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[ANNOUNCE] Security regression in Kubernetes kubelet v1.13.6 and v1.14.2 only - CVE-2019-11245

From: Brandon Philips <bphilips () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 14:57:25 -0700

Hello Kubernetes Community-

A security-related issue was discovered in kubelet versions v1.13.6 and
v1.14.2. The issue is medium severity and can be mitigated with a pod spec
configuration change OR by *****downgrading*** kubelets to v1.13.5 or

***Vulnerability Details***

When a container runs for the first time on a node, it correctly respects
the UID set by the container image (e.g. USER in a Dockerfile). However, on
the second run, the container will run as UID 0 (aka root) which can be an
undesired escalated privilege.

Pods that specify an explicit runAsUser are unaffected and continue to work

PodSecurityPolicies that force a runAsUser setting are also unaffected and
continue to work properly.

Pods that specify mustRunAsNonRoot:true will refuse to start the container
as uid 0, which can affect availability.

This issue is filed as CVE-2019-11245. See
https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/78308 for more details.

***Am I vulnerable?***

Run this to print out all nodes and their kubelet version:

kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath='{range

If the output lists Kubelet versions listed below you are running a
vulnerable version:




***How do I mitigate the vulnerability?***

There are two potential mitigations to this issue:


   Downgrade to kubelet v1.13.5 or v1.14.1 as instructed by your Kubernetes

   Set RunAsUser on all pods in the cluster that should not run as root.
   This is a Security Context feature; the docs are at

***How do I upgrade?***

An upgrade addressing this issue is not yet available. But, will appear in
v1.13.7 and v1.14.3 ASAP and will be announced here.

***Thank you***

Thank you to the <https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/78178> many
<https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/78308> reporters
<https://github.com/rancher/k3s/issues/511>, and Tim Pepper as release
manager for the coordination in making this announcement.

Thank You,

Brandon on behalf of the Kubernetes Product Security Committee

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