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Packing for Defcon:Not wanting the TSA to give me a colonoscopy.

From: kerry.milestone at (Kerry)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 16:57:40 +0100

ok, what you really don't want to do is come across a particularly thick
security agent when transporting a x-ray absorbing optical prism...  then
watch the security peoples wonderment when they find it, and they can
actually see through it - but it appears as the blackest of black on their
screens...  what really won't help your cause, is if its got Russian writing
on the side and you ain't in Russia...
yes, there really are legit reasons for carrying x-ray absorbing materials
on you...  !!
yes, they will eventually let you have it back after scanning it a few times
'just to see' the pure black hole on their screens.
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