? I think the algorithm, Zeller's Congruence, for getting the day
of the week works for all Gregorian dates, and the Gregorian calendar
started in 1583, 17 years earlier.

[1] https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61599=0A


Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 09:45:23 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Fed. Appeals Court Says Police Need Warrant to Search Phone

  "In a decision that's almost certainly going to result in this issue
  heading up to the Supreme Court, the Federal 1st Circuit Court of Appeals
  [Friday] ruled that police can't search your phone when they arrest you
  without a warrant. That's contrary to most courts' previous findings in
  these kinds of cases where judges have allowed warrantless searches
  through cell phones."  http://j.mp/YQOoQl  (Slashdot via NNSquad)


Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 22:02:44 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: Anti-Risk? Google Maps updates bridge outage in map mode

On May 23rd, an overloaded truck struck support trusses for a bridge over
the Skagit River on Interstate 5 between Burlington and Mount Vernon, WA.
This is an important route, and since I will be going that way in August, I
was concerned about making alternative plans.

Washington State Department of Transportation has this data on it:

Google Maps does not show the bridge now in map mode (though it is still
shown in satellite mode).  Getting directions between Vancouver, BC and
Seattle, WA shows a detour off I-5 by the ex-bridge.  It is nice to see that
the Google Maps people are on the ball.


Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 22:31:26 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Reporters use Google, find breach, get branded as "hackers"

  However, Vcare and the two telecom companies assert that the reporters
  "hacked" their way into the data using "automated" methods to access the
  data. And what was this malicious hacking tool that penetrated the
  security of Vcare's servers? In a letter sent to Scripps News by Jonathan
  D. Lee, counsel for both of the cell carriers, Lee said that Vcare's
  research had shown that the reporters were "using the 'Wget' program to
  search for and download the Companies' confidential data."  GNU Wget is a
  free and open source tool used for batch downloads over HTTP and FTP. Lee
  claimed Vcare's investigation found the files were bulk-downloaded via two
  Scripps IP addresses.
    http://j.mp/10onoVP  (ars technica via NNSquad)

 - - -

Ah yes -- wget -- more dangerous to mankind than General Zod!


Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 20:19:15 +0800
From: jidanni () jidanni org
Subject: Current disruptions of traffic to Google products and services

etc. etc.


Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 15:10:06 -0700
From: Lauren Weinstein <lauren () vortex com>
Subject: Google announces open access to its research publications,
  now that ACM will permit it

http://j.mp/10IAcXg  (Google+ via NNSquad)

  "The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) recently announced a new
  option for publication rights management, wherein researchers can choose
  to pay for the public to have perpetual open access to the publication (
  http://goo.gl/OXlYp ). Google applauds this new option, and today we are
  announcing that we will pay the open access fees for all articles by
  Google researchers that are published in ACM journals.  IEEE (
  http://goo.gl/qqeka ) also has an open access option for some of its
  publications, and we also pay the open access fee for them and for
  publications in like organizations."


Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 11:19:04 +0200
From: Peter Houppermans <peter () houppermans net>
Subject: Re: Curious press release (Seecrypt et al., RISKS-27.29)

I'm skipping over the usual observations about the need to get the legal
framework right first before you offer crypto products (flogging a dead
horse etc) - I have a simple answer why I personally would not be that
interested in security products from Seecrypt (abridged version):

bushido:~ peter$ dig seecrypt.com mx

;seecrypt.com.            IN    MX

seecrypt.com.        7200    IN    MX    5 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com.
seecrypt.com.        7200    IN    MX    10 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.com.
seecrypt.com.        7200    IN    MX    1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com.
seecrypt.com.        7200    IN    MX    5 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.com.
seecrypt.com.        7200    IN    MX    10 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.com.

I would not be terribly inclined to do business with Seecrypt: they use
Google as e-mail provider, which is IMHO not exactly a great approach to
protecting client confidentiality.

Case closed.


Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 13:36:26 -0700
From: Steve Loughran <stevel () apache org>
Subject: Risks of spreadsheets

For anyone interested in quantifying the risks of spreadsheet errors, the
European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group, "eusprig"

They not only have a set of horror stories, but cite a lovely 2002 paper,
Spreadsheet Engineering: A Research Framework, by Thomas A. Grossman.

The author makes the point that spreadsheets are a declarative programming
tool, programmed by people who have understanding of the problem domain, but
of what software engineers would consider a process for writing correct
spreadsheets. This appears to be due as much to the different psychological
outlook of "software developers" from "spreadsheet developers" -- something
noted by Bonnie Nardi and Jim Miller in 1990 [Nardi90] -- as to the weak
tooling in spreadsheets for delivering high quality applications. There is
also the lack of significant work in the software engineering community,
where we are more concerned with the correctness of our IDE-written, SCM
managed code, than in spreadsheets.

"This class of programming -- high stakes, high speed coding with strategic
implications -- appears to be absent from the software engineering
literature.  There are many interesting issues regarding this sort of
programming, particularly how to design a spreadsheet to ensure flexibility
and reduce the likelihood of errors."

To add insult to injury, the fact that artifact delivery is often by
multihop email attachments without adequate provenance or updating means
that even knowing where your application has got to is unknown -making
maintenance that much harder.

Collaborative server-based spreadsheets -- MS sharepoint, google
applications, etc,, may handle distribution, but don't appear to addresss the
other risks described in [Grossman02]. In fact, even for those of us who do
understand software development and naming, spreadsheet development as a
workflow of copy-existing-file-and-change is dangerously close to the "copy
and edit" process that software engineering has long recognized as creating
maintenance grief downstream.

Of course, this lack of focus on quality development techniques in what
could well be largest programming tools used round the world does present
some interesting opportunities for anyone wanting to fix this. The open
source developers of Apache Open Office would no doubt welcome anyone
willing to address this in their software.

[Grossman02]: Grossman, Spreadsheet Engineering: A Research Framework.

[Nardi90] : B.A. Nardi, J.R. Miller: An ethnographic study of distributed
problem solving in spreadsheet development


Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 12:55:39 -0500
From: Subject: Re: spreadsheet errors (Hacher, RISKS-27.28)

As a middle-aged ex-smoker I remember very well the brouhaha around passive
smoking, with all the studies that found correlations below the margin of
accuracy and all those calls for retractions (e.g.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC188394/) and lawsuits and great
fun's been had by all.

I'm sure other RISKS readers have other examples of studies whose
conclusions were tailored to support the author's initial premise (though
perhaps few with as much media coverage).

The only difference is this time we're blaming Excel. Come on, you lost me
at "global economic crisis modeled in Excel program".

Dimitri Maziuk, Programmer/sysadmin
BioMagResBank, UW-Madison -- http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu

PS. here's another example, this is getting little PR in the USA for
some reason:

"It is always unpleasant to acknowledge facts that are inconsistent with
your own point of view."


Date: Sun, 19 May 2013 19:05:54 -0700
From: Gene Wirchenko <genew () telus net>
Subject: Re: "Economic policy decisions may be affected by spreadsheet errors"
  (Hamilton, RISKS-27.28)

  >> I would be surprised if this feature does not exist in the
  >> still-popular Excel 2003.'

  It exists in Excel 97.

I have never used it since I do not make complex spreadsheets.  I tried it,
and it worked, but it is of limited use, because I can not find out what a
name means.  At least, I could not find it which is about the same.

It is easier, then, for me to verify a co-ordinate range because I can check
those cells, but what does "TTT" mean?  If I do not know what it means, then
I can not check that it is correct.

'It seems that, in this case, Kohne's observations about folks lacking a
combination of subject-matter expertise and fluency with chosen digital
tools is more compelling than dwelling on the absence of features that are
actually present.'

There is the problem of a tool not having all of the pieces necessary for it
to be truly useful.  Or that the features are not obvious.


Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 17:50:33 -0600
From: "Cipher Editor" <cipher-editor () ieee-security org>
Subject: REVIEW: "The CERT Guide to Insider Threats"
  by Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore and Randall Trzeciak (Richard Austin)

  Book Review By Richard Austin, May 23, 2013

    [Extracted From IEEE TCSP CIPHER, Issue 114, May 28, 2013.
    A very valuable resource, Cipher is published 6 times per year.  The
    entire newsletter is at http://www.ieee-security.org/cipher.html.  PGN]

Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore and Randall Trzeciak
The CERT Guide to Insider Threats
Addison-Wesley 2012.
ISBN 978-0-321-81257-5 amazon.com USD 35.88,
Table of Contents:

This was a hard book to review - it is intended to be introductory and
targeted at a non-technical reader, a decision which led to a glacial pace
of presentation and frustratingly shallow detail in many areas.  However, it
also has the huge plus of being based on analysis of 700+ cases of insider
abuse collected by CERT over a ten-year period.  For that reason alone, I
respectfully recommend it to your attention.

The term "insider threat" can have many meanings so the authors clearly set
their scope as "a current or former employee, contractor or business partner
who has or has had authorized access to an organization's network, system or
data and intentionally exceeded or misused that access in a manner that
negatively affected the confidentiality, integrity or availability of
information or information systems" (p. xx).  That definition earns the
authors bonus credit for including both contractors and business partners.

Based on their analysis, the authors identify three profiles for
insider threats: IT sabotage, Theft of intellectual property, Fraud.

As security professionals, our goals for insider threats are to identify the
factors that make the threat likely to occur (the authors call these
"predispositions"), to recognize that the threat has been instantiated, and
to mitigate the threat or its effects.  The authors address those goals by
abstracting the results of their analysis of insider threat into the MERIT
model ("Management and Education of the Risk of Insider Threat").  MERIT is
a system dynamics model and some readers may benefit from a more substantial
introduction to the topic (e.g., Meadows, D. H. [2008].  "Thinking in
Systems: A Primer".  Chelsea Green Publishing).

Each threat profile is described in its own chapter where the model for that
threat is presented.  For example, the authors found that cases involving
theft of intellectual property (IP) fit two general patterns: "entitled
independent" and "ambitious leader".  The "entitled independent" is, for
example, the engineer who feels a proprietary ownership in the new product
she developed and feels "entitled" to take the design with her when her
position is eliminated during an economic downturn.  The "ambitious leader"
recruits a group of insiders to pilfer intellectual property for a share in
the financial reward.  The MERIT model for these patterns portrays the
factors and relationships that give rise to the threat and shows where
organizational responses can be most effectively applied.  For example, the
desire to steal for an "entitled independent" arises from the interplay
between their contribution to the IP and feelings of ownership and
precipitating events such as dissatisfaction or a job offer from a
competitor.  There's obviously a tension here where even though the feeling
of entitlement predisposes the engineer to potentially steal the product,
the organization benefits from the engineer's substantial contributions to
the product and feelings of ownership.  The models recognize this tension by
suggesting that organizations include recognition of precipitating events as
triggers for defensive measures such as increased behavioral monitoring.

After working through the threat models, the authors turn their attention to
detection and prevention.  Chapter 6 reviews 16 best practices (ranging from
consistently enforcing policies to effective monitoring).  The best
practices are each presented in a "how to" followed by a "what happens if
you don't" case study.  The list of best practices contains no surprises but
a reexamination of "the usual suspects" from an insider-threat perspective
is useful.

Chapter 7, "Technical Insider Threat Controls", provides
managerially-focused readers with a brief introduction to how intrusion
detection systems (IDS), network flow data, security information and event
management (SIEM), etc., can be effectively used in detecting instantiation
of insider threats.

For technical professionals, the takeaways from this book revolve around the
MERIT model and its way of looking at insider threats.  The authors provide
footnote references to the papers that back up the book chapters, and much
of the lamented missing details are found in those papers.  For managerial
professionals, this is an excellent introductory book for understanding the
scope of the insider threat and what organizations can do to predict,
recognize and mitigate the threat.

  [It has been said "Be careful, for writing books is endless, and much
  study wears you out" so Richard Austin (http://cse.spsu.edu/raustin2)
  fearlessly samples the wares of the publishing houses and opines as to
  which might most profitably occupy your scarce reading time.  He welcomes
  your thoughts and comments via raustin at ieee dot org .]


Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2012 20:20:16 -0900
From: RISKS-request () csl sri com
Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)

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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 27.30

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