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[PEN-TEST] Easy Web Server Scanning

From: Raju Mathur <raju () linux-delhi org>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 08:01:28 +0530

Ah heck, here's one quick and dirty way to do it:

for i in <put IP's you want to test here, without the `<>'> ; do perl -e 'use LWP::UserAgent;$a=new 
LWP::UserAgent;$r=HTTP::Request->new(HEAD=>"http://$ARGV[0]/";);$r2=$a->request($r);print "HTTP Server on $ARGV[0] is: 
",$r2->headers->server,"\n"' $i ; done

Send Rs. 50/$1 to your favourite charity if you use this ``program'' ;-)


-- Raju

"Mike" == Mike Ahern <mc_ahern () YAHOO COM> writes:

    Mike> You will no doubt hear from many on the PEN TEST list about
    Mike> lots of easy ways to do this.

    Mike> Superscan provides this output (Server type) which can be
    Mike> quickly saved to a text file and extracted via grep/sed/awk.

    Mike> The resulting content can easily be used to audit web
    Mike> servers using "lynx -dump", etc., by creating files with the
    Mike> IP of target web servers and using a looping script (for i
    Mike> in `blah`, do, ...) echoing/redirecting the output to an
    Mike> outfile.

    Mike> Hope this is helpful.

    Mike>  - mch
Raju Mathur          raju () kandalaya org 

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