Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: [PEN-TEST] Microsoft Office 2000 UA Control Scripting

From: Nelson Brito <nelson () SECUNET COM BR>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 15:15:49 -0300

"Loschiavo, Dave" wrote:

I'm looking for the code that will demonstrate the vulnerability in
Microsoft Office 2000 UA Control Scripting advisory. The text file at still has a dead
link ( I've tried
appending to the URL at the new website to find where the demo may have been
moved to, but have been unable to find it. If someone could send a link, or
a copy of the demo code, I would be most appreciative.

I have this demostration sit on my HD, for my Pen-Tests. So, I'm send to you a
ZIP with the original L0pht's proof-of-concept. Enjoy yourself.

PS: I could send the ZIP only to you, but it's egoism.

Sem mais,
# Nelson Brito - IBQN / Security Networks AG - The trust Company!
# "Windows NT can also  be protected from nmap OS detection scans
# thanks to *Nelson Brito* ..."
#              Passage from "Hack Proofing your Network", page 93
open(S,shift) || die "Use: $0 <file>\n";
foreach(<S>){ chop; split(//,$_); print reverse @_; print "\n"; }


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