Penetration Testing mailing list archives

Re: [PEN-TEST] Undetectible NMAP scans

From: Swen Schisler <sschisler () VIRBUS DE>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 11:08:51 +0200

Am Son, 27 Aug 2000 schrieben Sie:
Jose Nazario wrote:

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Devdas Bhagat wrote:

Its moved to .

while scanlogd can detect them, along with some other tools (scanlogd is
my personal favorite), you can't stop stealth scans, either, without a
packet filter that lets you block on the basis of arbitrary flags. ichains
doesn't have that capability, as i recall. (i use OpenBSD/ipfilter
firewalls, FWIW.)

Even tho people recommend Snort over it, I still prefer Abacus PortSentry

It's config allows for active response to portscans.  It contains a list of
defaults for ipfwadm as well as ipchains for a variety of OS flavors.  Given the

snort, at least is able to reset connections if configured with the
--enable-flexresp flag. Then you can add in the rules file something like
resp=<something_to_do> to an event signature to define an action which snort
should perform if the event occurs.   The defined actions you can read in the
README.FLEXRESP in the snort directory.

manner it works in, I reckon it'd be no problem at all to deploy it functioning
with iptables/ipfilters.  Also, if you don't care to drop routes, it will dump
offending IPs into hosts.deny.

BSD Today has an article at
as well.

Psionic offers a log analyzer, LogCheck, on their site also.  Works very well in
conjunction with Portsentry or Snort.


Swen Schisler
Tel.: +49-341/9797407
E-mail: sschisler () virbus de

In a world without walls and fences, nobody need gates and windows.

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