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Re: MITRE response time

From: "(RS) Tyler Schroder" <redorhcs () redcoded com>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 14:22:17 +0000


My usual response time from them is 2-5 business days (sometimes not too much longer if the team is short handed) 
requesting individual IDs. 

MITRE is the correct CNA for projects not already listed on that page covered by a different CNA. Make sure to use the 
web form at CVE.mitre.org

R. S. Tyler Schroder
K12 Technician

(Disclaimer: former intern there but not with the CVE program)

On Sep 2, 2019, at 10:16 AM, Heiko Schlittermann <hs () nodmarc schlittermann de> wrote:


what is your experience with MITRE's response time to an CVE request?

Last thursday I requested a CVE on behalf of a project I'm involved in
(and which is not covered by any of the CNAs listed on

Where do you request CVEs for projects not listed there?

   Best regards from Dresden/Germany
   Viele Grüße aus Dresden
   Heiko Schlittermann
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