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FC: Privacilla's Jim Harper to House: Worry more about .gov snoops!

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 10:44:48 -0400


Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 08:53:08 -0400
Subject: Privacilla Testimony to House Judiciary Committee
From: "Jim Harper - Privacilla.org" <jim.harper () privacilla org>

This morning, I'll be testifying to the House
Judiciary Committee's Subcommitttee on Commercial and Administrative Law
regarding the Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act (H.R. 4561).  (10:00
am in 2141 Rayburn House Office Building.)
My written testimony is up on the site at:

PDF: http://www.privacilla.org/releases/federal_agency_privacy_testimony.pdf
html: http://www.privacilla.org/releases/federal_agency_privacy_testimony.html

The html version has handy links to additional
reading.  And not just any additional reading.  Additional reading
about privacy . . . .

Jim Harper


         Prepared Statement of Jim Harper, Editor of Privacilla.org
                        at the Hearing on H.R. 4561
               the "Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act"
          U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary
             Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law

                                May 1, 2002

   Chairman Barr, Mr. Watt, and Members of the Subcommittee,

   It is a great pleasure to appear before you to discuss H.R. 4561, the
   "Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act." I am Jim Harper, the
   Editor of Privacilla.org, a Web-based think-tank devoted exclusively
   to privacy. I am also an Adjunct Fellow at the Progress & Freedom
   Foundation and the Founder and Principal of Information Age lobbying
   and consulting firm PolicyCounsel.Com.

   Privacy is one of the most complex and difficult public policy issues
   confronting Congress and legislatures across the country today. I am
   pleased to lend what knowledge I have to your consideration of this

   Privacilla.org is a Web site that attempts to capture "privacy" as a
   public policy issue. The pages of Privacilla cover the issue of
   privacy from top to bottom. We deal with fundamental privacy concepts,
   privacy from government, and privacy in the private sector, including
   financial, medical, and online privacy. Anyone may submit ideas,
   information, and links for potential inclusion on the site. The site
   represents the thinking of many people and I would refer you to the
   Privacilla "Support" page to get an idea of the groups we work with.
   Please visit Privacilla at http://www.privacilla.org and use it as a
   resource whenever your work brings you to a privacy policy question.

   Privacilla takes a free-market, pro-technology approach to privacy
   policy. There certainly are other views, and you should consider them
   all. Please also be aware that Privacilla is currently a project of my
   lobbying and consulting firm, PolicyCounsel.Com. My firm does not
   represent any interest on privacy specifically, but nearly all issues
   touch on privacy in some way, so you should consider my potential for
   bias, as you would with any privacy advocate. The views presented on
   Privacilla, and those I express today, are not the views of any

   Chairman Barr, I salute you for introducing H.R. 4561 with broadly
   bipartisan support, and for holding these hearings today. Mr. Watt,
   and other Members of the Subcommittee, congratulations to you for
   joining in introducing this important bill.

   Privacy is a complex and widely misunderstood public policy issue.
   This legislation can help protect Americans' privacy by giving the
   American people, the press, and Congress information they need about
   how federal regulation affects privacy. This legislation presents an
   opportunity to refine the terms of the many different "privacy"
   debates, so that Congress, the press, and the public can find
   solutions to a number of important problems.

   Though they are motivated only by beneficent purposes, many government
   programs deprive Americans of control over personal information and
   their privacy. The Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act can help
   restore to the people the power and autonomy that is one of the great
   benefits of living in the United States. There are several successful
   precedents in our nation's administrative laws for this proposal. Few,
   if any, changes are needed to perfect the legislation in terms of
   privacy. I urge you, though, to be aware of the many important
   elements of information policy beyond privacy that fall within the
   scope of the bill.

   Defining Terms: What is Privacy?
   The Judiciary Committee is the committee of American law and legal
   institutions. There is no better place to define and give structure to
   terms such as our focus today: privacy. By digging deeply into privacy
   as a legal concept, you as congressional leaders can dramatically
   improve the quality of many public policy debates, and the outcomes
   Congress produces for the American people.

   Left undefined, the word "privacy" has become far too much of a
   stalking horse for all variety of ideological and special interest
   groups. Indeed, a coterie of activist organizations - including
   Privacilla - thrives because there is not an agreed to and limited
   definition for the word "privacy" in current debate. Moreover, the
   lack of definition has rendered Congress, state legislatures, the
   press, and the public less able to find solutions to the many problems
   and legitimate concerns that popularly fall under the heading of

   For example, identity fraud is widely perceived as a "privacy"
   problem. But it is better understood as a group of crimes that thrive
   on the use of personal identification and financial information.
   Because of this widespread misperception, the crimes that constitute
   identity fraud go poorly enforced while Congress considers banning
   many uses of Social Security Numbers in the name of "privacy."
   Limiting SSN use would likely stifle many benefits that consumers and
   the economy enjoy without effectively reducing this serious crime

   Similarly, unwanted commercial e-mail, or "spam," is an intrusion into
   electronic communications and a serious annoyance that is often
   labeled as a "privacy" problem. Spam exists in large part because
   e-mail marketers know little or nothing about the interests of
   potential customers. It is difficult to reconcile spam - e-mails
   broadcast to unknown people nearly at random - with the heart of the
   privacy concept, which is too much personal information being
   available too widely.

   At Privacilla, we have a working definition of privacy that we believe
   should form the basis of policy discussions on the topic: Privacy is a
   subjective condition that individuals enjoy when two factors are in
   place legal ability to control information about oneself, and exercise
   of that control consistent with one's interests and values.

   Privacy is a personal, subjective condition. It is a state of affairs
   individuals enjoy based on sharing or retention of information about
   themselves consistent with their own preferences. These preferences
   are a product of such things as culture, upbringing, and experience.
   Because privacy is subjective, one person cannot decide for another
   what his or her sense of privacy should be. You can not tell me,
   either by giving your opinion or by passing a law, that my privacy is
   protected when I think it is not.

   The first factor above goes to the existence of choice the legal power
   to control the release of information. A person who wishes to maintain
   privacy in the appearance of his or her body, for example, may put on
   clothes and be relatively certain that no one will remove that
   clothing without permission. Few laws require people to remove their
   clothing and, thanks to the concept of "battery" in state tort and
   criminal law, private actors may be punished for touching our clothing
   in any way that interferes with bodily privacy. Our choices to hide or
   reveal information about the appearance of our bodies are protected by

   Likewise, a person who wants to prevent others from gaining knowledge
   of his or her purchasing patterns may pay in cash and regularly change
   the stores at which he or she shops. He or she may also arrange by
   contract to have personal information maintained in confidence.
   Various legal protections, such as the law of contracts, give us
   autonomy and choice that we use to protect privacy.

   The second factor is exercising that control of information consistent
   with our values. This is difficult in many commercial marketplaces.
   Many consumers are unaware of how the Information Economy works, and
   the fact that they are a part of it. Many industries are monolithic in
   their information practices. Arguably, they fail to fully inform
   consumers about what happens with personal information, and they offer
   consumers few alternatives. This is arguable, however. It may be that
   only a tiny, but vocal minority of consumers and activists actually
   wants to study commercial information practices and exercise choice
   among different options. If a significant number of consumers do, they
   are a market waiting to be served.

   As policy-makers, we should not presuppose that a certain amount or
   type of privacy serves consumers' interests in the marketplace, and
   Privacilla's definition of privacy does not do this. Advocates who
   claim to know what consumers want in terms of privacy prove their
   ignorance by making the claim.

   Consumers may rationally determine that they are safe from harmful
   uses of information when dealing with certain companies and leave it
   at that. The fact that hundreds or even thousands of mundane facts
   about themselves are in the hands of businesses may be a matter of
   indifference to reasonable people. Aware, empowered, and responsible
   consumers can demand of businesses what options they want in terms of
   information sharing or withholding. They can also demand, if they
   prefer, lower prices, customized service, combined offerings, and so

   Unless Congress and state legislators are going to guess at consumers'
   true preferences and impose them from the top down, only consumer
   education will deliver privacy on the terms consumers want it in the
   commercial world. Governments cannot protect privacy directly; they
   can only foster or destroy people's ability to protect their own

   Governments Pose a Unique Threat to Privacy
   While protecting privacy in the commercial world may be difficult,
   protecting privacy from government is impossible. Dealings with
   government are categorically different from interactions in the
   private sector. When citizens apply for licenses or permits, fill out
   forms for regulators, or submit tax returns, they do not have the
   legal power to control what information they share. They must submit
   the information that the government requires. It is either illegal to
   withhold information or withholding information penalizes citizens of
   money or benefits to which they are legally entitled. The notorious
   "Big Brother" in George Orwell's 1984 was a caution against the powers
   of governments. When dealing with them, the first factor in privacy
   protection - legal power to control personal information - is absent.

   It would be a mammoth, but worthwhile, task to catalogue all the
   personal information that is demanded by all federal programs.
   Additional study should include the purposes for which information is
   collected, other purposes to which it is put, and whether such
   information is ever eliminated from government records when it has
   served its original or successor purposes. The Federal Agency
   Protection of Privacy Act may help us do that.

   Some studies suggest the scope of personal data collection and
   warehousing done at the federal level. In September 2000 testimony to
   the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Information Management,
   Information, and Technology, Solveig Singleton, now of the Competitive
   Enterprise Institute, surveyed federal databases. Her non-exhaustive
   list included databases at the Commerce Department, the Department of
   Justice, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the
   Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Health and Human
   Services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the
   Department of the Interior, the Department of Labor, the Social
   Security Administration, and the Department of the Treasury, which
   houses the Internal Revenue Service. Many of these databases include
   health and financial information.

   In March 2001, a study issued by Privacilla.org found that, during the
   18-month period from September 1999 to February 2001, federal agencies
   announced 47 times that they would exchange and merge personal
   information from databases about American citizens. New information
   sharing programs were instituted more than once every two weeks. We
   characterized these programs as only the tip of an information-trading
   iceberg. The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, which
   causes agencies to report these activities in the Federal Register,
   applies only to a small subset of the federal agency programs that use
   personal data about Americans. New uses of personal information are
   made by federal agencies constantly. The Privacy Act requires only a
   declaration in the Federal Register of a new "routine use" before
   personal data is used and shared in new ways.

   In case it needs emphasis, the threats to privacy posed by government
   programs are not the result of malice or malfeasance of any kind. The
   political leaders who have instituted such programs, and the
   administrators who operate them, have the best intentions for serving
   the public. Similarly, the fact alone that any government program
   weakens American citizens' privacy should not be the sole reason to
   terminate or cut back the program. Rather, privacy should be an
   important factor that policy-makers consider whenever they are
   creating, implementing, or altering government programs. Studies like
   Privacy and the Digital State: Balancing Public Information and
   Personal Privacy by Progress & Freedom Foundation Senior Fellow Alan
   Charles Raul have made progress on that front. The Federal Agency
   Protection of Privacy Act would help make privacy part of the
   policy-making calculus in federal agencies and in the Congress.

   The Administrative Process Should Inform the Public About Privacy
   A prominent theory behind the Administrative Procedure Act's enactment
   in 1946 was the idea of "scientific government." This was the notion
   that a band of impartial public servants would discover the one true
   public interest underlying legislation, and regulate in its service.

   Experience and modern scholarship reveal that the regulatory process,
   like the legislative process, does not locate some singular public
   interest. It responds to a cacophony of competing interests and
   values, among which are the interests of regulators and bureaucracies
   themselves. Administrative government does not improve on
   constitutional legislative processes so much as it improvises to
   accommodate the growth of the federal government in the latter half of
   the last century.

   An increasingly prominent theory of the administrative process though
   perhaps still a fallback from the idea that regulation would discern a
   "pure" public interest is that it can open administrative lawmaking to
   public scrutiny, particularly along lines that are deemed important by
   Congress. Several amendments to the APA in the last twenty-five years
   are consistent with this approach.

   The Regulatory Flexibility Act, passed in 1980, requires agencies to
   consider the special needs and concerns of small entities. Each time
   it publishes a proposed rule in the Federal Register, an agency must
   prepare and publish a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis describing the
   impact of the proposed rule on small businesses, organizations,
   government jurisdictions, and the like. The Initial Regulatory
   Flexibility Analysis is subject to public comment, and a final
   regulation must be accompanied by a final Regulatory Flexibility
   Analysis. The Reg-Flex Act apparently provides the model for the
   Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act.

   Along similar lines, Congress passed the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
   in 1995. Among other things, UMRA requires federal agencies to inform
   and work with states and localities on major regulations. The Small
   Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act, passed in 1996, requires
   agencies to work more closely with small business in formulating
   regulations. It also subjects the analysis requirements of the
   Regulatory Flexibility Act to judicial review.

   These laws provide extensive precedent for the Federal Agency
   Protection of Privacy Act. The federal administrative process has been
   modified several times to accommodate the interests of various
   private- and public-sector institutions. Opening that process to the
   privacy interests of individual Americans is a matter of consensus
   among a broad cross-section of advocacy groups and congressional
   leaders, as we see from the wellspring of support for this

   Some Important Details and Nuances to Consider
   The Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act is modeled on the
   Regulatory Flexibility Act, which has been used with success for more
   than 20 years to get greater information about the impacts proposed
   regulations will have on small entities. Simply, the Act would require
   agencies to issue the same type of analysis an Initial Privacy Impact
   Analysis along with a notice of proposed rulemaking. After considering
   the comments of the interested public, agencies would have to issue a
   Final Privacy Impact Analysis along with the finally promulgated

   The success of the Regulatory Flexibility Act increased with the
   addition of the judicial review provisions to the Reg-Flex law in
   1996, and it is pleasing to see that the Federal Agency Protection of
   Privacy Act also would make agency action subject to judicial review.
   Knowing that judicial review is available will make agencies naturally
   solicitous of congressional intent without requiring a great deal of

   As with all legislation, there are some elements that could be
   improved. The casual reader may suspect that the Federal Agency
   Protection of Privacy Act would require agencies to assess how private
   sector implementation of regulatory mandates would affect privacy.
   This reading is probably a stretch and, judging by the public
   statements you and your colleagues have made, Chairman Barr, this is
   not your intent. Rather, it appears that your intent is for agencies
   to assess the consequences of their own information practices on

   Language perfecting the bill could require agencies performing an
   Initial Privacy Impact Analysis to "describe the impact of the
   agency's uses of information under the proposed rule on the privacy of
   individuals." (proposed 5 U.S.C. § 553a(a)(1); suggested added
   language in bold). Likewise, agencies performing a Final Privacy
   Impact Analysis could be required to describe and assess "the extent
   to which the agency's uses of information under the final rule will
   impact the privacy interests of individuals . . . ." (proposed 5
   U.S.C. § 553a(b)(2)(A); suggested added language in bold). These minor
   changes are one way to better express the intent of the legislation.

   As you consider this legislation, you should be aware that it
   incorporates many policies beyond privacy. Security, for example,
   (made a part of Privacy Impact Analyses at 5 U.S.C. §
   553a(a)(2)(A)(iv) and 5 U.S.C. § 553a(b)(2)(A)(iv)) is any number of
   practices and processes that respond to threats against a company or
   government's ability to function. Only one such function is carrying
   out privacy obligations. A business or government that lacks proper
   security may well violate its privacy commitments, but may allow much
   worse to happen as well. The policy considerations that go into
   security of data in the hands of governments is a separate and
   significant issue beyond my expertise. There are benefits from
   requiring agencies to declare that they provide for security of
   personal information, as long as the agency is not so forthcoming as
   to breach security in the process.

   Providing access and an opportunity to correct personal information is
   an important consideration (made a part of Privacy Impact Analyses at
   proposed 5 U.S.C. § 553a(a)(2)(A)(ii) and 5 U.S.C. §
   553a(b)(2)(A)(ii)). But access and the opportunity to correct
   information go to fair treatment much more than privacy. Consider that
   there is no reason to access or correct information that will never be
   used. It is only important that information be correct if it may be
   used adversely to the interests of the individual. Using incorrect
   information against a person is unfair, not unprivate.

   Access is also generally inconsistent with security. Giving access
   only to appropriate parties presents difficult security challenges
   clustered around authentication of identity. An Advisory Committee on
   Access and Security, convened by the Federal Trade Commission in early
   2000, concluded its work without reaching consensus because of the
   complex interaction between these two, essentially conflicting,
   interests. To illustrate this point: The privacy of information sealed
   in concrete and dropped to the bottom of the ocean is well protected,
   and it may remain private for eternity, but there is no opportunity to
   access it.

   As with security, there is no harm in requiring federal agencies to
   inform the public of access and correction rights. Similar fairness
   protections are found in the Privacy Act of 1974, which obviously
   deals with more than privacy.

   Using information for additional purposes (a part of Privacy Impact
   Analyses at proposed 5 U.S.C. § 553a(a)(2)(A)(ii) and 5 U.S.C. §
   553a(b)(2)(A)(ii)) may affect privacy, depending on whether there is
   further disclosure of information. Information about a citizen's
   medical condition and address, for example, collected for making
   health care payments, may not be rendered less private if the same
   part of the same agency uses that information to research whether
   people with certain conditions reside in certain areas of the country.
   If a subsequent use of information involves sharing that information
   with a state agency or a different federal agency, however, then the
   subsequent use can be said to render the information less private than
   it was before.

   More importantly, though, a Privacy Impact Analysis that claims there
   will be no further sharing of information may provide false assurance.
   This is because nothing prevents governments from changing the rules
   about their use of information after it is collected.

   The National "New Hires" Database is an excellent case in point. The
   Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
   1996 required the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop a
   National Directory of New Hires. This directory is a database of
   information on all newly hired employees, quarterly wage reports, and
   unemployment insurance claims in the United States.

   The purpose of this new database was entirely laudable - helping
   states locate parents who have skipped out on their child support
   obligations. But, already, the data is being repurposed. The National
   Directory of New Hires has been expanded to track down defaulters on
   student loans. Additional expansions have been proposed that would
   give state unemployment insurance officials access to the database.

   In the better view, privacy in information is lost when it is
   submitted to government authorities. Unlike in the private sector,
   there is no higher authority to which Americans can appeal when
   personal information held by governments is put to new and
   unanticipated uses. A Privacy Impact Analysis that claims there are
   protections against use of information for changed purpose may be
   accurate for weeks, months, or years. But this is weak protection
   compared to contractual obligations formed in the private sector.
   Privacy-protecting contracts may be regarded as permanent because
   their breach is contrary to legally enforceable obligations that
   neither of the parties can unilaterally change.

   This does not counsel against requiring Privacy Impact Analyses to
   discuss use limitations. Such analyses may make Americans more aware
   when commitments to restrict uses of information are changed by
   subsequent Congresses and Administrations. We will be better informed
   if the Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act is passed with all its
   current provisions.

   This discussion of the many nuances of the bill is intended to
   illustrate the enormous complexity of information policy, and to
   caution against unconsidered adoption of the so-called "Fair
   Information Practices." Often touted by pro-regulation privacy
   activists, they represent a vast array of different policies. Some are
   related to privacy; some are inconsistent with it. One does not have
   to agree with the baggage-laden concept of "Fair Information
   Practices" to support the Federal Agency Protection of Privacy Act.

   The concept of "Fair Information Practices" appears to have originated
   in the early 1970s from a committee convened within the Department of
   Health and Human Services called "The Secretary's Advisory Committee
   on Automated Personal Data Systems." The intellectual content of its
   report, commonly known as the "HEW Report," formed much of the basis
   of the Privacy Act of 1974 and its thinking is useful for controlling
   government data collection and use.

   The report treated the public and private sectors identically despite
   the vast differences in rights, powers, and incentives that exist in
   these different worlds. For this reason, it cannot be said that the
   HEW Report addressed all the complexities of the privacy issue. "Fair
   Information Practices" do not apply well to the commercial world. As
   an analysis of government information practices, however, the HEW
   Report was an important project and document. It also tells us that
   computers and privacy are not a new concern to Americans.

   Again, Chairman Barr, Mr. Watt, and Members of the Subcommittee,
   congratulations on engaging an issue where you can truly improve the
   quality and character of life for all Americans. There is widespread
   consensus that people in the United States want to protect their
   privacy from government encroachments. The Federal Agency Protection
   of Privacy Act will inform the public about the privacy impacts of
   federal regulations, and empower them to make informed decisions about
   government programs. There are many nuances to consider and understand
   privacy and information policy are very difficult areas but the
   legislation you have proposed is an appropriate, measured, and
   important step in the pursuit of enhanced privacy protection for
   American citizens.

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