Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Biting my Tongue Re: Nmap results in spreadsheet format

From: Donald Voss <voss () albany edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 06:29:02 -0400


While I understand your frustration ... or at least I think I do.. I think you have it wrong.

I think the point is: [yes I'm consciously making trouble]

In my experience there are many people on this list and others which consciously make a decision NOT to research facts, search for previous related topics in list archives or the open web let alone test with their own tools/hardware before dumping a question on the [a] list for someone else to answer.

They are also the same ones who do not read list traffic .. thus they do not have a clue if their question is a recent topic or in a FAQ, since of course they could not be bothered to download and read a FAQ .. they are too important / busy.

I have named these list posters "hit and run". I am sorry their life is in such turmoil they do not have the common sense to treat list members with respect for their time, hard earned knowledge and effort to share it. Maybe it is lack of experience in the field, poor training ? I tend to be cynical .. they are spoiled/lazy .. choose not to do their own work.

They get pointed to a search engine by me .. to read basics on their own time, to test basics with their own time, to learn .. teaching them to share is another matter.



Jonathan Pokrzyk wrote:

I tried biting my tongue but I can't take it anymore. I'm not trying to
start trouble but wouldn't you think that this person already tried
using google or at least made a conscious decision not to.

This also goes for anyone else that posts google as a possible solution.
If people are asking questions to this list I bet that they already know
that there are search engines out there.

-----Original Message-----
From: R. DuFresne [mailto:dufresne () sysinfo com] Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 5:42 PM
To: Chuck Fullerton
Cc: Jerry Shenk; Pen-Test
Subject: RE: Nmap results in spreadsheet format

A little self research may provide the info sought, try google with the
simple search params "nmap spreadsheet".  Preliminary results seem to be
fruitful, or one can get a tad more fancy and tailor to their specific


Ron DuFresne
<spoon-feeding ends after HS>

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Chuck Fullerton wrote:


I would post this in the Nmap lists.  I do know that there is a Perl


out there but I don't have access too it.  If you find it you may want


post a link back to the list here as well..

Chuck Fullerton

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Shenk [mailto:jshenk () decommunications com]
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 4:53 PM
To: pen-test () securityfocus com
Subject: Nmap results in spreadsheet format

I once saw a mention of a utility (probably a perl script) that would
take the information from an nmap scan and kick it out in a


format.  I am working with a guy right now that really needs to take
inventory of what machines exist on the network and what ports are


on them.  There are over 100 web servers, numerous servers with


server, vnc and dameware, snmp on way too many and the list goes on.
Instead of having raw nmap output to wade through, it would be nice to
scan down a column and say, "Which of these web servers do you really
need?  Shut the rest down."

If somebody can point me to a link for that, I'd appreciate it.

Donald Voss voss () albany edu
Sr. Systems Analyst
Geography Department AS218
The University at Albany
Albany, NY, USA 12222

Ok, the jokes over--bring back the Constitution.

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