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GraphicsMagick Response To "ImageTragick"

From: Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen () simple dallas tx us>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 08:29:40 -0500 (CDT)

[ This is a re-post of what was sent to the GM announcements list ]

This the GraphicsMagick project response to the unfortunate list of
ImageMagick exploits listed on the web site at
https://imagetragick.com/.  While GraphicsMagick forked from
ImageMagick in 2002, it is reasonable to expect that much of the
internal operation and architecture is still similar.  In fact, some
of the claimed exploits (or similar) are relevant to GraphicsMagick.

Based on the current issues described, this is how GraphicsMagick

1. CVE-2016-3714 - Insufficient shell characters filtering

   GraphicsMagick is not susceptible to remote code execution except
   if gnuplot is installed (because gnuplot executes shell commands).
   Gnuplot-shell based shell exploits are possible without a gnuplot
   file being involved although gnuplot invokes the shell.  To fix
   this, the "gplt" entry in the delegates.mgk file must be removed.

2. CVE-2016-3718 - SSRF

   GraphicsMagick has always supported HTTP and FTP URL requests from
   the context of the executing process if it is linked with libxml2.
   There is no sandboxing or policy to determine which HTTP and FTP
   URLs should be allowed/denied because they should only be available
   from outside the system, or in the public space outside
   a "firewall".

3. CVE-2016-3715 - File deletion

   While the syntax is different from ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick does
   support a file specification syntax "tmp:" which causes the input
   file to be deleted after it is read.  This has limited use to hand
   off responsibility for a temporary file to another process in order
   to assure that the temporary file will be deleted once it is no
   longer needed.  This feature will removed since it is not actually
   necessary any more.

4. CVE-2016-3716 - File moving

    This is a two-factor attack and is actually file copying.  It is
    not successful using GraphicsMagick.  MSL is an XML-based "script"
    format which should never be allowed to be submitted and invoked
    by an untrusted party.

5. CVE-2016-3717 - Local file read

    GraphicsMagick supports a "txt:" file specification syntax which
    enables rendering all the lines of a text file as an image.  There
    is also a "label:" file specification syntax which is capable of
    rendering only the first line of a file.  Files ending with
    extension ".txt" are automatically rendered into an image.  The
    main concern with this is that sensitive data in a text file might
    become rendered as an image on a web site.

    Using an uploaded manual page with file extension ".man" or by
    reading with "man:filename", the 'man' delegate can be used to
    render any file on the system into Postscript if 'groff' is

To resolve these concerns, several patches which should apply across
most GraphicsMagick 1.3.XX releases have been developed and are

1. Remove automatic detection/execution of MVG based on file header or
   file extension. [disable-mvg-ext.patch]

2. Remove the ability to cause an input file to be deleted based on a
   filename specification. [disable-tmp-magick-prefix.patch]

3. Improve the safety of delegates.mgk by removing gnuplot support,
   removing manual page support, and by adding -dSAFER to all
   ghostscript invocations. [delegates-safer.patch]

4. Sanity check the MVG image primitive filename argument to assure
   that "magick:" prefix strings will not be interpreted.  Please note
   that this patch will break intentional uses of magick prefix
   strings in MVG and so some MVG scripts may fail.  We will search
   for a more flexible solution. [image-sanity-check.patch]

Please address any concerns to me (Bob Friesenhahn
<bfriesen () simple dallas tx us>).

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen () simple dallas tx us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

Attachment: delegates-safer.patch

Attachment: disable-mvg-ext.patch

Attachment: disable-tmp-magick-prefix.patch

Attachment: image-sanity-check.patch

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