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[ANNOUNCE][CVE-2016-5019] Apache MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.15 released

From: Mike Kienenberger <mkienenb () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 11:50:11 -0400

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of Apache
MyFaces Trinidad 1.2.15.

MyFaces Trinidad is a feature-rich renderkit for JavaServer(tm) Faces
that provides an extendibles framework and extensive skinning support.
This version is designed to be used with the JSF 1.2 specification and
works with either Mojarra or MyFaces.

Trinidad’s CoreResponseStateManager both reads and writes view state
strings using
ObjectInputStream/ObjectOutputStream directly.  By doing so, Trinidad
bypasses the
view state security features provided by the JSF implementations - ie. the view
state is not encrypted and is not MAC’ed.  Trinidad’s
CoreResponseStateManager will
blindly deserialize untrusted view state strings, which makes Trinidad-based
applications vulnerable to deserialization attacks.

Apache MyFaces Trinidad is available in both binary and source
distributions, and there are examples available as well:

    * http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/download.html

Apache MyFaces Trinidad is available in the central Maven repository
under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.trinidad"

Release Notes - MyFaces Trinidad - Version 1.2.15

    [TRINIDAD-2542] - CVE-2016-5019: MyFaces Trinidad view state
deserialization security vulnerability

    [TRINIDAD-195] - Two requests at the same time throw an exception
when the server just started
    [TRINIDAD-943] - handle session timeout
    [TRINIDAD-1683] - client-side convertNumber causes loss of precision
    [TRINIDAD-1804] - Resources not found(404) errors
    [TRINIDAD-1960] - NullPointerException in
    [TRINIDAD-2009] - tr:table selectAll also selects disabled chekcboxes
    [TRINIDAD-2017] - Trinidad statemananger needs to store everything
on the client, when HTML_Basic is used, in combination with standard
client-side state-saving
    [TRINIDAD-2021] - Wrong behavior in TrNumberFormat
    [TRINIDAD-2023] - CheckSerializationConfigurator should use the
Trinidad specific ObjectInputStream (ObjectInputStreamResolveClass)
    [TRINIDAD-2024] - UIXCollection holding only to application data
    [TRINIDAD-2028] - Should reset value on component at the beginning of decode
    [TRINIDAD-2033] - trh:tableLayout tag doc should call out
table-layout:fixed as desirable for programmatically-resizable cell
    [TRINIDAD-2036] - While ResourceServlet references files of type
"ico", they won't load because CoreRenderKitResourceLoader doesn't
register them
    [TRINIDAD-2039] - Icons are created if the string for the resource
is an empty string in Trinidad 1.2
    [TRINIDAD-2045] - UIXCollection should release the reference to
the model at the very end of processSaveState
    [TRINIDAD-2047] - UIXCollection saves the stamp state when there is no stamp
    [TRINIDAD-2048] - ComponentUtils.getScopedIdForComponent() is not
producing consistent scoped IDs for components relocated during tag
    [TRINIDAD-2051] - NPE in BAseChangeManager
    [TRINIDAD-2057] - UIXTree/UIXTreeTable/UIXTable RowKeySets require
that their attributes are only fetched when the component is in
    [TRINIDAD-2061] - add a utility method in PartialPageUtils to send
a <noop/> ppr response
    [TRINIDAD-2097] - tr:selectOneListBox - item not selected - wrong
item of selected item returned by SimpleSelectOneRenderer.resolveIndex
    [TRINIDAD-2110] - workaround for jsf portlet bridge 2.0 nullviewstatetoken
    [TRINIDAD-2173] - tr:table component renders navigation bar
wrongly for unknown row count


    [TRINIDAD-1729] - provide a hook for for an external decorator of
Skin InputStreamProvider

New Feature

    [TRINIDAD-1457] - Need the ability to bypass the Cache on ResourceServlet
    [TRINIDAD-2062] - Need to add a utility method to
ExternalContextUtils to get the writer from the ExternalContext


Mike Kienenberger

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