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sqlninja 0.1.2 released

From: "A. R." <r00t () northernfortress net>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 16:24:13 +0100

Hello, fellow pen-testers,

a new version of sqlninja is out at sourceforge !

sqlninja is a tool to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web
application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its main
goal is to provide a remote shell on the vulnerable DB server, even in a
very hostile environment. It should be used by penetration testers to
help and automate the process of taking over a DB Server when a SQL
Injection vulnerability has been discovered. It is written in perl and
runs on Unix-like boxes.
You can find it, together with a flash demo of its features, at the

What's new
# Test mode, that checks whether the configuration is correct and the
injection is successful
# Debug option, which allows to print SQL commands and raw HTTP
request/response data. Useful when things are not working and you want
to see what's going on under the hood
# Files are uploaded to %TEMP%, bypassing possible write restrictions
# A simplified way to configure the injection parameters
# Interactive config file generation

What's not so new
# Fingerprint of the remote SQL Server (version, user performing the
queries, user privileges, xp_cmdshell availability)
# Bruteforce of 'sa' password
# Privilege escalation to 'sa' if its password has been found
# Creation of a custom xp_cmdshell if the original one has been disabled
# Upload of netcat.exe (or any other executable) using only 100% ASCII
GET/POST requests, so no need for FTP connections
# TCP/UDP portscan from the target SQL Server to the attacking machine,
in order to find a port that is allowed by the firewall of the target
network and use it for a reverse shell
# Direct and reverse bindshell, both TCP and UDP
# DNS-tunneled pseudo-shell, when no TCP/UDP ports are available for a
direct/reverse shell, but the DB server can resolve external hostnames

Happy hacking !


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