Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: Exploit Archive

From: "George Lantz" <glantz () mostlymemories com>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 09:22:09 -0500

Also, from the more practical tools stand
point, do you guys just have everything loaded on one "attack" laptop.

Dual boot, or VmWare?

PHLAK is my favorite it has lots of great features. It is a Knoppix core
with a whole bunch of tools added (and some redundant stuff taken out)
Give this a try, not really an exploit archive, but since everyone is
giving their favorite live-cds, I thought I would share mine. Professional Hackers Linux Assault Kit

What security tools does PHLAK have? 
Debian Packages:
aide, airsnort, amap, argus-client, argus-server, arpd, arping,
arpwatch, autopsy, bfbtester, biew, bing, cabextract, cflow, cheops,
chkrootkit, chntpw, cracklib2, cryptcat, darkstat, dlint, dnswalk,
driftnet, dsniff, echoping, etherape, ethereal, ethereal-commo,
ethereal-dev, ettercap-commo, ettercap-gtk, farpd, fenris, flawfinder,
fping, fragroute, fragrouter, freeswan, ftp-ssl, gdb, gnupg, gtkrecover,
hammerhead, hping2, httptunnel, httpush, hunt, icmpinfo, icmpush,
idswakeup, ipchains, iproute, iptraf, iputils-ping, irpas, isic, john,
kismet, l2tpd, lde, libcrypt-blowf, libcrypt-cbc-p, libcrypt-ciphe,
libcrypt-crack, libcrypt-gpg-p, libcrypt-hcesh, libcrypt-passw,
libcrypt-rijnd, libcrypt-smbha, libcrypt-sslea, libcrypt-unixc,
libcrypto++-de, libcrypto++-ut, libcrypto++5, lsof, ltrace, macchanger,
mtr, nasm, nast, nbtscan, nemesis, nessus, nessus-plugins, nessusd,
netsed, ngrep, nikto, nmap, nmapfe, nstreams, ntop, openssl, p0f,
packit, paketto, partimage, pnscan, pptpd, rarpd, recover, scanssh,
scli, secpanel, sendip, sing, sleuthkit, smb-nat, socat, spikeprox,
splint, ssh, ssh-askpass-gn, ssldump, strace, stunnel, stunnel4, sudo,
tcpdump, tcpflow, tcpreplay, tcpslice, tcptrace, tethereal, transproxy,
tsocks, valgrind, wipe

Hand-compiled Packages, ADM-SAMBA-CLIENT, ADMsnmp, SPIKE, WAP_Assessment,
babelweb, cmospwd, dcetest, dcfldd, dd_rescue, ddb-sfe, di,
domainobsencontroll, fatback, ffp, grenzgaenger, hackbot, hellkit,
hjksuite, hydra, ipsorc, isnprober, itunnel, lcrzeox, lj, login_hacker,
mac-robber, manipulate_data, md5deep, memfetch, netcat(compiled
statically with Big-Gaping Security Hole), numby, obiwan, objobf,
ol2mbox, onesixtyone, pandora-linux, photorec, pwl9x, rda, redir,
reverb, revinetd, samba-tng, sara, screamingCobra, secure_delete,
sharefuzz, shiva, slogdump, snapscreenshot, tarballz, tct, thcrut, tnef,
vmap, walker, wardrive, whisker, zylyx

Windows Packages (using wine)
achillies, AINTX, brutus, THC-CUPASS, ispy, nbtdump, photorec, md5deep,

George Lantz

Ethical Hacking at the InfoSec Institute. All of our class sizes are
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with one of our expert instructors. Check out our Advanced Hacking course,
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