Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: Nmap/netwag problem.

From: Pete Herzog <lists () isecom org>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 12:45:43 +0200


I think the main focus of the comments were to determine which of two 
tools were right about whether or not a port was in fact open, and  not
anything beyond that. I think you're right about testing HTTP  with HTTP
interactions, etc, but the scope here was just figuring out  if there
was an open port.

I think that's why you got the response you did from the list.

I realize that.  However I was commenting on misinformation from a
poster in response to the original post and not on the original post
itself.  People actually read these mailing lists to learn things.  Our
comments on answers are a form of peer review.  Propogating
misinformation on the lists does not improve the currently poor state in
which security testing is being done by many companies big and small.


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