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[kubernetes] CVE-2023-1174, CVE-2023-1944: Network port exposure and ssh access using default password

From: "Vellore Rajakumar, Sri Saran Balaji" <srajakum () amazon com>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:45:10 +0000

Hello Kubernetes Community,

We have released minikube v1.30.0<https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases/tag/v1.30.0> to address two security 
issues in minikube. We recommend all to upgrade minikube to the latest version and delete any Kubernetes clusters 
created with an affected version. Minikube is a utility tool that sets up a Kubernetes environment on a local machine 
for developing and testing Kubernetes applications. Minikube is not intended for production use.

CVE-2023-1174: Network port exposure

This vulnerability exposes a network port in minikube running on macOS with Docker driver that could enable unexpected 
remote access to the minikube container. This issue has been rated CRITICAL 
 (score: 9.8).

Am I vulnerable?

This CVE only affects clusters running on macOS with Docker drivers. If you have created the Kubernetes cluster using 
one of the below mentioned minikube versions, then you are affected by this vulnerability.

Affected Versions

• v1.28.0

• v1.27.1

• v1.27.0

• v1.26.1

• v1.26.0

You can also run the following command to know if you are affected. If the command returns then you are 
affected by this vulnerability.

`docker inspect --format='{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "8443/tcp") 0).HostIp}}' minikube`

CVE-2023-1944: SSH access using default password

This vulnerability enables ssh access to minikube container using a default password. This issue has been rated HIGH 
 (score: 8.4).

Am I vulnerable?

All versions prior to v.1.30.0 are affected.

To find the version deployed in your environment, run the following command -

`minikube version`

How do I remediate these vulnerabilities?

To mitigate these vulnerabilities, you must upgrade minikube to the latest version and delete any clusters created 
using an affected version.

Fixed Version

• v1.30.0

Note: To delete clusters created using prior versions, run `minikube delete --all`

Thank You,

Balaji on behalf of the Kubernetes Security Response Committee

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