oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE-2018-10058 and CVE-2018-10057 - cgminer <=4.10.0 and bfgminer <=5.5.0 remote management api post-auth buffer overflow and path traversal

From: "oststrom \(public\)" <pub () oststrom com>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2018 20:44:50 +0200


Author:       <github.com/tintinweb>
Version:      0.1
Date:         Feb 25th, 2018

Tag:          cgminer bfgminer bitcoin miner authenticated buffer overflow
and path traversal


Name:         cgminer
Vendor:       ck kolivas
References:   * https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer
              * https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=28402.0

Version:        4.10.0 [1]
Latest Version: 4.10.0 [1]
Other Versions: <= 4.10.0
Platform(s):    windows, linux
Technology:     C/C++

Vuln Classes:   CWE-121: Stack-based Buffer Overflow
                CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted
Directory ('Path Traversal')
Origin:         remote
Min. Privs.:    authenticated

Source:         open-source

CVE:            CVE-2018-10057 - arbitrary file write
                CVE-2018-10058 - buffer overflow


quote website [1][2]

    This is a multi-threaded multi-pool FPGA and ASIC miner for bitcoin.


Name:         bfgminer
Vendor:       luke-jr
References:   * https://github.com/luke-jr/bfgminer/releases
              * http://bfgminer.org/
              * https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=877081

Version:        5.5.0 [3]
Latest Version: 5.5.0 [3]
Other Versions: <= 5.5.0
Platform(s):    windows, linux
Technology:     C/C++

Vuln Classes:   CWE-121: Stack-based Buffer Overflow
                CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted
Directory ('Path Traversal')
Origin:         remote
Min. Privs.:    authenticated

Source:         open-source

CVE:            CVE-2018-10057 - arbitrary file write
                CVE-2018-10058 - buffer overflow


quote website [3][4][5]

    What is BFGMiner?

    BFGMiner is a modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring dynamic
clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities.


cgminer and bfgminer both share a good portion of their code basis therefore
they are both affected by the
vulnerabilities described in this note. both applications provide remote
management functionality via an api interface.
This interface takes either custom plaintext or json encoded commands.
Available API commands are defined in `api.c`.
The set of available commands varies depending on the enabled features
(opencl, fpga, cpumining). An api request can
carry multiple commands if the commands are tagged as `joinable` (see
`api.c`). While the API does not feature an
authentication system, there is a `readonly` and `write` mode. Commands can
either be accessible in `readonly` or also
in `write` mode. Read/Write access can be granted via the commandline
setting an IP-/Subnet-based ACL
(`Interpret [W:]IP[/Prefix][,[R|W:]IP2[/Prefix2][,...]] --api-allow
option`). In the context of this vulnerability note
an `authenticated` vector refers to a vulnerability existing in the handling
of write-mode commands. On the other hand
unauthenticated vulnerabilities can be performed without having to match the
IP-/Subnet-ACL first.

* VU #1 - (CVE-2018-10058) Authenticated Stack buffer overflow (sprintf):
addpool, save, failover-only, poolquota
* VU #2 - (CVE-2018-10057) Authenticated path traversal (fopen): save
* VU #3 - Unauthenticated Information Disclosure: banner / various commands
leaking details
* VU #4 - Missing Transport Security: no tls / trivial to mitm / eavesdrop

see PoC ref github.


// Note: annotations are prefixed with //#!

Service Discovery:
* shodan: `description=cgminer` or [6]
* banner: `STATUS=E,When=1518898313,Code=14,Msg=Invalid
command,Description=cgminer 4.9.0|\x00`

#### VU #1 - (CVE-2018-10058) Authenticated Stack buffer overflow: addpool,
save, failover-only, poolquota

The root cause for the buffer overflow are missing bounds checks and
unlimited format descriptors used with `sprintf`
that lead to straight forward `sprintf` buffer overwrite vulnerabilities.
Misuse pattern `sprintf(dst[size], "%s", param[can be > size])`.
To exploit this an attacker must be able to provide string params to
`sprintf` that are close or larger the destination
buffer size. The way `escape_string` works makes it easier for attackers to
generate large strings that are being passed
to `sprintf` as the method does not limit the output size and may extend up
to double the size of the input string
(characters escaped one-by-one).

Request Handler: `api(int api_thr_id){}`

* The request recv buffer size is `buf[TMPBUFSIZ=8192]`.
* `recv()` reads at most `TMPBUFSIZ-1` bytes from the socket. This means we
can push at max 8191 bytes to the api handler (this includes json
encoding/plaintext cmd overhead)
* For plaintext commands we can push up to `TMPBUFSIZ-1-len(cmd+SEPARATOR)`
bytes as param (recv_buffer_size - command and separator overhead)

void api(int api_thr_id)
    char buf[TMPBUFSIZ];            //#! fixed buffer 8192b
    while (!bye) {
        addrok = check_connect((struct sockaddr_storage *)&cli,
&connectaddr, &group);      //#! check API access ok
        applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API: connection from %s - %s",
                    connectaddr, addrok ? "Accepted" : "Ignored");

        if (addrok) {   //#! ACL - access allowed
            n = recv(c, &buf[0], TMPBUFSIZ-1, 0);           //#! read up to
8192-1 bytes

                if (*buf != ISJSON) {                       //#! plaintext
cmd decoder
                    isjson = false;

                    param = strchr(buf, SEPARATOR);         //#! param can
hold up to TMPBUFSIZ-1-sizeof(SEPARATOR) bytes
                    if (param != NULL)
                        *(param++) = '\0';

                    cmd = buf;
                else {                                      //#! json cmd
                    cmd = (char *)json_string_value(json_val);
                    if (json_is_string(json_val))
                            param = (char *)json_string_value(json_val);
//#! param can hold up to TMPBUFSIZE-1-sizeof(json overhead including

                        for (i = 0; cmds[i].name != NULL; i++) {
                                if (ISPRIVGROUP(group) ||
strstr(COMMANDS(group), cmdbuf))
                                    (cmds[i].func)(io_data, c, param,
isjson, group);           //#! call api command handler
                                else {
                                    message(io_data, MSG_ACCDENY, 0,
cmds[i].name, isjson);
                                    applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API: access denied to
'%s' for '%s' command", connectaddr, cmds[i].name);

String escaping: (backslash escaping) `=` (non-json), `"` (json), `\` (both)
will be prefixed with `\`

* stage 1 - scans string for to-be escaped characters and counts them.
* stage 2 - allocates a new buffer for the extended size due to added `\`
for escaping.
* stage 3 - scans string copying byte-by-byte to new buffer adding `\` when
encountering `=,",\`.
* Note: If the input string contains a to-be-escaped character the output
string will be larger than the input.
* Note: This means if the input string only consists of e.g. `=` the output
string will be twice the size `\=`.

Furthermore this means that in worst case an input string of 8k may generate
an output string of 16k.

static char *escape_string(char *str, bool isjson)
    char *buf, *ptr;
    int count;

    count = 0;
    for (ptr = str; *ptr; ptr++) {
        switch (*ptr) {
            case ',':
            case '|':
            case '=':                //#! count to-be-escaped char
                if (!isjson)
            case '"':
                if (isjson)
            case '\\':

    if (count == 0)
        return str;

    buf = cgmalloc(strlen(str) + count + 1);         //#! malloc new buffer
to fit escaped string

    ptr = buf;
    while (*str)
        switch (*str) {
            case ',':
            case '|':
            case '=':                               //#! copy string; insert
escape chars when needed.
                if (!isjson)
                    *(ptr++) = '\\';
                *(ptr++) = *(str++);
            case '"':
                if (isjson)
                    *(ptr++) = '\\';
                *(ptr++) = *(str++);
            case '\\':
                *(ptr++) = '\\';
                *(ptr++) = *(str++);
                *(ptr++) = *(str++);

    *ptr = '\0';

    return buf;

* Buffer overwrite for param to command: `addpool`

{ SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_INVPDP,   PARAM_STR,      "Invalid addpool details
'%s'" },

static void addpool(struct io_data *io_data, __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c,
char *param, bool isjson, __maybe_unused char group)

    if (!pooldetails(param, &url, &user, &pass)) {
        ptr = escape_string(param, isjson);              //#! VU #1 -
escape_string may return > 8192 bytes if it contains to be escaped chars
        message(io_data, MSG_INVPDP, 0, ptr, isjson);    //#! VU #1 - may
overwrite internal buf[TMPBUFSIZ=8192] if ptr>(8192 - len(hardcoded err
        if (ptr != param)                                //#! MSG_INVPDP -
see def above - is a FMT using unbound %s that may cause a buffer overwrite
if the param is > sprintf destination buffer size
        ptr = NULL;


    ptr = escape_string(url, isjson);                            //#! VU #1
- escape_string may return > 8192 bytes if it contains to be escaped chars
    message(io_data, MSG_ADDPOOL, pool->pool_no, ptr, isjson);   //#! VU #1
- may overwrite internal buf[TMPBUFSIZ=8192] if ptr>(8192 - len(hardcoded
err msg))
    if (ptr != url)
    ptr = NULL;

Where `message()` is defined as follows:

static void message(struct io_data *io_data, int messageid, int paramid,
char *param2, bool isjson)
    struct api_data *root = NULL;
    char buf[TMPBUFSIZ];                //#! fixed size stack buffer 8192
    char severity[2];


    for (i = 0; codes[i].severity != SEVERITY_FAIL; i++) {      //#! get
message FMT from codes (vulnerable if contains unbound %s in fmt)
        if (codes[i].code == messageid) {

            switch(codes[i].params) {
                case PARAM_STR:
                    sprintf(buf, codes[i].description, param2);
//#! sprintf buffer overwrite; param2 can be > sizeof(buf)

* Buffer overwrite for param to command: `dosave`

void dosave(struct io_data *io_data, __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c, char
*param, bool isjson, __maybe_unused char group)
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    FILE *fcfg;
    char *ptr;

    if (param == NULL || *param == '\0') {
        param = filename;

    fcfg = fopen(param, "w");
    if (!fcfg) {
        ptr = escape_string(param, isjson);  //#! VU #1 - escape_string may
return > 8192 bytes if it contains to be escaped chars
        message(io_data, MSG_BADFN, 0, ptr, isjson);  //#! VU#1 - may
overwrite internal buf[TMPBUFSIZ=8192] if ptr>(8192 - len(hardcoded err
        if (ptr != param)
        ptr = NULL;


    ptr = escape_string(param, isjson);         //#! VU #1 - same here; see
description above (case with valid filename)
    message(io_data, MSG_SAVED, 0, ptr, isjson);
    if (ptr != param)
    ptr = NULL;

* Buffer overwrite for param to command: `failover-only`:

The param to `failover-only` is directly passed to `message()` with message
fmt `"Deprecated config option '%s'"` which
is then passed to `sprintf(buf[TMPFBUFSIZ=8192], "Deprecated config option
'%s'", param[can_be_>TMPBUFSIZ])`. `param` can
be close to 8191 bytes (minus command encoding overhead ~15bytes). The
message template `MSG_DEPRECATED` is already 27 bytes
without `%s` being filled in. An attacker providing at least > 8191-27 bytes
as param to this command will therefore make
`sprintf` write past the stack buffer `buf[TMPBUFSIZ=8192]` in `message()`.

 { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_DEPRECATED, PARAM_STR,   "Deprecated config option
'%s'" },    //#! VU #1 - sprintf fmt with unbound param %s. can be any

static void failoveronly(struct io_data *io_data, __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE
c, char *param, bool isjson, __maybe_unused char group)
    message(io_data, MSG_DEPRECATED, 0, param, isjson);     //#! VU #1 -
param can be > TMPBUFSIZE (hardcoded stack buffer for sprint destination in

* Buffer overwrite for param to command: `poolquota`

 { SEVERITY_ERR,   MSG_CONVAL,  PARAM_STR,      "Missing config value N for
'%s,N'" },     //#! VU #1 - sprintf fmt with unbound param %s. can be any

static void poolquota(struct io_data *io_data, __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c,
char *param, bool isjson, __maybe_unused char group)

    comma = strchr(param, ',');
    if (!comma) {
        message(io_data, MSG_CONVAL, 0, param, isjson);     //#! VU #1 -
sprintf buffer overwrite similar to other commands


#### VU #2 - (CVE-2018-10057) Authenticated path traversal: save

When calling api command `save` the `parameter` is passed to `dosave(.., ..,
param, ...)` which calls `fopen(param)` on
the unsanitized/unvalidated user provided parameter. This allows for
absolute and relative path traversal allowing to
save the current configuration (json) to any location provided with the
request parameter (user provided).

void dosave(struct io_data *io_data, __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c, char
*param, bool isjson, __maybe_unused char group)
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    FILE *fcfg;
    char *ptr;

    if (param == NULL || *param == '\0') {
        param = filename;

    fcfg = fopen(param, "w");                            //#! VU #2 - param
not filtered; abs path traversal
    if (!fcfg) {
        ptr = escape_string(param, isjson);
        message(io_data, MSG_BADFN, 0, ptr, isjson);
        if (ptr != param)
        ptr = NULL;


    ptr = escape_string(param, isjson);         //#! VU #2 - same here; see
description above (case with valid filename)
    message(io_data, MSG_SAVED, 0, ptr, isjson);
    if (ptr != param)
    ptr = NULL;

#### VU #3 - Unauthenticated Information Disclosure: banner / various
commands leaking details

As seen on shodan and similar search engines cgminer/bfgminer trivially
leaks valuable information in its server banner
*invalid command* as well as a series of other commands available in
*readonly* mode.

Note: use `poc.py <target>` to enumerate available commands for readonly

```STATUS=E,When=1518898313,Code=14,Msg=Invalid command,Description=cgminer

#### VU #4 - Misc

The API interface (custom tcp socket comm) does not provide any transport

See PoC ref github.

Proof of Concept

* compatible AMD/NVidia hardware
* an isolated target machine to verify the vulnerability

Usage: poc.py

      example: poc.py [options] <target> [<target>, ...]

               --no-capabilities    ...   do not check for supported
commands [default:False]
               --havoc              ...   probe all commands for buffer
               --vector=<vector>    ...   <see vectors> - launch specific
attack vector

      vector   ...  crash_addpool   ...   crash addpool command
                    crash_failover  ...   crash failover-only command
                    crash_poolquota ...   crash poolquota command
                    crash_save      ...   crash save command
                    traverse_save   ...   path traversal in save command

      target   ... <IP, FQDN:port>

               #> poc.py
               #> poc.py
               #> poc.py --vector=crash_addpool
               #> poc.py --havoc

      To reproduce launch cgminer in this mode:
      #> ./cgminer -D --url ltc-eu.give-me-coins.com:3334 --api-listen -T -u
a -p a --api-allow 0/0

// -- %< -- output omitted -- see
https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2018-10058 for


* Timeline

02/25/2018 - vendor contact: report sent to cgminer / bfgminer
02/26/2018 - vendor response (cgminer):
    ACK'd that the informtion was received.
  vendor response (bfgminer):
    VU #1: Minor since it only applies to trusted connections. Will plan to
fix in the next release (do you have a patch already?).
    VU #2: Intended behaviour, not a bug.
    VU #3: Not a vulnerability. All information "leaked" is non-sensitive.
    VU #4: I do not consider this to be a vulnerability. The interface is
only intended for use on trusted networks.
03/05/2018 - request for update on patch timeline (cgminer and bfgminer)
  vendor response (cgminer)
    no update yet
  vendor response (bfgminer)
    - no response -
06/03/2018 - public disclosure

* Vendor Changelog

06/03/2018 - *still not fixed* and no signs of this ever being tackled
therefore public disclosure


[1] https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminer/releases
[2] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=28402.0
[3] https://github.com/luke-jr/bfgminer
[4] http://bfgminer.org/
[5] https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=877081



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