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Re: CVE-2018-0737 OpenSSL: RSA key generation follows several non constant time code paths

From: Billy Brumley <bbrumley () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2018 09:07:45 +0300

This note is mostly for package maintainers.

One might interpret this security advisory


as suggesting the one referenced commit solves this issue. But it doesn't.

Please note our original recommendation points at four commits. (To
distros list on 11 Apr, it was 3 commits and attached patches for both
1.1.0 and 1.0.2.)

Preprint describing our work is already in IACR eprint moderation
queue, so it'll show up soon and when it does I'll follow up as
promised with the URL.


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 7:46 PM, Billy Brumley <bbrumley () gmail com> wrote:
Hey Folks,

We discovered 3 vulnerabilities in OpenSSL that allow cache-timing
enabled attackers to recover RSA private keys during key generation.

1. BN_gcd gets called to check that _e_ and _p-1_ are relatively
prime. This function is not constant time, and leaks critical GCD
state leading to information on _p_.

2. During primality testing, BN_mod_inverse gets called without the
BN_FLG_CONSTTIME set during Montgomery arithmetic setup. The resulting
code path is not constant time, and leaks critical GCD state leading
to information on _p_.

3. During primality testing, BN_mod_exp_mont gets called without the
BN_FLG_CONSTTIME set during modular exponentiation, with an exponent
_x_ satisfying _p - 1 = 2**k * x_ hence recovering _x_ gives you most
of _p_. The resulting code path is not constant time, and leaks
critical exponentiation state leading to information on _x_ and hence

OpenSSL issued CVE-2018-0737 to track this issue.

# Affected software

LibreSSL fixed these issues (nice!) way back when this was reported in
Jan 2017. Looks like commits


We verified that with a debugger.

OTOH, OpenSSL wanted concrete evidence of exploitability. That's what
we did over the past year and a half or so.We ran with bug (1) and
recover RSA keys with cache-timings, achieving roughly 30% success
rate in over 10K trials on a cluster.

Affects 1.1.0, 1.0.2, and presumably all the EOL lines.

## Fixes

Recently, it looks like (1) was independently discovered, and some
code changes happened. Nothing for (2) and (3).

### 1.0.2-stable

Part of the fix (1) is in commits


In combination with our contributed patch in


we verified with a debugger they cumulatively solve (1) (2) and (3).

### 1.1.0-stable

Part of the fix (1) is in commits


In combination with our contributed patch in


we verified with a debugger they cumulatively solve (1) (2) and (3).

Look for our preprint on http://eprint.iacr.org/ soon -- working title
is "One Shot, One Trace, One Key: Cache-Timing Attacks on RSA Key
Generation". We'll update the list with the full URL once it's posted.

# Timeline

Jan 2017: Notified OpenSSL, LibreSSL, BoringSSL
4 Apr 2018: Notified OpenSSL again, with PoC and 16 Apr, 15:00 UTC embargo
11 Apr 2018: Notified distros list
16 Apr 2018: Notified oss-security list

Thanks for reading!

Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya
Cesar Pereida Garcia
Luis Manuel Alvarez Tapia
Billy Brumley

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