Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Request for discussion on defending against specific Nmap TCP syn and version scans.

From: "Smith, Chris" <Chris.Smith () nwdc net>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 09:53:22 -0800

Greetings list members,

I'd like to generate some discussion and ask the list for a few best
practice ideas on how to best defend against and ultimately block TCP
syn (-sS) and version scans (-sV) against specific ports, in particular
port 80.  These targeted scans initiate a full TCP connection complete
with 3 way handshake and thus are able to look like legitimate http
requests.  Specifically I'm interested in ideas that talk about
authoring a snort rule of sorts that can log to the alerts file, or
IPTables rule tweaks that can block particular scan types while still
allowing legitimate connections.  For example  lets assume an attacker
uses the following 
scan against a listening apache web server on the target IP.

Nmap -sV -P0 -T4 -p 80 -vv X.X.X.X

It's probable that the scan results are being dumped out as xml which is
then parsed by other scripts for the sole purpose of getting the target
IP on a web app exploit attempt list of some type. 

As the scan is attempted against the target IP, Apache's access_log
indicates the following: - - [28/Feb/2006:04:50:33 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 2349

Where is most likely a compromised system being used for
bulk scanning.  Apache sends http response 200 back letting the attacker
know of it's presence.  based on observing future log file activity, it
appears that this successful probe has automatically placed this box on
an automated exploit attempts list, because multiple exploit attempts
for the various IIS, and PHP forum /bulletin apps are attempted and show
up in apache's access_log.  Basically attempts that utilize the latest
round of vulnerability disclosures being submitted to BugTraq start
showing up. 

The logical conclusion that one might make would be, that if this
initial scan could be blocked, it could prevent a plethora of specific,
targeted, future exploit attempts.

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