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Unauthenticated Stored XSS Vulnerability in Wordpress plugin gift-certificate-creator v1.0

From: "Larry W. Cashdollar" <larry0 () me com>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2017 13:45:49 -0400

Title: Unauthenticated Stored XSS Vulnerability in Wordpress plugin gift-certificate-creator v1.0
Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0
Date: 2017-05-15
Download Site: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gift-certificate-creator/
Vendor: Bob Cares https://bobcares.com/
Vendor Notified: 2017-05-17
Vendor Contact: plugins () wordpress org
Advisory: http://www.vapidlabs.com/advisory.php?v=191
Description: Gift Certificate Creator WordPress plugin allows you to manage gift certificates on your website. In a 
convenient front-end UI provided by this plugin, your site visitors can enter the amount and user details. On form 
submission, the user details will be sent to the administrator. Also, the administrator can view the list of all the 
certificate requests.
Publically accessible pages that are using the shortcode ‘[gift_certificate_form]’ allow any user to add gift 
certificate entries into the database.  These entries are listed by the Wordpress administrator when visiting the 
plugin admin page.  This action is performed by gc-list.php which doesn't sanitize the entries before
displaying them.   This allows malicious javascript to be injected into the WordPress database. 

In file giftcertificates.php 
141:    if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Submit') {
144:        //if (!empty($_REQUEST['cert_amount']) && !empty($_REQUEST['cc_number']) && 
!empty($_REQUEST['cc_sec_code'])) {
145:            if (!empty($_REQUEST['cert_amount']) && !empty($_REQUEST['cc_sec_code'])) {
147:            $gcmObj->createNewGCM($_REQUEST);
149:            writeLog(" amount ".$_REQUEST['cert_amount']." and email ".$_REQUEST['cc_sec_code']." are posted 
successfully", basename(__LINE__), basename(__FILE__));
152:            $gcmObj->sendGCMReportEmail(GC_MAIL_TO, GC_MAIL_FROM, GC_MAIL_SUBJECT, $_REQUEST);
153:            $_REQUEST = array();
212-    <form method="get" name="gc_form" action="">
213-        <table class='gc_form'>
214-            <tr>
215-                <th>Certificate Amount:</th>
216:                <td><input type="text" name="cert_amount" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['cert_amount']; ?>" 
placeholder ="$"></td>
217-            </tr>
218-            <tr>
219-                <th>Your Name:</th>
220:                <td><input type="text" name="user_name" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['user_name']; ?>"> 
221-            </tr>
222-            <tr>
223-                <th>Recipient Name:</th>
224:                <td><input type="text" name="receip_name" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['receip_name']; ?>"> 
225-            </tr>
226-            <tr>
227-                <th>Recipient Email:</th>
228:                <td><input type="text" name="cc_sec_code" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['cc_sec_code']; ?>"></td>
229-            </tr>
230-            <tr>
231-                <th>Recipient Address:</th>
232:                <td><textarea name="receip_address" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['receip_address']; ?>"></textarea>
233-            </tr>
234-            <tr>
235-                <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="action"></td>
236-            </tr>
237-        </table>

Exploit Code:
        • $ curl 

Notes: Inject a BeEF hook even.

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