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CVE-Request Buffer overflow ImageMagick

From: Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 19:50:14 +0100

Hi CVE Assignemnt Team,
I would like to request a CVE for a buffer overflow in ImageMagick that was fixed in the following commit:

Details of the vulnerability in the forwarded message:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com>
Subject: Re: Read out-of-bound could lead to memory leak
Date: June 27, 2016 at 3:44:40 AM GMT+1
To: security () imagemagick org

to run the PoC try:
magick convert -clip PoC1  <<<-- This will run the first PoC

On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 3:09 AM, Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com <mailto:i.elsayed92 () gmail com>> wrote:
Hi Imagemagick security team,
The vulnerability gets triggered at
 (void) CopyMagickMemory(attribute,(char *) info,(size_t) count);
The info ptr points at the end of the PoC image. The out-of-bound read occurs when info+count is > image_size. The 
attribute ptr then points to data that is read from the memory.

#9  0x000000000043a5f8 in CopyMagickMemory (destination=0x7f760dd5c010, source=0x239b3b8, size=3878239) at 
#10 0x000000000046f0ff in Get8BIMProperty (image=<optimized out>, key=<optimized out>, exception=<optimized out>) at 
#11 GetImageProperty (image=0x238bf00, property=0x2361c50 "8BIM:1999,2998:#1", exception=0x23580a0) at 
#12 0x0000000000416ceb in ClipImagePath (image=0x238bf00, pathname=0xbb5a89 "#1", inside=<optimized out>, 
exception=0x23580a0) at MagickCore/image.c:723
#13 0x0000000000416b66 in ClipImage (image=0x7f760dd5c010, exception=0x765abe <XDisplayImage+11038>) at 
#14 0x0000000000a40f5d in MogrifyImage (image_info=0x235e4a0, argc=<optimized out>, argv=0x2361858, 
image=0x7ffcf1b60098, exception=0x23580a0) at MagickWand/mogrify.c:1084
#15 0x0000000000aae42e in MogrifyImages (image_info=0x235e4a0, post=MagickTrue, argc=2, argv=0x2361858, 
images=0x7ffcf1b60098, exception=0x23580a0) at MagickWand/mogrify.c:8908

Attached two PoC files:
PoC1: reads 0xff5f extra bytes from the memory
PoC2: reads 0xb0ff5f bytes of the memory (it is likely that this PoC causes a crash because the memory segment isn't 
mapped or doesn't have the correct permissions)

The read out-of-bound could lead to memory leak because the data read is then written into the output image using 
SetImageProperty which is called after the read

The PoC has been tested on
version: ImageMagick 7.0.2-1 Q16 x86_64 2016-06-19 http://www.imagemagick.org <http://www.imagemagick.org/>

Ibrahim M. El-Sayed
Security Engineer
Website: https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com <https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com/>

Ibrahim M. El-Sayed
Security Engineer
Website: https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com <https://www.ibrahim-elsayed.com/>

Begin forwarded message:

From: vir.prudens.non.contra.ventum.mingit () imagemagick org
Subject: Re: Read out-of-bound could lead to memory leak
Date: July 25, 2016 at 1:56:01 AM GMT+1
To: vir.prudens.non.contra.ventum.mingit () imagemagick org, i.elsayed92 () gmail com

Ibrahim el-sayed <i.elsayed92 () gmail com> wrote:

Are you sure you run it the following way:
magick convert -clip PoC1 /dev/null

Thanks for the problem report.  We can reproduce it and will have a patch to fix it in GIT master branch @ 
https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick later today.  The patch will be available in the beta releases of 
ImageMagick @ http://www.imagemagick.org/download/beta/ by sometime tomorrow.

The ImageMagick Development Team

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