oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: RE: Concerns about CVE coverage shrinking - direct impact to researchers/companies

From: "Zach W." <kestrel () trylinux us>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 17:45:40 -0800

I agree. I've been in the same boat as Hanno. In one case, I even sent a
request to both oss-sec and cve-assign about an open source platform
called OSMC, and got a response off-list that was just like the one seen
in Kurt's original email. I asked for clarification and for them to
address both me and the list and I never got a response. That was over a
month ago.

I'm sure Hanno and I are not the only ones. Thank you Kurt for bringing
this up.

Zach W.

On 3/4/2016 4:07 PM, Tim wrote:
The level of frustration in the research community has been growing,
with steady calls for a new CVE-like solution that is designed to
address these needs in a more effective way. I greatly appreciate the
work that has been done, but at this point CVE is becoming less
useful, less relevant - if this isn't addressed, my expectation is
that a CVE-like solution will be adopted by the community, and
researchers will begin moving away from requesting CVEs.

The CVE system is clearly breaking down.

I think we need a system that is less moderated and more content
driven.  I imagine a simple site, which looks like a stripped-down bug
tracker.  Let's suppose it acts like this:

* Any researcher can post "claims" about vulnerabilities.  This
  assigns an identifier immediately.

* Claims about vulnerabilities may be reviewed, eventually, by an
  authority whose job it is to be sure the claim is associated
  properly with a real product/version and that the product owners are
  notified through an automated process (e.g. "security@...").

* Product owners can respond to claims, which will appear along side
  the claim.  Links to patches or refutations can be included.

* No moderation required.  Let the public decide if they believe the
  researcher or vendor.  If a moderator does bother to look over the
  content, they could deduplicate/link issues together and address any
  confusion, but beyond that, it isn't their job to decide what is a
  vulnerability and what isn't.

* All information posted in this system exists publicly forever.
  Links to external content (that isn't well represented in the
  posting) are frowned upon, since the Internet Archive clearly can't
  keep up with everything.  We need an archive that doesn't go away.

Ok, beat it up.


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