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Email Management

From: dninja at (Robin Wood)
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 16:03:14 +0000

2009/1/5 Brian Seel <brian.seel at>:
As a recent college graduate who is wide eyed and ready to get out into the
big world and revolutionize everything (atleast, thats what I think now), I
have noticed that one of the biggest problems that many security people have
is email. While my experience is limited to a handful of internships and my
interactions with people I am interviewing with, it seems like everyone has
way too much email and it takes away from their ability to do their job.

So do you have any tips to get the information out while still having time
to do your job?

I am really bad with having to check email as soon as it arrives but
then I watched the inbox zero talk by Merlin Mann and decided to try
it. I found it works really well, actually better when I'm busy and
can justify to myself that I can ignore an email for an hour. Watch
the talk on his site

As a follow up, how do you manage your time to keep up with news and
podcasts? Seems like that alone could take up all of your time before you
could even start to do anything.

This is something else I find I have trouble with (I always thought I
was good at time management till I really thought about it!) so this
year I've decided that between 9 and 10 in the morning is my time to
catch up on things. That means reading news, going through all my rss
feeds, listening/watching podcasts etc. As I'm self employed it is
also going to cover doing things for the business that I usually put
off in favour of doing paid client work. It worked this morning, ask
me again in a month or two if it is still working!


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