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Re: libcap-2.69 addresses 2 CVEs

From: Solar Designer <solar () openwall com>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 11:39:16 +0200

On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 08:45:33AM -0700, Andrew G. Morgan wrote:
The release of libcap-2.69, announced here:


addresses the following:

- LCAP-CR-23-01 (SEVERITY) LOW (CVE-2023-2602) - found by David Gstir
- LCAP-CR-23-02 (SEVERITY) MEDIUM (CVE-2023-2603) - found by Richard Weinberger

The full details of both issues are provided in this audit report:


Here's plain text export of the relevant part from the PDF file above:

    4.1.1        LCAP-CR-23-01: Memory Leak on pthread_create() Error

        Severity:                   LOW
        CWE:                      401 - Improper Release of Memory Before Removing Last Reference
                                  ('Memory Leak')
        Affected Component:        libcap/psx/psx.c:__wrap_pthread_create()       Description

    X41 found that the error handling in __wrap_pthread_create() function is wrong and will leak mem-
    ory in case of an error.

    Function libpsx hooks the pthread_create() function and replaces it with __wrap_pthread_create().
    This wrapping function will then register the required signal handler and call the actual pthread_create()
    (__real_pthread_create()). Here, the error handling for __real_pthread_create() is faulty as it checks
    for a negative return value which cannot happen. Instead, pthread_create() will return a value
    > 0 in case of an error1 . Thus, for every error in __real_pthread_create() where the tread routine
    (_psx_start_fn) is not called, the buffer starter will not be freed and thus this memory will be leaked
    once __wrap_pthread_create() returns.

    A malicious actor who is in the position to cause __real_pthread_create() to return an error, can
    potentially abuse this to exhaust the process memory. As libpsx hooks all pthread_create() calls
    of a process, this affects every thread.

1    *
2    * __wrap_pthread_create is the wrapped destination of all regular
3    * pthread_create calls.
4    */
5   int __wrap_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
6                 void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) {
7       psx_starter_t *starter = calloc(1, sizeof(psx_starter_t));

9           // [...]

        1   https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_create.3.html

    X41 D-Sec GmbH                                     PUBLIC                                           Page 14 of 28
    Source Code Audit on libcap                                    for Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF)


11        int ret = __real_pthread_create(thread, attr, _psx_start_fn, starter);
12        if (ret == -1) {
13            psx_new_state(_PSX_CREATE, _PSX_IDLE);
14            memset(starter, 0, sizeof(*starter));
15            free(starter);
16        } /* else unlock happens in _psx_start_fn */

18        /* the parent can once again receive psx interrupt signals */
19        pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &orig_sigbits, NULL);

21        return ret;
22   }

                     Listing 4.1: Code Snippet Showing the Affected Part of __wrap_pthread_create()     Solution Advice

     While not critical, X41 advises fixing the error handling code to prevent any abuse from being

     X41 D-Sec GmbH                                     PUBLIC                                            Page 15 of 28
     Source Code Audit on libcap                                      for Open Source Technology Improvement Fund 

     4.1.2       LCAP-CR-23-02: Integer Overflow in _libcap_strdup()

         Severity:                  MEDIUM
         CWE:                      190 - Integer Overflow or Wraparound
         Affected Component:        libcap/cap_alloc.c:_libcap_strdup()     Description

     X41 found that in 32 bits execution mode, where sizeof(size_t) equals 4, the _libcap_strdup() func-
     tion can suffer from an integer overflow of the input string is close to a length of 4GiB. In this
     case len = strlen(old) + 1 + 2*sizeof(__u32); will overflow and results into a value much smaller than

     As consequence the overflow check len & 0xffffffff) != len will have no effect and the strcpy() func-
     tion at the end of the function will overwrite the heap.

1    __attribute__((visibility ("hidden"))) char *_libcap_strdup(const char *old)
2    {
3        struct _cap_alloc_s *header;
4        char *raw_data;
5        size_t len;

7    [...]

9          len = strlen(old) + 1 + 2*sizeof(__u32);
10         if (len < sizeof(struct _cap_alloc_s)) {
11             len = sizeof(struct _cap_alloc_s);
12         }
13         if ((len & 0xffffffff) != len) {
14             _cap_debug("len is too long for libcap to manage");
15             errno = EINVAL;
16             return NULL;
17         }

19         raw_data = calloc(1, len);

21   [...]

23         strcpy(raw_data, old);
24         return raw_data;
25   }

                          Listing 4.2: Code Snippet Showing the Affected Part of _libcap_strdup()

     X41 D-Sec GmbH                                       PUBLIC                                            Page 16 of 
     Source Code Audit on libcap                             for Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF)     Solution Advice

While the overflow is impossible to exploit on a pure 32 bits system because no user space ap-
plication can use the whole 32 bits address space it might be possible on a 64 bits kernel in 32
bits compat mode. In this mode user space is allowed to use the full 32 bits address space. X41
advises checking whether strlen() returns a sufficient large number to overflow the addition.


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