oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE request for wget

From: Austin English <austinenglish () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 15:39:49 -0500

This was reported to tails-dev [1] and other places [2] and is fixed
upstream [3].

I've rebased the patch for 1.13.4 (attached), which is the current
version in Debian wheezy [4] that Tails is based on.

Please keep me in CC, as I'm not subscribed.

[1] https://mailman.boum.org/pipermail/tails-dev/2015-August/009370.html
[2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2015-08/msg00020.html
[3] http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/wget.git/commit/?id=075d7556964f5a871a73c22ac4b69f5361295099
[4] https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/wget

Attachment: ftp_rediff.txt

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