Politech: by date

41 messages starting Mar 31 05 and ending Apr 28 05
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Thursday, 28 April

More on businesses requiring fingerprints for gym, tanning salon memberships Declan McCullagh
Thumbprinting visitors at the Statue of Liberty Declan McCullagh
Download.com hosts Antispyware Workshop in SF on Tues, May 3 [priv] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 27 April

Setting history straight: Who said information wants to be free? [fs] Declan McCullagh
Arkansas salon requires thumbprint to get a tan [priv] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 25 April

More on distribute pre-release movies, etc. go to prison for three years [ip] Declan McCullagh
Privacy tip: be wary of Google's "personal history" feature [priv] Declan McCullagh
More on Congress threatening to stifle TV-over-fiber plans Declan McCullagh
The European Constitution has no First Amendment [fs] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 20 April

Update on Alabama activist hassled by Feds; laptop scanned at Customs [priv] Declan McCullagh
Idiot politico watch: Tom Delay thinks Supreme Court should be unwired [fs] Declan McCullagh
Canadian music industry groups demand iPod taxes [ip] Declan McCullagh
Congress threatens to stifle TV-over-fiber plans [econ] Declan McCullagh
Distribute pre-release movie, music, software, go to prison for three years [ip] Declan McCullagh

Friday, 15 April

Transcript of Senate Judiciary hearing on ChoicePoint, Acxiom, etc. [priv] Declan McCullagh
Politech-related documents recently posted online [priv] Declan McCullagh
Jim Harper replies to "How to regulate the Net" scheme [econ] Declan McCullagh
In United Arab Emirates, all cars will be tracked by the government [priv] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 13 April

Entertainment industry doesn't like Grouper, new privacy-friendly P2P app [ip] Declan McCullagh
Business Week article on RIM/BlackBerry patent saga [ip] Declan McCullagh
In Ohio, identity theft is done by the cops, and it's legal [priv] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Homeland Security department's paper tiger [priv] Declan McCullagh
How to regulate the Net? Target intermediaries... [econ] Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 07 April

How to blog anonymously, a guide [fs] Declan McCullagh
Is Internet gambling in U.S. legal or not? U.S., Antigua disagree [econ] Declan McCullagh

Wednesday, 06 April

ACLU, EFF don't want U.S. passports to have RFID tags embedded [priv] Declan McCullagh
Hoofnagle, Solove release Politech-improved v2.0 of Privacy Protection Plan [priv] Declan McCullagh
Recent articles: SF blog rules; DHS privacy; Canada; Patriot Act [fs] Declan McCullagh

Monday, 04 April

Teacher, student suspended for bypassing school filters [fs] Declan McCullagh
Paul Levy on 9th Circuit protecting freedom of speech online [fs] Declan McCullagh
Weekly column: Will Congress renew Patriot Act? Declan McCullagh
If postal voting is "hopelessly insecure, " how about online voting? Declan McCullagh
Canadian government can't enforce publication ban, thanks to Net [fs] Declan McCullagh
Whither the V-Chip? Sen. Stevens wants to regulate premium cable [fs] Declan McCullagh

Friday, 01 April

More on Apple/BSD "Satanic" daemon and the Darwin connection Declan McCullagh
Reports of dubious accuracy on ChoicePoint, IEEE, and security certification Declan McCullagh

Thursday, 31 March

When police can legally peruse your cell phone, PDA during an arrest [priv] Declan McCullagh
Use encryption online, become more visible? [priv] Declan McCullagh
More on U.S. law penalizes fake info on domain registrations [priv] Declan McCullagh
Religious leaders warn of Apple Computer's "Satanic" daemon, Darwin ties Declan McCullagh
Travis Kalanick on Grokster court case marking "end of an era" [ip] Declan McCullagh