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MantisBT: XSS in custom fields management

From: Damien Regad <dregad () mantisbt org>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 02:05:05 +0200


Please assign a CVE ID for the following issue.


An XSS vulnerability was discovered, affecting MantisBT Custom fields management pages. It is caused by unescaped output of 'return URL' GPC parameter, and can be exploited as follows:

1. using 'accesskey' inside hidden input field reflects XSS to the
   administrator in manage_custom_field_edit_page.php when the keyboard
   shortcut is actioned
2. using 'javascript:' URI scheme executes the code when the user clicks
   the [Proceed] link on manage_custom_field_update.php after updating
   a custom field

Both attack vectors have been addressed:

- properly escape the return URL prior to printing it on the hidden form
- let html_operation_successful() sanitize the URL before displaying
  it, just like html_meta_redirect() does. In this case, if the
  string contains an URI scheme, it will be replaced by 'index.php'

Affected versions:
1.2.0 and later (possibly older releases as well - not tested)

Fixed in versions:
- 1.2.20
- 1.3.0-rc.2
As of this writing, these have not been released yet, but both should be available in the next few days.

See Github [1]

The issue was discovered by Kacper Szurek [2] and fixed by Damien Regad
(MantisBT Developer).

Further details available in our issue tracker [3]

Best regards,
D. Regad
MantisBT Developer

[1] http://github.com/mantisbt/mantisbt/commit/5068df2d (1.2.x)
    http://github.com/mantisbt/mantisbt/commit/11ab3d6c (1.3.x)
[2] http://security.szurek.pl/
[3] https://mantisbt.org/bugs/view.php?id=20956

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