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[PEN-TEST] Call For Paper - RAID'2001

From: Giovanni Vigna <vigna () CS UCSB EDU>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:31:30 -0800

[Please excuse any multiple mailings of this message.]

Call For Paper - RAID'2001

Fourth International Symposium on the
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection

Dates: October 10-12, 2001
Davis, CA, USA

an html version of this CFP is available at

This  symposium,  the fourth  in  an  annual  series, brings  together
leading  figures from  academia, government,  and industry  to discuss
state-of-the-art intrusion detection  technologies and issues from the
research   and  commercial   perspectives.   The   RAID  International
Symposium  series  is  intended   to  further  advances  in  intrusion
detection  by promoting  the exchange  of ideas  in a  broad  range of

RAID'98,  held  in Louvain-la-Neuve,  Belgium,  was  the  first in  an
anticipated annual  series of international Symposia  that has brought
together  leading figures  from academia,  government and  industry to
ponder  the  current state  of  intrusion  detection technologies  and
paradigms from  the research  and commercial perspectives.   More than
130  participants  attended  RAID'98,  with nearly  50%  from  outside
Europe, reflecting  the international nature of  the meeting. RAID'99,
held in Purdue,  Indiana, was hosted by CERIAS  and welcomed more than
180 participants  from academia, government  and industry.  RAID'2000,
hosted  by   ONERA  in  Toulouse,  France,  welcomed   more  than  130
participants from academia (50%), government (20%) and industry (30%),
40%   coming  from   USA   and  Canada,   60%   from  Europe.    After
Louvain-la-Neuve, Purdue and Toulouse, RAID is being locally organized
in 2001 by University of California at Davis.

The RAID'2001  program committee invites submission  of both technical
and  general  interest papers  and  panels  from  those interested  in
formally presenting their ideas  during the symposium.  RAID'2001 will
welcome full papers, short papers and panel proposals. Full papers are
intended for  presenting mature research  results, and short  ones for
work-in-progress presentations. We also  seek panel submissions in the
same areas.

The following sorts of topics are within scope:

  Assessing, measuring and classifying intrusion-detection systems:
    Accuracy and reliability measurements, requirements, and technologies
    Benchmarking techniques and technologies
    Relations to risk assessment and risk management plans
    Quantitative assessment of IDS

  IDS cooperation:
    Alert correlation and attack scenario analysis
    Impact on false positives

  IDS in High Performance and Real-Time Environments:
    Large-scale/enterprise IDS
    High-Speed networks
    Managing high-volume data
    Highly distributed and heterogeneous environments

  Vulnerabilities and Attacks:
    Vulnerability or attack databases
    Vulnerability or attack taxonomies
    Using vulnerability databases
    Attack description languages

  IDS Integration:
    IDS interoperability Standards and standardization
    Integration with the system/network management framework
    Combining different styles of IDS

  Innovative Approaches:
    Intrusion tolerance
    Adaptive IDS solutions
    Survivability and dependability
    Data mining, intelligent agents
    New IDS methodologies and technologies
    Automated responses
    Combining IDS and system/network management
    Intrusion-detection at the application level

  Practical Considerations
    Case studies
    IDS in heterogeneous environments
    IDS as an intrinsic component of the multi-layer
        computing/communications environment
    Unique/emerging IDS operating environments
    Legal issues
    Storage Requirements for evidence purposes
    Evidence storage/log requirements, handling and exchanges
    Commercial intrusion detection systems and their directions
    Real-time versus post-mortem IDS
    IDS integration with business process

RAID submissions  are peer-reviewed. Full papers will  be published by
Springer Verlag in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series
(  A distinct publication
of short papers is also planned.

Program Committee

RAID executive committee chair: Marc Dacier (IBM Research, Switzerland)

Program co-chair: Wenke Lee (NC State University, USA)
Program co-chair: Ludovic Me (Supelec, France)

Publication chair: Andreas Wespi (IBM Research, Switzerland)

Local organization chair: Felix Wu (UC Davis, USA)

Publicity chair: Giovanni Vigna (UCSB, USA)

Program committee:

Matt Bishop (University of California at Davis, USA)
Joachim Biskup (University of Dortmund, Germany)
Frederic Cuppens (ONERA, France)
Marc Dacier (IBM Research, Switzerland)
Herve Debar (France Telecom R&D, France)
Yves Deswarte (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Deborah Frincke (University of Idaho, USA)
Anup Ghosh (Cigital, USA)
Tim Grance (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA)
Ming-Yuh Huang (The Boeing Company, USA)
Erland Jonsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Calvin Ko (NAI, USA)
Baudouin Le Charlier (Universite de Namur, Belgium)
Wenke Lee (NCSU, USA)
Richard Lippmann (MIT/Lincoln Lab, USA)
Roy Maxion (CMU, USA)
George Mohay (Queensland University, Australia)
Ludovic Me (Supelec, France)
Abdelaziz Mounji (Swift, Belgium)
Vern Paxson (ACIRI/LBNL, USA)
Phil Porras (SRI, USA)
Stuart Staniford (Silicon Defense, USA)
Al Valdes (SRI, USA)
Giovanni Vigna (UCSB, USA)
Andreas Wespi (IBM Research, Switzerland)
Felix Wu (UC Davis, USA)
Diego Zamboni (Purdue University, USA)
Kevin Ziese (Cisco Systems, USA)


Full   and  short   papers  submitted   to  RAID   must   be  original
contributions, not  published or submitted to  other conferences. Full
papers  are limited to  6000 words,  short papers  to 2000,  full page
figures being  counted as 300 words.  Each paper must  include a short
abstract and  a list of keywords.  Authors are invited  to submit full
and  short  papers  electronically  in  postscript or  PDF,  as  email
attachments.  The email  should contain  (in ASCII)  the title  of the
paper,  author  name(s),   affiliations,  mailing  address  and  topic
category addressed in the paper (if appropriate).

The deadline for submitting full and short papers is March 30th, 2001.

Panel  proposals  must  be limited  to  400  words  in length  and  be
submitted electronically in ASCII  (preferred) or PDF. Panel proposals
must include  the name(s) of  the panel chair and  possible panelists,
with their organizational affiliations, telephone and FAX numbers, and
postal  and email addresses.  The description  should include  both an
outline  of the  format of  the panel  and a  short rationale  for the
panel. The program committee will  allocate one to two-hour time slots
to  each  panel,  depending  on  the proposed  topic,  the  number  of
panelists, and the requested length.  The panel chair will be informed
of the slot  length when notified of acceptance.   Panels that include
time  for   general  discussion  and   questions/answers  between  the
panelists and the attendees are preferred.

The deadline for submitting panel proposals is April 30th, 2001.

All proposals must be in English. Plan to give all panels and talks in

To submit a paper electronically, visit

Each submission  will be acknowledged by e-mail.  If acknowledgment is
not received  within seven days, please  contact wenke () csc ncsu edu or () supelec-rennes fr.

A  preliminary  program  will  be  available at  the  RAID  web  site,, by July 31, 2001.


We  solicit   interested  organizations  to  serve   as  sponsors  for
RAID'2001,  particularly in  sponsorship of  student travel  and other
expenses  for RAID.  Please contact  Felix Wu  (wu () cs ucdavis edu) for
information regarding corporate sponsorship of RAID.


Detailed registration  information (including fees,  suggested hotels,
and travel directions) will be provided at the RAID'2001 web site.


Selected  full papers  will be  published  by Springer  Verlag in  its
Lecture  Notes in  Computer  Science (LNCS)  series. Instructions  for
authors                 are                available                at  A distinct publication
of  short papers  is  also planned.   Slides  presentations and  panel
summaries  will  be  made   available  on  the  symposium's  web  site


Deadline for full paper submission              March 30, 2001
Deadline for short paper submission             March 30, 2001
Deadline for panel submission                   April 30, 2001
Notification of acceptance or rejection         June 5, 2001
Final full paper camera ready copy due          July 5, 2001
Final short short camera ready copy due         September 7, 2001
RAID dates                                      October 10-12, 2001


  On-site arrangements or corporate sponsorship:
    contact Felix Wu (wu () cs ucdavis edu)

  General program information:
    contact Wenke Lee (wenke () csc ncsu edu) or
            Ludovic Me (Ludovic.Me () supelec fr)

Giovanni Vigna
University of California Santa Barbara - Dept. of Computer Science

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