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FC: U.K. police want power to keep email, phone records for 7 years

From: Declan McCullagh <declan () well com>
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 17:42:26 -0500

[Fascinating, and horrifying. Politech readers will recall that a similar, though shorter, recordkeeping requirement has been included in some drafts of the Council of Europe treaty, which the U.S. Department of Justice heartily supports. (http://www.politechbot.com/p-01136.html) Fortunately in the U.S., it'll be harder for such a requirement to pass constitutional muster because of our Third Amendment. :) Also note that instead of standing up for privacy rights and opposing such a move, the U.K. Data Protection Commissioner seems to be merely saying that such record-keeping must be "put on a clear legal footing by statute." Thank heaven we don't have such a commission here in the U.S. -- it would give Americans a false sense of security, if the U.K. situation is any indication. Some excerpts are below. --Declan]


From: [anonymous]
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 19:31:39 +0000 (GMT)
To: declan () well com


The controversial NCIS paper as described in todays London Observer can
be found at:


Sorry I have to do this anonymously. I'm sure you'll understand why.


From: "Alan Docherty" <alan () netfreedom org>
To: "Declan McCullagh" <declan () well com>
Subject: Secret plan to spy on all British phone call
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 13:13:45 -0000


It's little surprise that the British secret services are eager to increase
their powers to intercept emails and telephone calls. This story from the
Observer suggests that the government may be sympathetic to new powers.

We've already had one piece of legislation this year, the Regulation of
Investigatory Powers Act, which has made it is easier for the state and
employers to read emails. Britain is looking less and less like a modern
democracy every day.

Alan Docherty

Internet Freedom News

Secret plan to spy on all British phone calls
Kamal Ahmed, political editor
Sunday December 3, 2000
The Observer

Britain's intelligence services are seeking powers to seize all records of
telephone calls, emails and internet connections made by every person living
in this country.

A document circulated to Home Office officials and obtained by The Observer
reveals that MI5, MI6 and the police are demanding new legislation to log
every phone call made in this country and store the information for seven
years at a vast government-run 'data warehouse', a super computer that will
hold the information.

The secret moves, which will cost millions of pounds, were last night
condemned by politicians and campaigners as a sinister expansion of 'Big
Brother' state powers and a fundamental attack on the public's right to

Last night, the Home Office admitted that it was giving the plans serious

Lord Cope, the Conservative peer and a leading expert on privacy issues,
said: 'We are sympathetic to the need for greater powers to fight modern
types of crime. But vast banks of information on every member of the public
can quickly slip into the world of Big Brother. I will be asking serious
questions about this.' Maurice Frankel, a leading campaigner on per sonal
data issues, called the powers 'sweeping' and a cause for worry.

The document, which is classified 'restricted', says new laws are needed to
allow the intelligence services, Customs and Excise and the police access to
telephone and computer records of every member of the public.

It suggests that the Home Office is sympathetic to the new powers, which
would be used to tackle the growing problems of cybercrime, the use of
computers by paedophiles to run child pornography rings, as well as
terrorism and international drug trafficking.

Every telephone call made and received by a member of the public, all emails
sent and received and every web page looked at would be recorded.
[snip. --DBM]



Excerpts from GCHQ document:

6.3 The total retention period for non-specific data before mandatory deletion should be seven years. *[6.1.6]

7.1 Legislation should require CSPs either to retain data inhouse, or have the option to outsource retention to a Trusted Third Party; either a Government run Data Warehouse or to a private contractor's facility. [6.2.5]

Data less than 12 months old should be available live;
After 12 months, data to be archived and retained for a further 6 years.

1.1.1 This submission has been drafted by the Chairman of the ACPO Police and Telecommunications Industry Strategy Group[1]. Its principles are supported by ACPO, ACPO(S), HM Customs and Excise, the Security Service, Secret Intelligence Service and GCHQ ("the Agencies"). The view of these agencies is that law enforcement has a sound business case for the substantial retention of communications data.

1.1.4 Informal discussions have also taken place with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC). Whilst they acknowledge that such communications data may be of value to the work of the Agencies and the interests of justice, they have grave reservations about longer term data retention. The DPC believe that where there is no longer a CSP business use for such data, existing legislation requires the long-term retention of communications data to be put on a clear legal footing by statute.

1.2.2 Communications data is becoming increasingly important to provide evidence to establish innocence. Premature deletion will seriously compromise the interests of justice. Communications data has a unique value to promoting a safe and free society. This provides the overriding justification for longer-term retention.

2.3.1 Criminal elements have exploited the advances in telecommunications to mask their activities; in particular organised terrorist groups, drug traffickers, migrant smugglers, paedophiles, money launderers, race hate groups and computer hackers, all of whom are major concerns to the LEAs and Government. Retention of data that provides evidence of transaction, association or conspiracy and the routing of the communication is vital.

2.5.1 In those cases where police and customs have been building their case over a number of years, such as in offences of drugs importation, deletion could provide the Prosecution with an unfair advantage. If CSPs delete data within 12 months, by the time the matter is brought to a close with arrests, data that the Prosecution has not obtained but which the Defence could rely on to corroborate potential alibis will have been irretrievably lost.

3.3.1 It is important to include transparency in the law to ensure the public is aware of the impact of data retention on their personal privacy. In the context of Article 8, ECHR, this is essential. Retention legislation would also provide a better-defined statutory framework within which the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) can operate, making it clearer to enforce and conduct their own investigations.

5.1.1 We should not restrict ourselves by trying to define the type of data required for law enforcement, intelligence and criminal justice purposes. Advances in telecommunications technology, both in respect of telephone and Internet services, mean that precise language that defines data now may quickly become outdated and too narrow. The material should be defined in open terms, potentially using the same updated language as the European Directive, e.g.: Subscriber data, Calling Line Identifier (CLI), Billing data, Traffic data, and Location data, However, in relation to Internet related data, definitions in the Directive do not include such vital material as: Routing Logs; and Dynamic Internet Protocol Address Allocation, etc. Agreement will be needed to ensure that the provisions of Clause 20, Part 1, Chapter II, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act can be interpreted as widely as possible to include all Internet related data. [Recommendation 4.1] Legislation should require every CSP to retain all communications data originating or terminating in the UK, or routed through the UK networks, including any such data that is stored offshore.

6.3.2 At the G8 Conference in Paris in May 2000, the Italian Delegation explained the "Italian Solution" for data retention. Their Government and Telecommunications Industry are proposing a national communications data warehouse to store data from CSPs. This reflects the view expressed by some UK experts who consider the only way forward is to create a Government agency run "UK National Communications Data Warehouse". They estimate that a £3 million investment would be needed. A parallel can be drawn with a similar Home Office initiative, the National DNA Database, in which the Government invested £3.4 million in start-up costs.

6.3.5 As an alternative, others suggest it may be less politically sensitive to set up data warehouses operated by CSP sub-contractors. This could avoid suggestions over the Government's collection of personal data. A number of commercial interests have already entered into discussions with CSPs to invest in such business ventures.

7.1.2 We recommend that the Home Office and DTI work with experts from the Agencies, CSPs, ISPs, the CCRC and the Office of the DPC to reach a decision quickly on "Data Retention" and develop a statutory framework for the retention of communications data. Although the law enforcement arguments for retention of data are critical, its use for a range of other purposes should not be forgotten.

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