oss-sec mailing list archives

Portus, missing certificate validation on proxified https traffic

From: Raphael Geissert <atomo64 () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018 14:34:06 +0100


Taking another look at portus, this time at the nginx sample
configuration[1], I noticed that it doesn't enable certificate
validation of the proxified traffic that is forwarded to portus and

Given that the documentation claims the examples are of "A
production-ready setup where all communication is encrypted."[2], I
plan to request a CVE id.

The details:

The example nginx configuration is based on running nginx as a
reverse-proxy of portus and (docker) registry. The docker-compose
provided along the nginx config sets up a certificate[3] for both
components (first smell: only one certificate).

The one an only certificate is also configured on the reverse proxy,
and a decent ciphers list among other security-related http headers
are setup.

But there's no single proxy_ssl_* directive in the whole nginx
configuration (second smell). Meaning that proxy_ssl_verify is off
(nginx default).

Has anyone reviewed portus? this is the second missing certificate
verification I noticed.

CC'ing the SUSE security team.

Oh and it appears that this one comes from the
Portus-On-OracleLinux7[4] repo from which "[they] borrowed a lot of
the NGinx configuration"[2] :

CC'ing Avi Miller.

[4] https://github.com/Djelibeybi/Portus-On-OracleLinux7

Raphael Geissert

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