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Many issues in "module" / "track" music decoders...

From: Lionel Debroux <lionel_debroux () yahoo fr>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 23:30:38 +0100

Hash: SHA512


Another family of decoders for a bunch of old, complex binary music
formats, whose code bases are written in C/C++ and originate in the
1990s, has received more or less advertised fixes for many security
issues over the past few years.
The issues are mostly DoS (divide by zero, heap-based / wild OOB
reads), but a number of stack-based and heap-based memory corruptions
can be found in the mix. Some issues remain unfixed.
These decoders usually run outside a sandbox, one of them is widely
distributed (not just on *nix). Patching (especially backports of
fixed versions to older, still maintained distros) is insufficient,
as is usage and packaging of the newer, more secure and more accurate
decoders (libopenmpt, libxmp). That might be partially because few of
the "recently" fixed issues received CVEs.

Detailed description
The "old, complex binary music formats" I'm referring to are module /
track files. Most of these formats were created in the 1980s and 1990s,
sometimes as part of intros / demos; the most popular formats are MOD,
S3M, XM and IT.
Track music is less popular nowadays, but they can still be decoded by
many Windows, MacOS X, Linux, *BSD desktop computers thanks to VLC,
GStreamer and others. There are large collections of freely downloadable
modules, e.g. ModArchive.

Portable C/C++ code bases readily usable on modern Linux / *BSD distros
which deal with these formats include:
* players: libmodplug, libmikmod, libxmp, libopenmpt, libdumb, Open
Cubic Player, as well as the closed-source libbass;
* trackers (editors + players): OpenMPT (through Wine), Milky Tracker,
Schism Tracker.
All of the open source code bases are maintained by volunteers on their
spare time, AFAICT.

Decoders for popular image, music and video formats have received, and
still receive, their share of fuzzing work, yielding a steady stream of
fixes. Likewise, fuzzing is behind many of the recent fixes on module

Sadly, the availability of:
* fixed versions of libmodplug ( + fixes in Git), libmikmod
(3.3.11+), libxmp (nowadays 4.4.x) and libdumb (2.0.x);
* libopenmpt (nowadays 0.3), which was derived from the original ModPlug
as well, loses several minor features, but provides better rendering
accuracy than libmodplug, higher robustness as a result of design +
implementation changes followed by long, deep fuzzing rounds, and also a
perfect compatibility layer for libmodplug's C API (I gather that
deviations in the C API compat layer would be considered bugs by
libopenmpt maintainers)
remains limited downstream, especially on older distros.
Many projects still depend on libmodplug (VLC, GStreamer, etc.) or
libmikmod, whereas, as mentioned above, libopenmpt and nowadays libxmp
do better jobs. FWIW (the data is imperfect), the popularity of
libmodplug in Debian's popcon rivaled that of the X server libraries in
late 2016...

Summary of the timeline
* 2015, 2016: libxmp received multiple fuzzing rounds, at least by
myself (zzuf for the first round, afl later) and Jonathan Neuschäfer
(afl); the hard-working maintainer Claudio Matsuoka made fixes for
issues uncovered by fuzzing and issues reported by Coverity Scan. He
also improved the rendering accuracy further, beating libmodplug at e.g.
Saga Musix's (one of the OpenMPT maintainers) complex IT files;

* probably 2015: I tried several broken files generated by old fuzzing
rounds on Open Cubic Player, found a crash but failed to report it;

* November 2016: Hanno Böck sent a patch for issues in libmodplug found
by using an asan build;

* December 2016 - January 2017: I fuzzed libxmp, libmodplug, libmikmod
and libopenmpt with afl, and the closed-source libbass with afl and
honggfuzz in dumb mode. I reported the issues upstream.
Only libopenmpt didn't segfault; the only issue I had with it was when
it attempted to commit (not just allocate) 5+ GB of RAM to play a broken
file... fortunately, the Linux OOM killer kicked in quickly, and the
host computer didn't suffer much, but that was still DoS. It doesn't
seem to occur anymore in newer versions on that sample.
There were few libxmp crashes, too. However, libmikmod crashed quite a
bit, and libmodplug crashed more, with evidence of memory corruption
(bitter complaints from the memory allocator and valgrind). At some
point, afl-fuzz's map coverage suddenly jumped to 100%; this was the
only time I experienced such behaviour in core-years of fuzzing runs,
and libmodplug definitely wasn't the only memory-corrupting code base.

* January 2017: I wrote privately to Debian Security + package
maintainers, SUSE Security, VLC Security, GStreamer Security, Hanno Böck
about libmodplug's issues. In February, to avoid potential fuzzing work
duplication before fixes appeared, I notified Agostino Sarubbo.
One of the visible effects was the packaging of libopenmpt's libmodplug
compat layer, and the Debian VLC package being switched to build against
that compat layer, in time for the Stretch release - AFAICT (and
unsurprisingly) without ill effects. libmodplug's popularity dropped a
hundred spots in Debian popcon (number of installs), but it's still
within the top 1000, on nearly half of the small subset of Debian-
running computers which report to popcon.
Under the current Debian sid, the libavformat57 package depends on
libopenmpt0, i.e. FFmpeg seems to have switched to libopenmpt.

* 2017: new releases of libmodplug, libmikmod containing fixes for
issues I reported. The libmodplug Git repository contains a bunch of
additional fixes for less severe issues, not yet part of a release.

* April 2017: I requested CVEs to DWF for a subset of the issues fixed
by libmodplug For multiple reasons, including my own sloppiness
(in August, sitting for ~3 weeks on Kurt Seifried's e-mail requesting
commit IDs for the fixes, hoping that the libmodplug maintainer would
have some time to push a new release in the meantime), they don't seem
to have been assigned yet.

* August - September 2017: I used afl on the original, unmaintained
libdumb packaged by Debian and others, and kode54's newer libdumb fork
packaged basically nowhere. kode54 quickly fixed the crashes I reported
and produced new releases. Allegro depends on libdumb. I do not yet have
data on the accuracy of kode54/libdumb.

* early October 2017: I tried some broken files from old fuzzing rounds
in Milky Tracker and Schism Tracker, and sure enough, they don't like it
either: segfaults, memory allocator aborts upon corruption. Reported
upstream alongside the crash in Open Cubic Player.
The Schism Tracker and Milky Tracker maintainers acknowledged receipt.
The latter pointed to Jonathan Neuschäfer's issue from over two years
ago: https://github.com/milkytracker/MilkyTracker/issues/35
A month later, no fixes have appeared yet in any of the Git

* early November 2017: this post, only ~30 days after the initial
reports to three upstreams, but 300+ days after the initial reports to
the most popular upstreams, and more than 120 days after versions of
libmodplug and libmikmod fixing the most pressing issues were released.

Several notes
* unsurprisingly, the well-known FLOSS maintainership sustainability
problem occurs for module / track handling code as well: while
maintainers do try to go out of their way to fix issues, they can only
spend so much time on the FLOSS projects they're maintaining. Large
batches of issues found by fuzzers usually represent a significant,
sometimes too large, strain on their resources;
* more patching is needed, especially for older distros, which consumes
packager and security maintainer resources;
* more fuzzing is warranted, especially for the most popular targets,
which have stripped-down load-only modes, and could efficiently be
integrated into the likes of OSS-Fuzz. However, fuzzing does limited
good when maintainers can't spend enough time to deal with the fallout;
* sandboxing would arguably be useful, and lack thereof is partially,
 well, a maintainer resource issue...

* Sam Hocevar and others for zzuf, Michal Zalewski for afl, Robert
Święcki for honggfuzz;
* Hanno Böck for TFP and associated work, as well as the disclosure
process for one of the first batches of vulnerabilities I found with
a fuzzer, in Oracle Berkeley DB;
* the upstream maintainers, and downstream packagers, of the libraries
and programs I fuzzed;
* security teams;
* other persons who were part of / aware of this journey :)

Lionel Debroux.


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