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Re: Update on the distro-backdoor-scanner effort

From: Jacob Bachmeyer <jcb62281 () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:31:46 -0500

Vegard Nossum wrote:

Masquerading a shell command as a pkg-config variable definition is
trivial (but probably still detectable) since you can just do:

foobar=/usr echo hi

which AFAIK is a valid pkg-config variable definition but also a valid
shell command.

You are correct, but making this a little bit harder for an attacker is still an improvement. Perhaps pkg-config variable values should be required to be in quotes if they contain spaces?

The bigger issue is accepting an *-uninstalled.pc in a system directory, which means that it actually *has* been installed. That logic error allowed your backdoor to override the real libelf.pc without producing a file conflict that the package manager could detect.

Also remember that in my particular example I reused the same file but
it would also be trivial to use a different file in the $(...) expansion
so that the payload actually lives somewhere else.

Agreed, but adding another file to the backdoor increases the chance of the attacker getting caught.

The payload doesn't
even have to be a shell script, it could also be a small ELF binary or
something where you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell at a glance
that it does something malicious.

Also correct, in fact, for a package that actually installs executables, a bit of extra code in an otherwise legitimate binary to detect when the grandparent is make(1) and drop a backdoor could very likely go unnoticed. (This would be the rogue or compromised distribution packager scenario, where the binaries distributed do not match the sources.)

-- Jacob

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