Penetration Testing mailing list archives

linked servers, SQL (MS, others?) pen testing

From: rootsuid <rootsuid () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 22:43:57 -0400

I'm sure others have run into this situation before, so I figured I
would ask for how this problem was approached. There are X networked
MSSQL servers. They are linked servers and send/recv data to/from one
another. They do so using OPENQUERY(). The following is an example
| \
|  \
C  D

The permission/authentication is stored within the MSSQL database
(they are added as 'linked servers'). So A can already access B; B can
access C and D. The login information is unknown, but you are given
access to A. Therefore you can access data on B. You know that B can
access C and D, but A cannot. The problem that arises, is you can not
(that I am aware?) use OPENQUERY within an OPENQUERY statement. Is
there an alternate method for routing OPENQUERY calls to the remote

It must be shown, that a compromise of A, results directly in a
compromise of data on B, C, and D as well. Basically, I want to
openquery within openquery, or find a method of emulating that.

---------- Some additional information
example OPENQUERY, (run on A, getting data from B)
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(B, 'SELECT name,id FROM mydb.tablesarefun') 

OPENQUERY documentation

How to add linked servers


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