oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: CVE-XXX (quasselclient/quasselcore version 0.12.4): Heap Remote Code Execution and Null Pointer DDOS

From: nongiach nongiach <nongiach () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2018 10:45:18 +0200

here are the two CVE numbers assigned:

Vuln1: CVE-2018-1000178,  CWE-120: heap corruption
{"data_version": "4.0","references": {"reference_data": [{"url": "
https://i.imgur.com/JJ4QcNq.png"},{"url": "https://github.com/quassel/
"}]},"description": {"description_data": [{"lang": "eng","value": "A heap
corruption of type CWE-120 exists in quassel version 0.12.4 in quasselcore
in void DataStreamPeer::processMessage(const QByteArray &msg),
datastreampeer.cpp line 62 that allows an attacker to execute code
remotely."}]},"data_type": "CVE","affects": {"vendor": {"vendor_data":
[{"product": {"product_data": [{"version": {"version_data":
[{"version_value": "0.12.4>version"}]},"product_name": "quasselcore,
quasselclient"}]},"vendor_name": "quassel"}]}},"CVE_data_meta":
{"DATE_ASSIGNED": "2018-04-30T19:35:42.127351","DATE_REQUESTED":
"2018-04-23T00:00:00","ID": "CVE-2018-1000178","ASSIGNER": "
kurt () seifried org","REQUESTER": "nongiach () gmail com"},"data_format":
"MITRE","problemtype": {"problemtype_data": [{"description": [{"lang":
"eng","value": "CWE-120: heap corruption"}]}]}}

Vuln2:  CVE-2018-1000179,  CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference
{"data_version": "4.0","references": {"reference_data": [{"url": "
coreauthhandler.cpp#L236"}]},"description": {"description_data": [{"lang":
"eng","value": "A NULL Pointer Dereference of CWE-476 exists in quassel
version 0.12.4 in the quasselcore void CoreAuthHandler::handle(const Login
&msg), coreauthhandler.cpp  line 235 that allows an atacker to denial of
service."}]},"data_type": "CVE","affects": {"vendor": {"vendor_data":
[{"product": {"product_data": [{"version": {"version_data":
[{"version_value": "0.12.4>version"}]},"product_name":
"quasselcore"}]},"vendor_name": "quassel"}]}},"CVE_data_meta":
{"DATE_ASSIGNED": "2018-04-30T19:35:42.127797","DATE_REQUESTED":
"2018-04-23T00:00:00","ID": "CVE-2018-1000179","ASSIGNER": "
kurt () seifried org","REQUESTER": "nongiach () gmail com"},"data_format":
"MITRE","problemtype": {"problemtype_data": [{"description": [{"lang":
"eng","value": "CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference"}]}]}}


2018-04-27 0:39 GMT+02:00 nongiach nongiach <nongiach () gmail com>:


two vulnerabilities have been fixed in quassel, an IRC connection
one with a high severity and another with a low severity, they are both
publicly fixed:
- these patches apply cleanly to 0.12.4 sources
- 0.12.5 release (Tuesday 24.04) includes these patches, distros have
been notified for the embargo.

Vuln 1:
Title: quasselcore, corruption of heap metadata caused by qdatastream
leading to preauth remote code execution.
Severity: high, by default the server port is publicly open and the
address can be requested using the /WHOIS command of IRC protocol.
Description: In Qdatastream protocol each object are prepended with 4
bytes for the object size, this can be used to trigger allocation errors.
Source: void DataStreamPeer::processMessage(const QByteArray &msg),
datastreampeer.cpp line 62
CWE: A heap corruption of type CWE-120 exists in quassel version 0.12.4 in
the quasselcore that allows an attacker to remote code execution.
Patch: https://quassel-irc.org/pub/misc/0001-Implement-custo
Screen POC: https://i.imgur.com/JJ4QcNq.png
Credit: @chaign_c
Information: This vulnerability is not specific to qdatastream.

Vuln 2:
Title: quasselcore DDOS
Severity: low, impact only a quasselcore not configured.
Description: A login attempt causes a NULL pointer dereference because
when the database is not initialized.
Source: void CoreAuthHandler::handle(const Login &msg),
coreauthhandler.cpp  line 235
CWE: A NULL Pointer Dereference of CWE-476 exists in quassel version
0.12.4 in the quasselcore that allows an attacker to denial of service.
Patch: https://quassel-irc.org/pub/misc/0002-Reject-clients-
Credit: @chaign_c


With lead dev agreement, POC will be released here https://github.com/
nongiach/CVE/ in one month from now.
A big thx to quassel team for their quick responses and reaction.

CVE number assignation is ongoing.


Current thread: