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CVE request:Exponent CMS 2.3.9 Unrestricted File Upload RCE and Local File include vulnerability

From: "DM_" <contact () x0day me>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2016 10:08:21 +0800


This is YongXiao Ma of Silence's PKAV Team. I reported some security issues to ExponentCMS some days ago. 

# Test environment
exponent version: latest 2.3.9
php: 5.5.x
server: apache 2.2.x

# Details

1. Unrestricted File Upload
there is a unrestricted file upload issue at framework/modules/forms/controllers/formsController.php and the upload 
file is located at /tmp/, where php script can be executed.

although we dont know file name, but we can brute it simply, such as time() + "_" + upload name.

    public function import_csv_mapper() {
        //Check to make sure the user filled out the required input.
        if (!is_numeric($this->params["rowstart"])) {
            $this->params['_formError'] = gt('The starting row must be a number.');
            expSession::set("last_POST", $this->params);
            header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

        if (!empty($this->params['forms_id'])) {
            // if we are importing to an existing form, jump to that step
        } else {
            //Get the temp directory to put the uploaded file
            $directory = "tmp";

            //Get the file save it to the temp directory
            if ($_FILES["upload"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                //      $file = file::update("upload",$directory,null,time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name']);
                $file = expFile::fileUpload("upload", false, false, time() . "_" . $_FILES['upload']['name'], 
$directory.'/'); //FIXME quick hack to remove file model


        <!DOCTYPE html>
method="POST" enctype ="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="upload">       
        <input type="submit" name="submit">


2. LFI

then LFI comes, at exponent-2.3.9/install/popup.php.

    $page = (isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? expString::sanitize($_REQUEST['page']) : '');
    if (is_readable('popups/' . $page . '.php')) {
        include('popups/' . $page . '.php');

so we can upload a php file, then include it to make a RCE again.


3. Unrestricted File Upload and RCE

there is a unrestricted file upload issue at framework/modules/forms/controllers/formsController.php and the upload 
file is located at /tmp/, where php script can be executed.

although we dont know file name, but we can brute it simply, such as time() + "_" + name.

    public function import_csv_mapper() {
        //Check to make sure the user filled out the required input.
        if (!is_numeric($this->params["rowstart"])) {
            $this->params['_formError'] = gt('The starting row must be a number.');
            expSession::set("last_POST", $this->params);
            header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

        if (!empty($this->params['forms_id'])) {
            // if we are importing to an existing form, jump to that step
        } else {
            //Get the temp directory to put the uploaded file
            $directory = "tmp";

            //Get the file save it to the temp directory
            if ($_FILES["upload"]["error"] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                //      $file = file::update("upload",$directory,null,time()."_".$_FILES['upload']['name']);
                $file = expFile::fileUpload("upload", false, false, time() . "_" . $_FILES['upload']['name'], 
$directory.'/'); //FIXME quick hack to remove file model


        <!DOCTYPE html>
method="POST" enctype ="multipart/form-data">
        <input type="file" name="upload">       
        <input type="submit" name="submit">


# Patches


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