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FC: Neal Horsley cashes in: Starts pro-life ISP called WeChooseLife.net

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 01:45:55 -0400

Previous Politech message:

"ABC News features Neal Horsley, Abortioncams.com tonight"


From: Neal Horsley <nhorsley () wechooselife net>
To: declan () well com
Subject: Abortion Abolition Network
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 12:04:20 -0500

Dear, friend in Christ,!

This is the most important email message I have ever written--at least for me. But I truly believe it can be the most important email message from your point of view as well--that is, if you are interested in seeing legalized abortion
abolished in the USA.  Please let me tell you why.

You might have heard that the negative publicity I received http://www.christiangallery.com/mainstory.htm because of my abortion abolitionist activities cost me my Internet Web developer job with a Fortune 500 corporation. As an answer to prayer, I have been given an employment opportunity that allows my years of professional experience as an Internet service provider to converge with my years of working as an abortion abolitionist. I believe this convergence is an act of the Living God designed to build upon everything that has gone before in my life and that what is a new job for me can be a new and powerful resource with the ability to move the abortion abolition movement toward its goal in the USA.

My new business is called WeChooseLife.net. http://wechooselife.net/?WCL: I am a partner in the business. Built upon an existing infrastructure that has successfully and satisfactorily served thousands of people for nearly five years, the We Choose Life Network is an Internet Service Provider offering the full range of Internet services from dialup network connection like AOL provides to Web Hosting services for those with Internet Web sites.

But the We Choose Life Network is different from any existing ISP. The difference is seen in at least two facts: 1. we are forthrightly committed to using the We Choose Life network to forge a virtual community committed to single-mindedly abolishiing legalized abortion in the USA as our first political priority; 2. in the fact that 25% of the net proceeds of the Network is put into an escrow account that will be governed by a separate board of directors composed of some of the best known and most effective abortion abolition leaders in the USA. The Network that is created and the funds provided by that network will be the mother's milk feeding the body committed to the abolition of legalized abortion in this generation.

I am writing to you because we hope you are willing to make abortion abolition your first political priority.

Are you?

There is no doubt that we have been conditioned to believe there are only a few people willing to make the abolition of abortion their first priority. But the huge response I have received as a result of the public and media appearances I have received as well as the constant flow of messages I receive from our existing Internet Web sites makes me certain there are many people like that out there. And there are many more out there who might not even presently know that's who they are. It might even take us talking to them before they know that's who they are. But this business will give us a good reason to talk to masses of people, telling them about the market we're looking for. Even 1/10 of 1% of the population is still 250,000 people. Less than 1000 dial-up customers is required to give me the ability to work at this fulltime. Is it unreasonable to expect that 1 out of a thousand can understand the priorities defined by the Lord Jesus Christ? That's all we need to persuade to put together the groundwork upon which a viable, powerful service company and cash flow device can be built, one that can keep growing until we have a body powerful enough to abolish legalized abortion in the USA.

As I looked at the opportunity, I saw many reasons to try it, and no reasons not to. Since the dialup and web hosting infrastructure is provided by my partners who are established ISP's with thousands of satisfied customers already, there is zero chance that customers who sign up will be left hanging should wechooselife.net not be able to make enough to pay me to
work it fulltime.

And the reasons for doing it are straight out of the Bible.

Here is the decisive reason I am trying this: Satan has been successful in bringing most Christians in this nation into bondage to fear. Even though Satan has been effective in doing this, I am certain the Lord Jesus Christ does not want His people to remain that way and intends to wrestle powerfully through Word and Spirit to move His people away from such bondage to fear. Our working to promote the business in a straightforward abortion abolition way is an example the Lord can use to show His people what folks who are not in bondage to fear look like and act like. And in explaining our business model we are constantly goading the pro-life movement to that single-minded focus that has always been absent in the past.

On top of all that, our business model is truly competitive with the best out there. We can provide Christians the entire range of Internet services as good as AOL for less money. Over 25 million people use AOL alone. Some of those people are Christians who seriously want to see abortion abolished but who have not been given an alternative to spending their money with AOL, an organization that supports legalized abortion as much as any on earth except Planned Parenthood itself.

We even have a referral system that allows other Christian, pro-life, etc. groups and businesses to earn money every month
from every referral they bring to signup for our Internet services.

And Those people don't have to worry about the quality of their services. I have learned that it is possible to keep servers up even when most everybody in the world wants to shut them down. We will provide excellent service.

Whether or not we can effectively abolish abortion remains to be seen, but I believe there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people out there who can be persuaded that what we are doing is worth a try. They can be persuaded because the events that can convince sincere people of the need to do something that the pro-life movement has failed to do are occurring every day. It is up to us to find words to help those people understand those events and to understand the need to forge a new coalition single-mindedly committed to abolishing abortion. That is all I am trying to do, while finding a
way to make a living at the same time.

There have been times in my life when I really needed help: my Lord Jesus Christ has always provided what I needed. I really
need yours now.  Can you see your way clear to help us give this a try?

Please visit http://www.wechooselife.net/?WCL and choose us as your Internet services provider today. Just follow the instructions on the site to see how. Or reply directly to me and I'll answer any questions you might have. In any event, please reply to me and tell me what you think I can do to communicate more effectively or anything that you can see would make this idea more effective. Or, for that matter, reply just to let me know you received this email.

Yours in Christ Jesus the Lord,

Neal Horsley.
Charter Member of the Abortion Abolitionist Press

I have supporters that I communicate with periodically because millions of people have visited our websites at www.christiangallery.com and www.abortioncams.com over the last three years, and thousands of people like yourself have written us indicating they wanted to be updated periodically when significant items of interest occur.

If you don't want to receive updates from me, reply to this note and put Unsubscribe in the subject line or in the text of the reply. I've gotten some help with these matters and you will be immediately removed.

I must emphasize this because there is at least one and perhaps as many as three people who continue to receive these updates, then without notifying me to remove them, immediately contact my email provider telling them that I am sending them Spam. Obviously they are attempting to prevent me from communicating with the thousands of people who have told me they want to be updated with significant events occur.

I repeat, all you have to do to never get another email from me is put unsubscribe in the reply.

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