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FC: G8 complains of digital havens; French hate "unfettered freedom"

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 11:20:20 -0400

[As an experiment, I'm going to try to follow the G8 meeting this week from afar here on politech. If you have info that might be relevant, please forward. Thanks, Declan]



By Tom Heneghan
PARIS, May 13 (Reuters) - The world's leading industrialised states, struggling against Love Bug-style computer attacks from the most unexpected places, opened a cybercrime conference on Monday with a call to prevent lawless "digital havens" from springing up around the globe. French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement, addressing officials from the Group of Eight (G8) nations and private industry, urged countries to agree on a world convention on cybercrime and harmonise their laws to crack down on hackers, virus writers, software pirates and other Internet fraudsters.
Drawing a parallel to international measures against tax havens that hide hot funds and launder money, Chevenement said a cybercrime convention being drawn up by the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe should become a global treaty. "The idea is to produce a global text so there cannot be 'digital havens' or 'Internet havens' where anyone planning some shady business could find the facilities to do it," he said.
In his speech, Chevenement highlighted the trans-Atlantic gap by rejecting the idea of an international "cyberpolice" supported by U.S. officials eager to crack down quickly on computer crime. "Nothing could be more wrong," he declared. "Sovereign states can develop the capacity to act, first at home and then in international cooperation." French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin said in a message to the conference that "freedom is the most precious gift the Internet brings us." All states should "fight the digital divide" between high-tech haves and have-nots, he said, but at the same time "restrain the excesses of an unfettered freedom."


Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 10:11:01 -0400
To: declan () well com
From: Holly Porteous <hporteous () ewa-canada com>
Subject: An article on G8 cybercrime activities

Dear Declan:

I saw your request for info on the Paris G8 conference.  Here's a CanCERT
Bulletin interview I conducted with a Canadian Department of Justice
official that might provide you with some background.  I write the Bulletin
for EWA-Canada and expect to be writing more on the G8's work.

BTW, if the link below doesn't work, just go to our website at
www.ewa-canada.com and look in the News/Editorial section.

Here's the link for the "G8 Talks Traceback" article...
Holly Porteous, Senior Analyst



G-8 Talks Traceback in Moscow

by Holly Porteous

On October 19-20, G-8 justice and interior ministers met in Moscow to reach an agreement on practical measures to combat transnational organised crime, including high-tech crime. The results of this meeting are likely to have far-reaching implications for both the Internet Service Provider and telecommunications industries.

Known as the "Lyon Group," the ministers^Ò conference moves the G-8 into the endgame of a two-year effort to implement its action plan on computer-based crime. The action plan, adopted at the Lyon Group^Òs first meeting in 1997 in Washington, DC, called for an international, 24/7 network for rapid incident response and national legislation to enable prosecution of cyber-criminals who commit their crimes from foreign soil.

Since 1997, the G-8 has stood up the 24/7 network but ­ without the legal means to access cross-border communications and data ­ its operational effectiveness is bound to be limited. This is why the legislative process set in action by the Moscow delegates^Ò adoption of "Principles on Transborder Access to Stored Computer Data" is being hailed as a major advance.

These principles represent an agreement by the G-8 members (Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and Russia) to offer each other expedited legal assistance in accessing, searching, copying, seizing and disclosing data connected with criminal activities. [...]

Because it sets the stage for talks with industry, the G-8 members^Ò agreement to undertake measures to ensure rapid preservation of data stored in computer systems ­ referred to in short-hand as "freeze and preserve" ­ is perhaps the most significant among the adopted principles.

In essence, by agreeing to the idea of "freeze and preserve," the G-8 members have agreed to begin drafting national legislation that will require ISPs and telcos to maintain, preserve and hand over audit log files to law enforcement agencies that have lawful authority to request them. Audit log files record selected activity on the provider^Òs networks and servers, thus forming the basis for both security monitoring and billing. While many (but not all) providers preserve log files, among the G-8 there are no uniform regulations for the format of these files or for the duration of their storage.


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