oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: Checking existence of firewalled web servers in Firefox via iframe.onload

From: Jan Klopper <janklopper () innerheight com>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:15:38 +0200


The topic is still relevant.

Combining this attack with webservices that might be present behind a NAT network, eg IOT or appliances can result in various serious issues.

There are loads of devices that do not require csrf, or even POST for requests that update settings or even firmware.

Performing GET requests on those internal ip's, even though no content will be returned is still plenty dangerous. Knowing which ip to perform these attacks on, can be found by looking at the timing of various ready/error calls.

However, it begs the question, is it the browser that is in the wrong here, or those appliances/devices. And, should the browser be guarding users against flaws in those appliances? And where then does the scope of the browsers security features stop?

I'm also expecting heaps of these issues to re-discovered when looking at the whole websockets domain.

With regards
Jan Klopper

On 20-04-2023 12:57, Stefano Di Paola wrote:
Hello George,

from time to time it happens to rediscover techniques issues.
This is one of those times :)

In 2006 there has been a lot of interest around browser based port
scans, in particular to pivot internal networks.

The following links are some of them:





Some of those thecniques have been mitigated, and some it's still

There are surely other resources IIRC, although some of them might have
been deleted, such as the ones on sla.cke.rs which is a real pity..


Ps. this email applies to the other Script technique thread/email as

On Tue, 2023-04-18 at 15:59 +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:
In short in Firefox 112, it is possible to check existence
of firewalled web servers. This doesn't work in Chrome and Chromium
for me.

If user A has tcp connection to web server B, then in the
following html:

<iframe src="http://B"; onload="load()" onerror="alert('error')"
id="i1" />

the javascript function load() will get executed if B serves
valid document to A's browser and will not be executed otherwise.

This work for both http and https, and for http it is allowed
B to be IP address. Under some configurations of Apache2,
it serves http despite having https configured.

In some sense, this is close to nmap via javascript in a browser.

Potential privacy implication is when the attacker guess the
range of firewalled IPs and check them all in a loop.

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