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Re: [WEB SECURITY] Response Header Name Injection Attack

From: romain <r () fuckthespam com>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 15:23:46 -0400

Hash: SHA1

Okay, you got me curious now. Is this supposed the be a new attack that
you found?
Just to let you know, the header injection is quite a common attack...
and I don't see, at least now, how this is different.

Thanks for further explanation.

- --Romain

Cyrill Brunschwiler wrote:
# Product: Generic Web Application Vulnerability
# Subject: Response Header Name Injection Attack
# Effect:  Remotely exploitable, Browser Hijacking
# Author:  Cyrill Brunschwiler (cyrill.brunschwiler () csnc ch)
# Date:    March, 15th 2009

Numerous web application injection attacks have been known for 
some time now. Injection attacks share the common issue that 
attackers may cause a system to turn data into a valid command
or markup language. Thus an attacker can escape the data
context and enter the surrounding framework such as HTML,
JavaScript, SQL, LDAP and so on.

Cyrill Brunschwiler of Compass Security, a Swiss Company
specialized in Penetration Testing and Security Reviews,
discovered a special form of browser redirection or browser 
hijacking. Victims may be redirected or hijacked to arbitrary
web sites in case a web application takes unfiltered user
input for a response header name. We call this Response Header
Name Injection.

The issue is clearly distinguishable from the known Response
Splitting attack since the Response Header Name Injection 
attack vector does not include any control characters such as
carriage returns or line feeds (CR/LF)

Assume the following code snippet in a web application:
headerName = request.getParameter("param");
response.addHeader(headerName, "x");

The application is installed at Following
that, an attacker could call the application as follows:
- 0;

The application will return the below header which will cause
the browser to load the referenced URL ( after
the defined timeout (0 seconds).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Refresh: 0; x

Astonishingly, the refresh header is not an official header
such as those described in RFC2616. However most web browser
support the header in a flexible manner. The following forms
are accepted by common web browsers:
Refresh: 0;
Refresh: 0; url=

Furthermore, the Set-Cookie header could be used to fixate
session cookies in applications which suffer session fixation
but accept cookies only. An attack would then look like:
- id=123;

For a list of response headers see:

RFC2616 defines that a field-name (header name) may be a token
which includes any CHAR except CTLs or separators. The standard
also makes clear that the colon is definitely a separator and
must not be part of a header name. Therefore, vendors should
update their server APIs to enforce this requirement and to 
reject header names containing colons.

Excerpt of RFC2616
token          = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>
separators     = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
               | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
               | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
               | "{" | "}" | SP | HT

However, as long as the frameworks do not properly implement
the standard, developers must take care of the issue. Thus,
applications must not take unfiltered input (well, we had
that before, right?). Parameters that are taken for server
names must not contain colons (:). Therefore, remove colons
or replace colons with an appropriate representation. It is
suggested not to use any other separator to avoid conflicts.

Known vulnerable Servers and APIs:
APIs delivered with the below listed servers have been
identified to be vulnerable to Response Header Name Injection
Attacks since these APIs allow colons in header names. It is
very likely that there are further APIs or application servers
which suffer this generic issue as well.

- Apache Tomcat 5.5.25
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
- Oracle WebLogic Server 9.2
- IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0
- Novell Mono 2
- Microsoft IIS 6

Known good Servers and APIs:
- None

Research did not bring up any information on the topic. This
is most likely due to developers seldom setting server response
headers to dynamic content. Nonetheless, it was spotted in the

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