Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: A Quality Penetration Test

From: Francois Yang <francois.y () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 09:32:56 -0600

thank you for this short write up. It was very interesting.
I've once worked for a VAR that sold vulnerability scanning/discovery
as Pen Testings.
Their processes were very bad in my opinions and left alot of gaps in
the reports and testing and I imagine that the previous company that
did the pen testing in your situation had similar problems.
I am so amazed that people can get away with it.  If only the customer
took the time to really look into what was done and how it was done.
then maybe they would have known that some shortcuts were taken or
that something was either missing or not done correctly. I understand
that some corp don't have the resource and time to learn or try to
understand security, but in the end their the ones paying for it
either way. either by paying for a crappy report or getting owned and
paying the cost to recover. so in my opinion they should take the time
to figure out what was done.
just my two cents.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Adriel T. Desautels
<ad_lists () netragard com> wrote:
As requested, here is the latest entry...

Someone on the pen-testing mailing list asked me to write an entry about the
difference between vulnerability scanning (and services that rely on it) and
Real Time Dynamic Testing™.  This entry is a sanitized description of a real
Advanced External Penetration Test that our team delivered to a customer.
 Many details were left out and our customer's information was removed or
augmented to protect their identity.  Our customer did approve this entry.

Our team (Netragard, LLC.) was hired to perform an Advanced External
Penetration Test as a follow-up engagement to a pen-test that was delivered
by a different vendor.  This might seem unusual, but we get these types of
engagements more and more frequently.  This test was no different than most
of them, and we found significant exploitable vulnerabilities that the other
vendor missed entirely, which unfortunately seems all too common.

When we deliver Advanced services we expose our customers to specific type
of threat. Our goal is to create a threat that is a few levels higher than
what they would likely face in the real world.  Testing our customers at a
threat level that is less than that would do nothing to help them defend
against the actual threat. Our services are not the product of automated
vulnerability scanners and scripts; they are the product of human talent.

During this particular engagement we were authorized to perform Distributed
Metastasis, Covert Testing, Social Engineering, Malware Deployment, ARP
Poisoning, etc.  All targets were also authorized and included Web Servers
that were hosted by third parties, Web Servers that were hosted locally, VPN
end points, FTP servers, IDS systems, DNS servers, Secure Email Servers like
tumbleweed and so on. We were not given a list of IP addresses to target, we
had to identify them and request approval.

We began the engagement by performing covert social and technical
reconnaissance.  Reconnaissance is the military term for the collection of
intelligence about an enemy prior to attacking the enemy; in this case our
customer was the "enemy". Our philosophy is that we cannot produce an
accurate threat level without first understanding some details about our
target's political structure, social behavior, and technology
infrastructure.  We might not use all of the information that we collect
while testing, but more times than not it provides us with a good idea of
what will be effective, and what will not.

During reconnaissance we focused on two separate target groups.  The first
target group was the social structure of the client's employees that we felt
was of interest. As such we collected information about those employees that
included office-location, telephone extensions, email address, relationships
to other employees, friends outside of work, etc. Our secondary sets of
targets for reconnaissance were technical targets. Those targets included
the identification of servers used by the client, vendor identification,
partner identification, the identification of IP addresses belonging to the
client, the internal IP addressing scheme, operating system information,
patch frequency information, etc.

We were able to use the information collected during reconnaissance to begin
performing vulnerability identification through analysis.  Because this
service was an advanced service and required covert testing, vulnerability
identification was mostly done with manual testing (Real Time Dynamic
Testing™) and during reconnaissance. As testing progressed we increased our
noise level until we received notification from the customer that we'd been
detected.  This enabled us to identify what level of testing was considered
"flying below the radar" and what level was "tagged".  (Knowing this enables
us to help our customers retune their IDS technologies so that they are more
difficult to evade. In most cases IDS technologies are not tuned properly,
and yes this includes IPS and Correlation Systems too.)

Once we were finished with vulnerability identification we built a target
matrix that was organized by probability of penetration.  This matrix is
used as a guide for the team and enables us to test the most probable points
of entry first, and the least probable points of entry last.  In the case of
this particular customer we identified three probable points of entry along
with a few other basic vulnerabilities like Cross-site Scripting, etc.
 (While Cross-site Scripting is useful for performing Social Engineering
based attacks, we won't go into the details about how we used them here.)
 The other vendor even with basic scanning services should have detected
most, if not all of these vulnerabilities, but they didn't.

The first point of attack that we focused on was the customer's corporate
website.  This website was being hosted by a third party and was using a
Content Management System ("CMS") that was created by vendor that we'll call
the Noname Group.  This particular CMS was written entirely in PHP, was
closed source and had no security functionality to speak of. There were
multiple points were unchecked variables were passed directly to SQL
statements or other critical internal application components.  We were able
to use those unchecked variables to penetrate into our Customer's Web Server
and take control of it.

Upon accessing that web server we found customer data that was stored in the
database in clear text. This information contained names, addresses, account
numbers, social security numbers, etc.  In some cases the information was
from users requesting information, in other cases it was users looking to
sign up.  As a proof of concept we wrote a ruby script that would
automatically dump the contents of the database when executed. That script
was submitted to the customer.  Because this server was not hosted within
our Customer's IT Infrastructure it did not provide us with a platform from
which we could perform Distributed Metastasis.

The next target lined up for testing was another Web Application, this time
it was hosted from within our customer's infrastructure.  Again, the
application suffered from a basic SQL Injection vulnerability that could be
triggered by a back-tick.  We used the vulnerability to fingerprint the
application's backend database and learned that it was a MS-SQL database. We
also learned that was hosted on a separate server from the Web Server.  We
then tested for "xp_cmdshell" access and found that the "sa" user had no
password set and as a result we could execute arbitrary commands against the
database server with administrator privileges.

Once we gained control over the database server we began to examine other
systems within proximity to our new point of control (Distributed
Metastasis). That was when we learned that we'd compromised a key server
that was deep within the customers IT Infrastructure and had clear access to
other critical systems.  We also noticed that the server that we were
controlling contained multiple databases that contained a wide variety of
highly sensitive information including customer banking information, social
security numbers, etc.  In addition, while performing network probes we
identified a secondary database server. Ironically this second database
server was running on the web server with the SQL Injection vulnerability
that we'd just attacked.

When we tried to connect to the second database server from the internal
server we were unable to access it because this time the "sa" password was
set and we didn't know what it was set to.  We did however know which system
accessed that database server as a result of the Social Engineering efforts
that were mixed into our Social Reconnaissance.  The system with access was
also the third system in our targeting matrix and contained another
vulnerable Web Application.  This time, due to the configuration of the
application SQL Injection capabilities were limited.  We did however manage
to find an arbitrary file read vulnerability and were able to use it to read
the application's configuration file that contained the "sa" password.

This enabled us to go back to the previously inaccessible database and
access it using the sa password. This also gave us access to the xp_cmdshell
function that in turn allowed us to execute arbitrary commands against the
system.  At this point in the test we'd managed to penetrate into both the
DMZ and the corporate LAN which also allowed us to connect to any other
system within proximity without issue. In other words, there was no internal
segmentation in the form of VLAN's or physical isolation.  The networks were

The server that we penetrated in the LAN contained a SAM file. We were able
to crack 90% of the passwords in that SAM file with rainbow tables,
including the Administrator password.  Once we had that password we were
able to use RDP to access the Active Directory server and it was technically
game over.  If we had not discovered the SAM we were prepared to perform ARP
Poisoning to collect data and possibly in-transit credentials. Our
penetration of the AD server concluded the penetration test.

It is important to note that this is not a complete description of all of
the testing that we did for the customer. As with any engagement we produce
a deliverable that outlines all discovered points of risk with their
respective methods for remediation. In this particular case our report
identified 47 risks and provided 47 methods for remediation.  Remember that
this customer just completed a penetration test from a different vendor, how
is it that they missed 47 risks? Their services certainly did not protect
our customer from hackers.

       Adriel T. Desautels
       ad_lists () netragard com

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If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked.
What's more, you deserve to be hacked. — White House Cybersecurity
Advisor, Richard Clarke

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