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FC: Debate over warrantless Carnivore bill with Stu Baker

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 12:05:11 -0400

Stewart Baker is the former general counsel to the National Security Agency and now a partner at the Washington law firm of Steptoe and Johnson:

Below is a few rounds of a debate we had on Dave Farber's IP list in response to my article ("Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore use"):



To: "'farber () cis upenn edu'" <farber () cis upenn edu>
cc: "Albertazzie, Sally" <SAlbertazzie () steptoe com>
Subject: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore
 us e
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 19:28:17 -0400

This seems a bit alarmist.  The FBI has long had the authority to get the
phone numbers that are called from or that call to a suspect's phone.  These
are trap-and-trace and pen-register orders.  The Justice Department has
generally taken the position that the Internet equivalent of such data is
the addressing information in emails.  This bill would enshrine the Justice
Department position in law -- without changing the warrant requirements or
the predicate for getting such Internet pen register data.  It's not that
big a change from the status quo.  I would guess that, even without the law,
Justice would have about a 60-40 or even 70-30 chance of winning its
argument in court.

In my view there are some reasons to be uneasy about the bill but not

First, the to and from lines on my emails (plus the URLs I visit) are in
fact more intimate information than the phone numbers I call.  What's more,
I'm already on notice that the phone numbers aren't all that private --
they're used to bill me, after all.  Not true for URLs or "to" lines.  Once
that data is gathered by the police(on a very easy standard, I agree), it
may never be thrown out, and lots of people can access it.  So extending
police authority to such data ought to be the occasion for thinking
creatively about how to discipline the use of that authority.  If I were
writing the bill, I'd let the police gather such data, but I'd do more to
audit the people who access it and require prosecutors to notify people
after the fact that they've been targeted for surveillance (unless that
would blow an ongoing investigation).  As things stand, the only people who
find out about such surveillance and thus get a chance to challenge it are
criminal defendants.  Isn't that just backwards?  I mean, who came up with a
system in which crooks may go free because their privacy was violated while
innocent people who've suffered the same violation never have a remedy?

Second, most ISPs would like to see an assurance that Carnivore won't be
used if they have their own systems that can accomplish the same thing, or
that they'll be indemnified for any damage Carnivore might do to the system.

In short, we may be missing some opportunities to improve privacy law, but
it's hard to say that the privacy sky is falling.



To: farber () cis upenn edu, ip-sub-1 () majordomo pobox com
Subject: Re: IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore us e
Cc: SAlbertazzie () steptoe com, SBaker () steptoe com

I'm glad to see Stu joining the civil libertarian crowd. He's right, of course, that there are reasons to be uneasy about the new "Combating Terrorism Act."

Current law permits specific Justice Department officials to authorize meatspace telephone pen register and trap and trace devices without a court order in two circumstances. Here's an excerpt from the U.S. Code:

an emergency situation exists that involves immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury to any person [or] conspiratorial activities characteristic of organized crime

This bill does three things of note:

1. It adds "U.S. Attorney" to the list of officials who can authorize warantless surveillance.

2. It expands the "emergency situation" rule beyond serious bodily injury/organized crime. I described this in my article:
Circumstances that don't require court orders include an "immediate threat to the national security interests of the United States, (an) immediate threat to public health or safety or an attack on the integrity or availability of a protected computer." That covers most computer hacking offenses.

3. It rewrites pen register/trap and trace law and moves it from the telephone world to explicitly cover computer networks as well, which would permit Carnivore's use under this section (when operated in trap-and-trace/pen-register mode). Here are some excerpts from the bill:

The order shall, upon service of the order, apply to any entity providing wire or electronic communication service in the United States... inserting ``, routing, addressing,'' after ``dialing''... by striking ``call processing'' and inserting ``the processing and transmitting of wire and electronic communications''...

Now, whether all this is, as Stu blandly suggests, "a bit alarmist," is up to IPers to decide. But I think Senator Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, put it well during the floor debate last night. Here's a quote from the Congressional Record.

LEAHY: Maybe the Senate wants to just go ahead and adopt new abilities to wiretap our citizens. Maybe they want to adopt new abilities to go into people's computers. Maybe that will make us feel safer. Maybe. And maybe what the terrorists have done made us a little bit less safe. Maybe they have increased Big Brother in this country.



From: "Baker, Stewart" <SBaker () steptoe com>
To: "'Declan McCullagh'" <declan () well com>, farber () cis upenn edu,
        ip-sub-1 () majordomo pobox com
cc: "Albertazzie, Sally" <SAlbertazzie () steptoe com>,
        "Baker, Stewart" <SBaker () steptoe com>
Subject: RE: IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps,
 Carn ivore us e
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 20:13:31 -0400


I ignored the first two points because I don't think they're that important.
These "warrantless searches" are emergency orders that have to be followed
by a court order in 48 hours.  Sometimes courts are closed and the cops need
data right away.  Tuesday evening would be a good example.  This is not some
out-of-control police authority.

The people who can ask for emergency orders have to be designated by one of
several officials at Main Justice.  That's to make sure someone responsible
ends up with the authority to declare an emergency.  So an assistant US
attorney could be designated by Main Justice in each district right now.
What's the big deal with letting the US Attorney for the district do the
designating instead of Main Justice? Seems to me that the US Attorney
probably knows more about staff changeovers than Main Justice, so it makes
sense for the US Attorney to do the designating locally.



From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Subject: RE: IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn ivore us e
Cc: "Albertazzie, Sally" <SAlbertazzie () steptoe com>
To: "Baker, Stewart" <SBaker () steptoe com>, farber () cis upenn edu, ip-sub-1 () majordomo pobox com Subject: RE: IP: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn ivore us e
Cc: "Albertazzie, Sally" <SAlbertazzie () steptoe com>


Maybe you're right. Maybe this expansion of warrantless surveillance powers is unobjectionable. Maybe the FBI and the state law enforcement agencies that will be able to legally use Carnivore without a court order in some circumstances will prove entirely trustworthy. Maybe they truly do need this power in emergencies. Maybe it'll even stop some terrorists. Maybe you're correct to say, "What's the big deal?"

But let's have that discussion in public, during daylight hours, in a hearing room where reasoned conversation can take place. Let's ask the FBI director and the attorney general to testify, and let's invite representatives from groups like the ACLU, CDT and EPIC to join them. Let's allow senators to ask the bill's sponsors tough questions about what this oddly-written legislation really does. And let's give them as much time as they need to answer.

What we shouldn't do is rush substantial rewrites of wiretapping law through the Senate in the middle of the night, just two days after the worst terrorist attack ever, when the country is in the throes of a national emergency. What we shouldn't do is have the legislation's sponsors -- and I don't doubt that they have the best of intentions -- hand it to their fellow senators just 30 minutes or so before a vote, which is what reportedly happened Thursday night.

Stu, you've worked both in the government and in the private sector. You've studied wiretap law more closely than nearly anyone else. You know how it works. But would most senators know offhand what expanding wiretapping to include "any criminal violation of sections 2332, 2332a, 2332b, 2332d, 2339A, or 2339B" means?

This is what Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the chairman of the Judiciary committee and a former prosecutor, said during the floor debate: "Do we really show respect to the American people by slapping something together, something that nobody on the floor can explain, and say we are changing the duties of the Attorney General, the Director of the CIA, the U.S. attorneys, we are going to change your rights as Americans, your rights to privacy? We are going to do it with no hearings, no debate. We are going to do it with numbers on a page that nobody can understand."

Senator Carl Levin of Michigan said he had no time to read what he was being asked to vote on, adding that he had been told the bill was merely an anti-terrorism measure but it seemed to do far more: "I am trying to understand what is in it since it came to me for the first time tonight. I want to be very clear, at least the way I read this, that this is not something that is just limited to counterterrorism, about which I think all of us would have a passion."

The spending bill to which the wiretap legislation ("Combating Terrorism Act of 2001") was attached will have to go to conference committee and then, probably, both chambers of Congress for another vote. That process means the bill won't become law for weeks at best. During that time, Congress could have held at least one hearing on the bill; in fact, Leahy said he would have done so immediately. If the bill is so vital to our national security, couldn't it survive a straight up-or-down floor vote, rather than be attached to a massive must-pass appropriations bill for the Justice, Commerce, and State departments?

As a side note, even if you believe the language to be unobjectionable, Senate Judiciary committee aides told me they believe the wording of the bill -- apparently hastily-drafted, complete with typos -- may cover the content of communications, not just origin-desination information. If they're not sure, and they had a full day to read it by the time I spoke with them Friday, how can you be so positive your interpretation is correct? Even if you're right, doesn't it make sense to double-check?

During the next few months and years, we may see calls for restricting the freedoms Americans have enjoyed as a way to respond to and thwart terrorists. Many of these new laws and regulations are unobjectionable; I don't mind tighter temporary security around government buildings and airports. But others are more deserving of enlightened discussion and debate. Let's hope that happens, not in the darkness of midnight votes, but in public in the light of day.



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