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Fwd: Security vulnerability - read out-of-bounds leads to memory leak

From: Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 22:43:19 +0100

Hi CVE-Assignemnt Team,
I would like to request a CVE for a read out-of-bound in little cms which was fixed in the following upstream push
The details of the vulnerability can be found in the forwarded email.

Best Regards
Ibrahim M. El-Sayed
Security Engineer
https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com/ <https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com/>

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com>
Subject: Re: Security vulnerability - read out-of-bounds leads to memory leak
Date: August 15, 2016 at 10:40:15 PM GMT+1
To: LittleCMS Support <info () littlecms com>

On Aug 15, 2016, at 10:32 PM, LittleCMS Support <info () littlecms com <mailto:info () littlecms com>> wrote:


Thanks for reporting, and sorry about the delay. August and a local festivity means everybody on holidays right now.
No worries :)
This is a true bug, so many thanks for uncovering it. I have uploaded a fix to GIT.
Thank you so much!  I can confirm the fix on GIT

After examining the case, it seems to me that the severity is low, since you need a crafted profile and execution of 
code to read the heap, also I have checked it to happen only when a profile is hold in memory. It does not happen 
when the profile is file-based.

I have found the bug basically while fuzzing ImageMagick. The bug was triggered regardless of the command or the 
option was passed to ImageMagick. Given the fact the ImageMagick is deployed heavily on many web servers and the 
exploit is very easy, I give it a bit of a moderate rating just for the context ^^

Many thanks again for uncovering the bug.
Thanks for fixing the bug.

Marti Maria
The LittleCMS project
http://www.littlecms.com <http://www.littlecms.com/>

From: Ibrahim el-sayed [mailto:i.elsayed92 () gmail com <mailto:i.elsayed92 () gmail com>]
Sent: domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016 20:58
To: info () littlecms com <mailto:info () littlecms com>
Subject: Re: Security vulnerability - read out-of-bounds leads to memory leak

On Aug 10, 2016, at 9:44 PM, Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com <mailto:i.elsayed92 () gmail com>> wrote:

Hi guys,
I was fuzzing ImageMagick and I ended up finding a vulnerability in lcms2. The vulnerability is read read-out-of 
bounds which enables me to read most of the data in the heap.

The vulnerabilities exists in cmstypes.c ==> function: Type_MLU_Read
line 1454: if (!_cmsReadUInt32Number(io, &Offset)) goto Error;

The function reads the offset from the provided ICC profile (exactly from location 0x158  to 0x15B in the attached 

line 1460: BeginOfThisString = Offset - SizeOfHeader - 8;
line 1464: mlu ->Entries[i].StrW = (BeginOfThisString * sizeof(wchar_t)) / sizeof(cmsUInt16Number);

We can see from the previous lines that offset is basically used in the assignemnt of mlu->Entries[i].StrW which 
means we can control StrW

To trigger the vulnerability we do the following

icc_profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(data, (cmsUInt32Number) res); // We read the parse the ICC Profile
cmsGetProfileInfoASCII(icc_profile,cmsInfoCopyright, "en","US", info, Buf_Len); // then we read the profile info 
into an ascii buffer

To explain better, the backtrace is

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff7ba2593 in cmsMLUgetASCII (mlu=0x6043a0, LanguageCode=0x400da4 "en", CountryCode=0x400da1 "US", 
Buffer=0x7fffffffd490 "", BufferSize=4096) at cmsnamed.c:378
#1  0x00007ffff7b8c7ae in cmsGetProfileInfoASCII (hProfile=0x6034f0, Info=cmsInfoCopyright, LanguageCode=0x400da4 
"en", CountryCode=0x400da1 "US", Buffer=0x7fffffffd490 "", BufferSize=4096) at cmsio1.c:1021
#2  0x0000000000400c27 in main ()

Inside cmsMLUgetASCII the following line executes
cmsnamed.c:360  Wide = _cmsMLUgetWide(mlu, &StrLen, Lang, Cntry, NULL, NULL); //Wide contains the buffer which will 
be copied from memory after being converted into ascii and returned to the user

_cmsMLUgetWide basically returns the following ptr
cmsnamed.c:324  (wchar_t*) ((cmsUInt8Number*) mlu ->MemPool + v -> StrW);

and we have a control over StrW.

Technically we can read any chunk of data starting from mlu ->MemPool+4 to     mlu ->MemPool+ 0x1ffffffc6

You can find attached,
PoC1 ==> ICC profile that generates a segfault
PoC2 ==> ICC profile that dumps from mlu->MemPool + 0x148 # I can control 0x148 from the limits I mentioned above 
(0x4 - 0x1ffffffc6)
test.c ==> source code that produces the crash


Best Regards
Ibrahim M. El-sayed
Security Engineer
https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com <https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com/>

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