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CERT VU#123335: Multiple Programming Languages Fail to Escape Arguments Properly in Microsoft Windows

From: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith () oracle com>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:33:38 -0700

https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/123335 announces:

Vulnerability Note VU#123335
Original Release Date: 2024-04-10 | Last Revised: 2024-04-10


Various programming languages lack proper validation mechanisms for
commands and in some cases also fail to escape arguments correctly
when invoking commands within a Microsoft Windows environment. The
command injection vulnerability in these programming languages, when
running on Windows, allows attackers to execute arbitrary code
disguised as arguments to the command. This vulnerability may also
affect the application that executes commands without specifying the
file extension.


Programming languages typically provide a way to execute commands (for
e.g., os/exec in Golang) on the operating system to facilitate
interaction with the OS. Typically, the programming languages also
allow for passing arguments which are considered data (or variables)
for the command to be executed. The arguments themselves are expected
to be not executable and the command is expected to be executed along
with properly escaped arguments, as inputs to the command. Microsoft
Windows typically processes these commands using a CreateProcess
function that spawns a cmd.exe for execution of the command. Microsoft
Windows has documented some of the concerns related to how these
should be properly escaped before execution as early as 2011. See

A vulnerability was discovered in the way multiple programming
languages fail to properly escape the arguments in a Microsoft Windows
command execution environment. This can lead confusion at execution
time where an expected argument for a command could be executed as
another command itself. An attacker with knowledge of the programming
language can carefully craft inputs that will be processed by the
compiled program as commands. This unexpected behavior is due to lack
of neutralization of arguments by the programming language (or its
command execution module) that initiates a Windows execution
environment. The researcher has found multiple programming languages,
and their command execution modules fail to perform such sanitization
and/or validation before processing these in their runtime


Successful exploitation of this vulnerability permits an attacker to
execute arbitrary commands. The complete impact of this vulnerability
depends on the implementation that uses a vulnerable programming
language or such a vulnerable module.


Updating the runtime environment

Please visit the Vendor Information section to see if your programming
language Vendor has released the patch for this vulnerability and
update the runtime environment that can prevent abuse of this

Update the programs and escape manually

If the runtime of your application doesn't provide a patch for this
vulnerability and you want to execute batch files with user-controlled
arguments, you will need to perform the escaping and neutralization of
the data to prevent any intended command execution.

Security researcher has more detailed information in the blog post
which provides details on specific languages that were identified and
their Status.

We've already seen some of the updates on this mailing list, including
notices for Rust & node.js.  For other languages, see the info on
https://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/123335#vendor-information and

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith () oracle com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris

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