Penetration Testing mailing list archives

firewalk and nmap

From: Christian Perst <chris_perst () gmx de>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:53:44 +0200

Hi list,

three years ago I could read that firewalk is for better use
for testing ACLs on firewalls compared to nmap.

Today I can test with nmap if a port on a machine is open (Syn -
Syn-ack), closed or unfiltered (Syn - Rst-ack) and filterd (Syn
- nothing).
If firewalk does the scan on the firewall in front of the server
I get open, closed and filtered. Isn't the closed port from nmap 
the same as an open port on the firewall?


open            22                80
ports:          80

nmap will show:
22 closed
80 open
.. filtered

22 A! open (port not listen)
80 A! open (port listen)
.. *no response*

If a port with nmap is closed, it surely is not filterd by the FW,
since I get a RST back.
So is there a difference anymore? Are there any settings where
firewalk can take advantage of?


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