oss-sec mailing list archives

Moodle security release 3.0.4, 2.9.6, 2.8.12, 2.7.14

From: Marina Glancy <marina () moodle com>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 17:01:24 +0800

The following security notifications have now been made public
following release of Moodle 3.0.4, 2.9.6, 2.8.12 and 2.7.14. Thanks to
OSS members for their cooperation.

MSA-16-0013: Users are able to change profile fields that were locked by the

Description:       User editing form only disabled the profile fields in UI
                   and did not actually prevent users from editing them
Issue summary:     Tricky users can change locked profile fields
Severity/Risk:     Minor
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.3, 2.9 to 2.9.5, 2.8 to 2.8.11, 2.7 to 2.7.13
                   and earlier unsupported versions
Versions fixed:    3.0.4, 2.9.6, 2.8.12 and 2.7.14
Reported by:       Vadim Dvorovenko
Issue no.:         MDL-53954
CVE identifier:    CVE-2016-3729
Changes (master):

MSA-16-0015: Information disclosure of hidden forum names and sub-names.

Description:       Name of the inaccessible forum or forum discussion could be
                   disclosed as part of the error message on the subscription
Issue summary:     Information disclosure of hidden forum names and sub-names.
Severity/Risk:     Minor
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.3, 2.9 to 2.9.5 and 2.8 to 2.8.11
Versions fixed:    3.0.4, 2.9.6 and 2.8.12
Reported by:       Callum
Issue no.:         MDL-53696
CVE identifier:    CVE-2016-3731
Changes (master):

MSA-16-0016: User can view badges of other users without proper permissions

Description:       Capability check to view other badges was performed for the
                   current user instead for the user whose badges are being
Issue summary:     Badges code checks viewotherbadges capability in the wrong
Severity/Risk:     Minor
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.3, 2.9 to 2.9.5, 2.8 to 2.8.11, 2.7 to 2.7.13
                   and earlier unsupported versions
Versions fixed:    3.0.4, 2.9.6 and 2.8.12
Reported by:       Tim Hunt
Issue no.:         MDL-53589
CVE identifier:    CVE-2016-3732
Changes (master):

MSA-16-0017: Course idnumber not protected from teacher restore

Description:       During the course restore teacher could overwrite idnumber
                   even without having the capability to change it
Issue summary:     Course idnumber not protected from teacher restore
Severity/Risk:     Minor
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.3, 2.9 to 2.9.5, 2.8 to 2.8.11, 2.7 to 2.7.13
                   and earlier unsupported versions
Versions fixed:    3.0.4, 2.9.6, 2.8.12 and 2.7.14
Reported by:       Donna Hrynkiw
Issue no.:         MDL-51369
CVE identifier:    CVE-2016-3733
Changes (master):

MSA-16-0018: CSRF in script marking forum posts as read

Description:       CSRF possible in the URL that marks forum posts as read
Issue summary:     Forum markposts.php missing sesskey check
Severity/Risk:     Minor
Versions affected: 3.0 to 3.0.3, 2.9 to 2.9.5, 2.8 to 2.8.11, 2.7 to 2.7.13
                   and earlier unsupported versions
Versions fixed:    3.0.4, 2.9.6, 2.8.12 and 2.7.14
Reported by:       Andrew Nicols
Issue no.:         MDL-53755
CVE identifier:    CVE-2016-3734
Changes (master):


Marina Glancy
Development Process Manager
e: marina () moodle com
p: +61 8 9467 4167 w: moodle.com

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